Author Topic: KAT Quantum (Pre-IC Feedback)  (Read 3909 times)

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Offline Bobatype

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KAT Quantum (Pre-IC Feedback)
« on: Mon, 07 December 2020, 08:39:29 »
IC was posted here, so wander over there for updates. Thanks for coming by!

“Welcome to Aperture, you're here because we want the best, and you're it.
Couldn't keep a straight face.”


This is a keycap set design based on my favourite puzzle game, and as such holds significant personal meaning to me.
Whilst I await formal renders on boards, I’d like to gather some data prior to posting an official interest check thread to screen for any issues.
This is my first solo run at a keycap design project, so feel free to be gentle... or rough. I appreciate all feedback.
Please note that this set was originally conceived in Cherry profile, but I have felt KAT kitting was better at supporting obscurer kits where the split colour concept can shine. PBT is more affordable for cool novelties, and there's a plethora of GMK sets already. I am also contacting Valve to see if official licensing is possible, so we'll see if they respond and if I need to revise my novelties depending on that process.

[DISCLAIMER: Renders are not my forte, so for now, renders are displayed in cherry profile, with GMK-style legends as they were the quickest way to display the colourway concept.  Renders with KAT caps with centered legends will be made soon in the coming days. I am also half-debating whether or not to follow KAT Refined's route of adopting top-left alignment versus the typical centered alignment. So watch this space when I throw up comparisons for feedback.

Rukia by Jaxxstatic. Render by Pseudoalpaca of KAT Space Dust


CAKE <Novelties>
- Novelties are WIP -

LANGUAGE  <Alphas>
“We just got the results from that last test: You are a horrible person. That's what it says. A horrible person.
We weren't even testing for that."

Latin (Lab Edition) - “Lab”

Latin (Control Group Edition) - “Control”

Latin (Gel Edition) - “Gel” [AKA Tidepod Edition]

MODULES  <Modifiers 65%->100%>
"I've thought about our dilemma, and I came up with a solution that I honestly think works out well for one of both of us."

Icons  (Lab) - “Caution Signs”

Text (Lab) - “Science”

Icon (Gel) - "Repulsion"

Text (Gel) - "Propulsion"

"I punched those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face."

0-9 (Lab Edition) - “Velocity”

0-9 (Gel Edition) - “Physics”

" Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! I'm in space!"
(Lab Edition) - “White”

(Gel Edition) - “Blorange”

- WIP - Requires revision -

<40s, Orthos, Ergos, Iso etc.>
“You might have a minor case of serious brain damage”

※ Gravity <40s>
Icon (Lab)

Icon (Gel)

//Text options may be culled depending on interest
Text (Lab)

Text (Gel)

※ Chamberlock <Ortholinear>
Icon (Lab)

Icon (Gel)

//Text options may be culled depending on interest
Text (Gel)

Text (Gel)

※ Asbestos <Ergodox>
Icon (Lab)

Icon (Gel) - WIP

※ Turrets <Mac>

//Text option may be culled depending on interest

※ PotatOS <Iso>


<Nordic, Spanish, German, Russian, Colemak>
//This section will shift depending on polls as I am aiming to keep total number of kits <30
※ Neurotoxin <Nordic>


※ Slow Clap <Spanish>

※ Lab Rat <German>

※ <Colevrak+>
(Lab) - WIP - Requires revision -

(Control) - WIP -

<Desk Mats>
“Hmm this plate must have not been calibrated to someone of your... Generousness... I'll add a few zeroes to the maximum weight. You look great by the way, very healthy. Try it now”

- Note these are still mainly concepts, and subject to further refinement -


- TBD -
- TBD -

“In dangerous testing environments, the Enrichment Center promises to always provide useful advice. For instance, the floor here will kill you. Try to avoid it.”

[Unconfirmed; for smaller regions there are few vendor options and I have already made contact with them]
NA: - TBD -
CA: - TBD -
OCE: - TBD - (Likely DailyClack)
EU: - TBD -
SEA: - TBD -
SA (South America)  - TBD - (Likely Fancycustoms)
Non EU (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus) - TBD - (Likely Funkeys)
South Korea - TBD - (Likely Swagkeys)

“Last poor son of a gun got blue paint. Broke every bone in his body. Tragic. But informative.”
This set originally was conceived as GMK, using their stock colours to minimise costs; since moving to KAT I have decided to keep the original colour codes as is

“I have your brain scanned & permanently backed up in case something terrible happens to you. Don't believe me? Here. I'll put you on. 'Helloooo'. That's you. That's how dumb you sound.”

“We've both said a lot of things that you're going to regret.”

Get the jump on earlier updates:
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“Thank you - I can't believe I'm thanking these people - for staggering your way through Aperture Science's Propulsion Gel testing. You've made some real contributions to society for a change, and for that, humanity is grateful."

Special thanks to the following test subjects:
※ Misono for assistance with Illustrator and kitting
※ Pseudoalpaca for assistance with renders (the non-concept ones) - co-designer of KAT Space Dust -
※ Konstantin and NoPunin10ded - I gleaned lots of kitting information indirectly and directly from their contributions to other sets. All mistakes here are mine however as I tried to gung-ho some of these KAT kits by myself (and now need to clean up).
※ Icons used for modifiers: OneCreativeMind, JSaintS, Konstantin
※ The mad geniuses behind one of my favourite games

“Most people emerge from suspension terribly undernourished. I want to congratulate you on beating the odds and somehow managing to pack on a few pounds.”

Profile signature:
Code: [Select]

“Congratulations. The test is now over. All Aperture technologies remain safely operational up to 4000 degrees Kelvin. Rest assured, there is absolutely no chance of a dangerous equipment malfunction prior to your victory candescence. Thank you for participating in this Aperture Science computer-aided enrichment activity. Goodbye.”

<3 BobaSweatandTears
"He's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron that ever lived."

Disclaimer: all witty quotes belong to original reference source material
« Last Edit: Mon, 28 December 2020, 23:05:49 by bobasweatandtears »

Offline Bobatype

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Re: KAT Quantum (Pre-IC Feedback)
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 07 December 2020, 08:42:42 »

Offline frasnow

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Re: KAT Quantum (Pre-IC Feedback)
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 07 December 2020, 22:21:09 »
There you are!

Offline Bobatype

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Re: KAT Quantum (Pre-IC Feedback)
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 07 December 2020, 22:29:09 »
There you are!
Thanks for dropping by. This sub-forum does seem to have a lack of activity compared to the IC one, so I might move over to the IC channel soon, even though it is full of scary critiques, it'll help improve the set design.

Offline wolverine92

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Re: KAT Quantum (Pre-IC Feedback)
« Reply #4 on: Mon, 07 December 2020, 23:32:39 »
 Really digging the ortho gel set. Only suggestion is to have one blank of each blue/orange color for each row.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

Offline yui

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Re: KAT Quantum (Pre-IC Feedback)
« Reply #5 on: Tue, 08 December 2020, 01:41:27 »
i really like the portal franchise but i am a bit scared that your novelties may infringe on valve's IP there, although plenty have done it before without Valve taking any actions so... you do you just kinda felt like it could become a problem further down the road.
an other issue that i could see with your novelties is the very fine details in some of them, i have never ran a set and do not work at keyreative, but i suspect that those will be a pain to reproduce reliably (mostly the cores, orange portal gun and deployed turret i think).
otherwise i love the concept, and to be honest maybe the 1st set where i am thinking about getting the novelties.
vi vi vi - the roman number of the beast (Plan9 fortune)

Offline Bobatype

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Re: KAT Quantum (Pre-IC Feedback)
« Reply #6 on: Tue, 08 December 2020, 03:30:17 »
Really digging the ortho gel set. Only suggestion is to have one blank of each blue/orange color for each row.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

Thanks for your kitting advice! I will check out other opinions too on Ortho. Blanks aren't hard to at all.

i really like the portal franchise but i am a bit scared that your novelties may infringe on valve's IP there, although plenty have done it before without Valve taking any actions so... you do you just kinda felt like it could become a problem further down the road.
an other issue that i could see with your novelties is the very fine details in some of them, i have never ran a set and do not work at keyreative, but i suspect that those will be a pain to reproduce reliably (mostly the cores, orange portal gun and deployed turret i think).
otherwise i love the concept, and to be honest maybe the 1st set where i am thinking about getting the novelties.

Hi, thanks for your concern, and I am wary too; fully prepared to cull a few of them if necessary. I am trying to speak to Valve (who knows if they'll reply to my email), so I can run this officially licensed, call it KAT Portal and not have to have a C&D risk hanging over my head.
Due to the nature PBT dyesub, fine details aren't that difficult, however reverse dyesub does bring more concerns. Ultimately when KAT Eternal ends up in people's hands (like mine), we can judge how consistent their process is for legends. I do have some simpler variants of the cores, portal gun and deployed turret novelties as back up if needed.  Thank you for the high praise that this would be the first set you'd consider novelties!

Offline Bobatype

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    • Discord ID: BobaSweatandTears#1659
Re: KAT Quantum (Pre-IC Feedback)
« Reply #7 on: Tue, 08 December 2020, 06:46:53 »
IC was posted ( hence this topic will be locked. Thanks for coming by!