Author Topic: Help me build a 1800 layout keyboard (noob inside)  (Read 6197 times)

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Offline SNG91

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Help me build a 1800 layout keyboard (noob inside)
« on: Sun, 17 January 2021, 13:58:44 »
Hello guys,

After several unsusccessfull attempts over at /r/mk, I finally decided to try my luck on geekhack. So first of all let me tell you im not deep in the rabbit hole (yet).
Im still a noob, so if you have usggestions like just copy that PCB or something I need advisory on how to that stuff, since im fairly sure it will come up.

So my favorite board which I discovered over at /r/mk is the 1800 layout board, however for an ISO user, the available ressources are basically non-existent.
A perfect fit would be for example the KBD19X in ISO format. ( )
Sadly it is out of stock since close to almost a year now.  I have read several times just copy the PCB from geekhack or something along the lines.
I have NEVER ever done that, the farthest im in the MK game is that I have lubed my switches and put film into them PLUS I did some dielectric grease on my stabs. thats it.
So you have to hold my hand  or basically ELI5.  For example this is not okay ( ) there is no
space between the numbpad and the "top line" of keys. this is too cluttered for me. So I do not want a compact 1800 layout baord. As mentioned before the KBD19x would be the right thing would it actually be available ever.

So now to my questions: I have read a lot here that I can just print out my own PCB somehow. Also a case and basically all parts. Since there is no upcming GB (Zambumon SAR is ANSI only) I have decided
to take things into my own hands and just do it. whatever it takes at this point. (and yes I DO need the F-row in seperate keys)

How do I start? whats the first things I should do and/or considers? what are the costs coming at me? I basically have switches, I have keycaps. So I need a case, a pcb and a plate iirc? you tell me, im the noob here :D

I hope you guys can help me.

Greetings spank
« Last Edit: Sun, 17 January 2021, 14:00:21 by SNG91 »

Offline retoid

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Re: Help me build a 1800 layout keyboard (noob inside)
« Reply #1 on: Sun, 17 January 2021, 14:28:59 »
Welcome to Geekhack.

I too am fairly new here and also like the 1800 layout best and ended up buying a Drop Shift (low profile). And am currently working on building my own custom Cherry 1800. Ie. replacing the PCB and switches etc.

The easiest options for you currently would be to grab a pre-made keyboard like the Drop Shift or the Leopold FC980M (or C). I've heard good things about Leopold.
The Drop Shift suffers from a bit of ping, however after lubing my switches and tossing o-rings on each cap, it's pretty much removed the ping sound.

If you want to go custom by making your own PCB etc. Probably the most costly and difficult part is going to be the case. You could potentially have something 3D printed, however you're going to need to design the 3D model around the 1800 layout and to fit your PCB etc. There are a lot of things to think about and design for this approach.

There are a couple of github repo's available for 1800 layouts where you can grab the electrical CAD files and adjust them accordingly to customize to your liking. And there are very helpful tools such as and for setting up the layout and creating the firmware. You're going to need to know how to customize and layout PCB's as well as adjust electrical schematics in order to do this. Although KiCad is free and works great and is pretty easy to learn and there are a lot of tutorials out there for it.

There are also some tutorials out there for building your own custom keyboard from scratch which are helpful. But again, the case is going to be the most difficult thing to deal with unless you're able to find a case for the 1800 layout somewhere. Although I've looked all over and everything 1800 related is pretty much sold out.
You can find Leopold FC980M's on but beware, the two main sellers of them on amazon have screwed me over and never sent me anything, later claiming they have no stock. Another person mentioned they can still be purchased from a Chinese website called Taobao, although the site is confusing to me.

Hopefully this info helps a bit.

Here is a link to the thread I started on the matter:

Offline SNG91

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Re: Help me build a 1800 layout keyboard (noob inside)
« Reply #2 on: Sun, 17 January 2021, 14:50:11 »
Thanks for welcoming me.

I also saw the drop shift( not low profile ). 1) it's sold out, like basically everything in the MK scene :D and 2nd) I dislike it being a compact kind of 1800 layout again. I want space between my alphas and my
F-Row plus the keys above the numbpad, there should be distinguishable space.

The Leopold ISO-DE keyboards are just like (again) everything else in the mk scene, I have never saw them in stock. I have requested an email basically one every vendor who sells them. 980m/pd (whats the difference)

For example if you tell me there are github repos available, I have zero clue what that means :D Sorry, Im a total beginner in this scene and I just wanted a 1800keeb. So would you recommend me downloading software like kbfirmware or KiCad to design my prefered layout?

I'm fairly sure I went through your entire thread and copy/pasted every board they recommended, but ALL of them were ANSI and again sold out.

Thanks for your quick first response :)

Offline retoid

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Re: Help me build a 1800 layout keyboard (noob inside)
« Reply #3 on: Sun, 17 January 2021, 17:31:08 »
Drop Shift is still available on but if it doesn't have enough space between the top row for you, then I suppose that options is out.
Same with FC980M's I found a couple still on Might try it out. However they are not ISO layout. I am afraid for ISO layout 1800's you're either going to have to use an old Cherry G80-1800 customized or wait for a group buy to roll around or build your own.

Github repo means repository. They are storage areas for project files that people share and can allow others to work on if they choose. is all handled on the website and once you set it all up it allows you to download the .hex firmware to be flashed on your micro controller chip.
The rest of the information for creating a custom PCB for the Cherry 1800 can be found on the thread I linked. And you could essentially use that as a guide to alter to your liking.
There is going to be a lot of things you'll need to learn in order to make a custom keyboard though and it's going to take some time. will occasionally have someone selling an 1800 layout keyboard, it's worth checking in there everyone once in a while. And one thing to note is that if it's a designer keyboard, it will likely have the option of allowing ANSI or ISO on the PCB. You would need to swap the switches around.
For example the KBD19X 1800 will allow for ISO I believe.

After a quick search I found one for sale:
However the seller says it's not being detected on his PC. Not sure why, you could PM and ask them about it.
Here is another
You can also post there as a buyer looking to buy one and a seller of one will contact you if they see your post. Have a look through the subreddit, usually some options being posted every so often.
« Last Edit: Sun, 17 January 2021, 17:38:17 by retoid »