Author Topic: [GB] GMK Zooted - Delivering. Extras available now/soon!  (Read 52065 times)

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Offline zea

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #50 on: Mon, 05 July 2021, 22:45:50 »
whatever happened to the deskmats for this set? never saw them for sale anywhere sadge

Offline ja.ze

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #51 on: Thu, 10 March 2022, 07:12:15 »
I see on NK's updates that we're currently on color sampling, how's it going Future? Is the Q3 ETA still realistic?
« Last Edit: Thu, 10 March 2022, 07:19:13 by ja.ze »


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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #52 on: Thu, 10 March 2022, 15:09:56 »
If the colors aren’t done, Q3 is unrealistic. I’d be pretty excited if the set was in my USA hands this year.

Offline ja.ze

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #53 on: Sun, 13 March 2022, 20:17:35 »
I think so too, but then again, zero updates.

Offline LexProf

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #54 on: Sat, 28 May 2022, 13:25:10 »
It would be nice, NK, to please get an update. This has been stuck in color sampling forever, and it is now being listed as Q4 2022 at NK.

Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #55 on: Sat, 28 May 2022, 14:23:49 »
I'm curious what GB/extras numbers turned out to be.

Offline hkhawk

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #56 on: Sat, 28 May 2022, 15:13:23 »
I'm curious what GB/extras numbers turned out to be.


Offline ja.ze

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #57 on: Tue, 31 May 2022, 14:34:30 »
It would be nice, NK, to please get an update. This has been stuck in color sampling forever, and it is now being listed as Q4 2022 at NK.

Got this reply from GMK_Andy, since there's no interest from OP or NK to update anyone. Basically, we're all ****ed until someone makes a decision. I'm considering to cancel my order and just buy something else.

"Hey! Just wanted to comment on this in particular. Regarding Zooted, the color matching process has gone on far longer than expected. This is not something we can control whatsoever if they want to continuously ask for different color samples, this is a decision completely up to the lead vendor (and designer potentially, though we don't interact directly with designers). We only provide samples once they are within our strict tolerances, and are matched by the supplier as well as by us (with this machine - an industry standard used by many industrial manufactures and car makers). If the vendor or designer choose they still want to try a new shade, that is simply not something we have control over. Furthermore, if it seems like they are having trouble, we will point them to some similar colors we have matched in the past as well. I just wanted to clarify this as we calculate a single 2 week color sample turnaround into our estimated timeframe. This is why we strongly, strongly suggest designers and vendors get plastic chip samples or reference multiple calibrated monitors during the design phase, because an order is only officially placed after the vendor approves all colors (so we can begin the sourcing process)."

While that explanation makes sense from their POV, it's ridiculous to think this can take over a year with no ETA in sight. It also means the order hasn't been officially placed. Your money is stuck in limbo.

Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #58 on: Tue, 31 May 2022, 15:58:48 »
This is the reason why group buys should be a thing of the past. It is unacceptable for a vendor to not be updating regularly and stepping in to get things moving. The financial burden needs to move from the consumer to the business ASAP because this is som BS...

Offline mgsickler

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #59 on: Tue, 31 May 2022, 19:06:16 »
It would be nice, NK, to please get an update. This has been stuck in color sampling forever, and it is now being listed as Q4 2022 at NK.

Got this reply from GMK_Andy, since there's no interest from OP or NK to update anyone. Basically, we're all ****ed until someone makes a decision. I'm considering to cancel my order and just buy something else.

"Hey! Just wanted to comment on this in particular. Regarding Zooted, the color matching process has gone on far longer than expected. This is not something we can control whatsoever if they want to continuously ask for different color samples, this is a decision completely up to the lead vendor (and designer potentially, though we don't interact directly with designers). We only provide samples once they are within our strict tolerances, and are matched by the supplier as well as by us (with this machine - an industry standard used by many industrial manufactures and car makers). If the vendor or designer choose they still want to try a new shade, that is simply not something we have control over. Furthermore, if it seems like they are having trouble, we will point them to some similar colors we have matched in the past as well. I just wanted to clarify this as we calculate a single 2 week color sample turnaround into our estimated timeframe. This is why we strongly, strongly suggest designers and vendors get plastic chip samples or reference multiple calibrated monitors during the design phase, because an order is only officially placed after the vendor approves all colors (so we can begin the sourcing process)."

While that explanation makes sense from their POV, it's ridiculous to think this can take over a year with no ETA in sight. It also means the order hasn't been officially placed. Your money is stuck in limbo.

NK is not the lead vendor on this set. However, color samples take time, but this should be wrapping up soon. You can always refer to our latest updates on our product updates page listed here -

Offline ja.ze

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #60 on: Tue, 31 May 2022, 23:53:39 »
My apologies, I thought you were lead. I do however, wonder how over a year can be justified for color sampling.

Offline J3ff_Leopard

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #61 on: Wed, 01 June 2022, 08:41:18 »
My apologies, I thought you were lead. I do however, wonder how over a year can be justified for color sampling.

GMK Dracula took 2 years just for color-matching, iirc. Granted that had like 9 custom colors and this has 3. Futurecrime does have a knack for delivering a stellar end product despite the long wait times. The initial run of DMG was delayed a few times due to color-matching but the end result is near perfect. The good ol days of 10 month turn-around, before pandemic folk started joining GB's without realizing how long they could take.
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Offline mgsickler

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #62 on: Wed, 01 June 2022, 09:13:01 »
My apologies, I thought you were lead. I do however, wonder how over a year can be justified for color sampling.

The justification is wanting to make sure the colors turn out great.

Offline ja.ze

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #63 on: Thu, 02 June 2022, 23:03:55 »
My apologies, I thought you were lead. I do however, wonder how over a year can be justified for color sampling.

The justification is wanting to make sure the colors turn out great.

I don't think anyone starts out a project with a mediocre end product in mind. I do this for a living, also in the peripherals space.

"I just wanted to clarify this as we calculate a single 2 week color sample turnaround into our estimated timeframe." - If the manufacturer themselves state this, then who dropped the ball? Are they disconnected from reality? Or you mean to tell me there have been ~20 iterations of sampling thus far? I would be unemployed if I gave my boss an ETA like this and then just responded that it's still a WIP a year later.

You're (everyone involved) working with other people's money and the vague updates just show that it's still being run like a hobby or a passion project funded by others. Backers are stakeholders, not benefactors.

I'm also not saying anything new either, people in this hobby just seem to have more tolerance with how others take liberties with their money with zero accountability. These are my 2 cents, which hopefully won't be taken as an attack, but as genuine frustration/feedback coming from being in this hobby for 5 years and seeing very little improvement other than overpriced (looking more at Omni, not so much you) in-stock sets of plastic with **** packaging and vague update pages with 5 or so stages; it's clearly more nuanced than that.

I've never had a bad experience with NK, mind you. My problem is with GMK GBs and how they are run.

Offline Neely_12

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #64 on: Fri, 03 June 2022, 00:51:56 »

You're (everyone involved) working with other people's money and the vague updates just show that it's still being run like a hobby or a passion project funded by others. Backers are stakeholders, not benefactors.

This is a hobby... Should it be run like a corporate business strictly to make money? Passion projects made where we are today, and the best people in this community are the people who have made those passion projects without being money hungry.

I completely understand the frustration with the color matching process, but this take isn't it.

Offline ja.ze

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #65 on: Fri, 03 June 2022, 01:37:42 »

You're (everyone involved) working with other people's money and the vague updates just show that it's still being run like a hobby or a passion project funded by others. Backers are stakeholders, not benefactors.

This is a hobby... Should it be run like a corporate business strictly to make money? Passion projects made where we are today, and the best people in this community are the people who have made those passion projects without being money hungry.

I completely understand the frustration with the color matching process, but this take isn't it.

Vendors are a business, they don't run on fun and good intentions. Why should the client assume all the risk with no guarantee or transparency? Take this context into any other business model and tell me it's ok. Once a third party invests their money, it stops being a personal project and turns into a literal purchase and sale agreement which is not being held to the standards it should. In fact, AFAIK, there are no standards, just vague ETAs and disclaimers which basically say "it'll get done eventually".

It's a business which exists because of a hobby, not a hobby that gets the benefit of a business without the obligations (margins are a thing here, aren't they?). Shouldn't vendors hold both designers and manufacturers to a higher standard for their troubles? Until they actually refine the lifecycle from IC to GB, sampling, ordering, manufacture, and delivery in a way that holds everyone accountable, fulfilling GBs will continue to be a ****show.
« Last Edit: Fri, 03 June 2022, 02:02:51 by ja.ze »

Offline mgsickler

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #66 on: Fri, 03 June 2022, 06:40:55 »
I don't think anyone starts out a project with a mediocre end product in mind. I do this for a living, also in the peripherals space.

"I just wanted to clarify this as we calculate a single 2 week color sample turnaround into our estimated timeframe." - If the manufacturer themselves state this, then who dropped the ball? Are they disconnected from reality? Or you mean to tell me there have been ~20 iterations of sampling thus far? I would be unemployed if I gave my boss an ETA like this and then just responded that it's still a WIP a year later.

You're (everyone involved) working with other people's money and the vague updates just show that it's still being run like a hobby or a passion project funded by others. Backers are stakeholders, not benefactors.

I'm also not saying anything new either, people in this hobby just seem to have more tolerance with how others take liberties with their money with zero accountability. These are my 2 cents, which hopefully won't be taken as an attack, but as genuine frustration/feedback coming from being in this hobby for 5 years and seeing very little improvement other than overpriced (looking more at Omni, not so much you) in-stock sets of plastic with **** packaging and vague update pages with 5 or so stages; it's clearly more nuanced than that.

I've never had a bad experience with NK, mind you. My problem is with GMK GBs and how they are run.

I don't want to get into a whole thing here, as I understand the frustration. I really do. I will say, and this is not to throw GMK under the bus as I am sure there is more to it, but we have never received a color sample in 2 weeks. Typically its anywhere from 1 month, up to 4 or more months.

With that said, color sampling is NOT delaying this project. It is still in the queue, and color matching will be done way before its time to start production. Again, I am not the lead vendor here so I do not know the exact communication between designer, vendor, and GMK, but I am pretty sure that they just received (or will be receiving soon) the next color sample. With how close the last ones were, I would assume these will be final.

I also want to note that May was the highest output for GMK ever as a company. So lead times will start to get smaller and smaller as they continue the ramp up that they are on.

In terms of financial aspect, with NovelKeys no one is held hostage with money. They are able to get a full refund at any time if they request one. We do not take out fees when we refund. And just another insight to how we (NovelKeys) operates with GMK sets. When we decide to run a set, we aren't doing it as a Group Buy anymore, we do it as a preorder. Meaning that even if we sold 0, we would still move forward with our order. While the financial boost is definitely nice to place the order with GMK, the main reason I do it as preorders is so that anyone who wanted the keycaps is able to secure their spot.

I said I didnt want to get into a whole thing and then typed out a novel. Again, I understand the frustration with the model. But that model is getting better, and is changing. I would expect to see GMK sets going straight to in stock in 2023.

Offline audax989

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #67 on: Fri, 03 June 2022, 07:11:37 »

You're (everyone involved) working with other people's money and the vague updates just show that it's still being run like a hobby or a passion project funded by others. Backers are stakeholders, not benefactors.

This is a hobby... Should it be run like a corporate business strictly to make money? Passion projects made where we are today, and the best people in this community are the people who have made those passion projects without being money hungry.

I completely understand the frustration with the color matching process, but this take isn't it.

Vendors are a business, they don't run on fun and good intentions. Why should the client assume all the risk with no guarantee or transparency? Take this context into any other business model and tell me it's ok. Once a third party invests their money, it stops being a personal project and turns into a literal purchase and sale agreement which is not being held to the standards it should. In fact, AFAIK, there are no standards, just vague ETAs and disclaimers which basically say "it'll get done eventually".

It's a business which exists because of a hobby, not a hobby that gets the benefit of a business without the obligations (margins are a thing here, aren't they?). Shouldn't vendors hold both designers and manufacturers to a higher standard for their troubles? Until they actually refine the lifecycle from IC to GB, sampling, ordering, manufacture, and delivery in a way that holds everyone accountable, fulfilling GBs will continue to be a ****show.

Unfortunately that's what we have to put up with in this hobby, and its no one's fault, neither vendor or gb runner. we are all at GMK's mercy. getting detailed updates doesn't push the timeline any earlier. with a set like zooted that has custom colors it is necessary to get those just right. I am with you regarding the business and money and ****. but it is what it is man. "it'll get done when it gets done". I do hope it gets better in the future. I haven't joined any GMK gbs recently because of the ridiculous leadtimes. I have so many unfulfilled orders that it doesn't make sense to keep adding to the list at this point.

Offline futurecrime

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #68 on: Thu, 09 June 2022, 12:58:56 »
Oh dang I didn't see this last run of posts til now. I was going to get some nice pics to show the samples before posting but I can tell you that the colours have all been approved now. I'll post some pics when I get a chance to get some good ones. Like Mike said, the place in the queue shouldn't have been affected by the colour sampling.

Offline ja.ze

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #69 on: Thu, 09 June 2022, 18:22:07 »
I don't want to get into a whole thing here, as I understand the frustration. I really do. I will say, and this is not to throw GMK under the bus as I am sure there is more to it, but we have never received a color sample in 2 weeks. Typically its anywhere from 1 month, up to 4 or more months.

With that said, color sampling is NOT delaying this project. It is still in the queue, and color matching will be done way before its time to start production. Again, I am not the lead vendor here so I do not know the exact communication between designer, vendor, and GMK, but I am pretty sure that they just received (or will be receiving soon) the next color sample. With how close the last ones were, I would assume these will be final.

I also want to note that May was the highest output for GMK ever as a company. So lead times will start to get smaller and smaller as they continue the ramp up that they are on.

In terms of financial aspect, with NovelKeys no one is held hostage with money. They are able to get a full refund at any time if they request one. We do not take out fees when we refund. And just another insight to how we (NovelKeys) operates with GMK sets. When we decide to run a set, we aren't doing it as a Group Buy anymore, we do it as a preorder. Meaning that even if we sold 0, we would still move forward with our order. While the financial boost is definitely nice to place the order with GMK, the main reason I do it as preorders is so that anyone who wanted the keycaps is able to secure their spot.

I said I didnt want to get into a whole thing and then typed out a novel. Again, I understand the frustration with the model. But that model is getting better, and is changing. I would expect to see GMK sets going straight to in stock in 2023.

Not a novel at all, I appreciate you being forthcoming and taking the time to write this out. Definitely stating the obvious here, but the two biggest problems seem to be GMK's incapability to keep up with demand and the lack of communication in general. They say one thing (pointing the finger at OP, as if they are not managing color sampling well) and here I get a 3rd party opinion saying that the hold up is the queue itself. Transparency at all points during a GB would definitely make it clear who is accountable, minimizing your need to step in and cover for the parties involved. I'm truly sorry if this came across as rude, because that was never the intent. I'm also glad that you're taking GBs as a preorder now, that's definitely a great move, but maybe that could also be clarified at the point of sale.

I know most people in the hobby see this as disposable income or a meme about how they're always broke; I actually had to save up for this set at a time when every dollar counted.

Thanks, Mike.

Unfortunately that's what we have to put up with in this hobby, and its no one's fault, neither vendor or gb runner. we are all at GMK's mercy. getting detailed updates doesn't push the timeline any earlier. with a set like zooted that has custom colors it is necessary to get those just right. I am with you regarding the business and money and ****. but it is what it is man. "it'll get done when it gets done". I do hope it gets better in the future. I haven't joined any GMK gbs recently because of the ridiculous leadtimes. I have so many unfulfilled orders that it doesn't make sense to keep adding to the list at this point.

You're doing the right thing. Only one way to make a business (GMK) operate properly from the consumer's standpoint, vote with your wallet.

Oh dang I didn't see this last run of posts til now. I was going to get some nice pics to show the samples before posting but I can tell you that the colours have all been approved now. I'll post some pics when I get a chance to get some good ones. Like Mike said, the place in the queue shouldn't have been affected by the colour sampling.

So, can we assume Q4 is realistic? Or will it be moved again because of the current queue status? Any commitment from GMK?

Also, are Salvun's artisans done?

Can't wait for those pictures, it would be nice to see your progress.

Offline udller

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #70 on: Wed, 14 September 2022, 19:23:19 »
so are those photos coming?

Offline Oogtug84

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #71 on: Thu, 15 September 2022, 03:38:41 »

You're (everyone involved) working with other people's money and the vague updates just show that it's still being run like a hobby or a passion project funded by others. Backers are stakeholders, not benefactors.

This is a hobby... Should it be run like a corporate business strictly to make money? Passion projects made where we are today, and the best people in this community are the people who have made those passion projects without being money hungry.

I completely understand the frustration with the color matching process, but this take isn't it.

Vendors are a business, they don't run on fun and good intentions. Why should the client assume all the risk with no guarantee or transparency? Take this context into any other business model and tell me it's ok. Once a third party invests their money, it stops being a personal project and turns into a literal purchase and sale agreement which is not being held to the standards it should. In fact, AFAIK, there are no standards, just vague ETAs and disclaimers which basically say "it'll get done eventually".

It's a business which exists because of a hobby, not a hobby that gets the benefit of a business without the obligations (margins are a thing here, aren't they?). Shouldn't vendors hold both designers and manufacturers to a higher standard for their troubles? Until they actually refine the lifecycle from IC to GB, sampling, ordering, manufacture, and delivery in a way that holds everyone accountable, fulfilling GBs will continue to be a ****show.

Unfortunately that's what we have to put up with in this hobby, and its no one's fault, neither vendor or gb runner. we are all at GMK's mercy. getting detailed updates doesn't push the timeline any earlier. with a set like zooted that has custom colors it is necessary to get those just right. I am with you regarding the business and money and ****. but it is what it is man. "it'll get done when it gets done". I do hope it gets better in the future. I haven't joined any GMK gbs recently because of the ridiculous leadtimes. I have so many unfulfilled orders that it doesn't make sense to keep adding to the list at this point.

Please chill on this podium about the wait. There is nothing abnormal of unexpected about the current wait of this GB as would/should have been expected when it was ran and those expectations have been pretty clearly set and memed on by the community. Also as NK is stating, they and the VAST majority of our vendors bend over backwards to make these things right and help us as fellow hobbyists throughout these GB's. Yes there's room for improvement with GB's for keycaps/GMK and communication. But this very privileged and expectant stance rampant since the pandemic influx is so unnecessary and toxic.   If you have issues with waits, avoid GB's with long waits. There's plenty of options these days to avoid them. If you want a set refunded, swapped to a different set or WHATEVER the heck a vendor can or is willing to do to help you make it right? Just email them and be nice jeez. They'll all freaking do whatever they can and you ask within reason in my experience.

Almost anyone I know that has a general sense of GMK GB timing really wouldn't be expecting to receive their Zooted sets before 2023, it just is what it is and I knew that when the GB started. So hard to see where this reaction is coming from, aside a lack of awareness.
« Last Edit: Thu, 15 September 2022, 03:41:59 by Oogtug84 »

Offline ja.ze

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #72 on: Sat, 01 October 2022, 19:54:26 »
I wish I could run part of my business like a meme, like GMK has since before the pandemic.

Also, pictures never came. Calling that out isn't toxicity and it's laughable that people like you bend over backwards to justify this behavior. Designer could have just said nothing, but mentioned the photos and then never posted them. If you think that's fine, well, it's your money. I'd rather not support people who make empty commitments. This time it's pictures, next time it can be poor QC/bad color matching/getting something different than what you paid for.

Also note that on Reddit, GMK tried to shift blame on the designer too, which was subsequently disproven by the vendors in this thread. That's why communication is good for everyone involved, accountability. And how the **** is asking for transparency in any way considered privilege? Have a little self respect and get your money's worth...

So far, I've only seen vendors holding true to their commitments and actually treating backers/clients as such. The rest just pull everything out of their ass and clearly don't give a ****.

I don't think it's lack of self awareness and I have no intention of getting into a discussion over this, it's honestly not worth anyone's time. I just want to underline how frustrating it is to see the way the hobby is handled, it could be so much more if people like this were held to a higher standard.

Over the past few months I've seen NK offer in-stock sets, discounts, promotions, excellent marketing/social media and other A+ business practices. Credit where credit is due, you guys are killing it. GMK and designers though? Eating glue in a corner.
« Last Edit: Sat, 01 October 2022, 20:07:41 by ja.ze »

Offline futurecrime

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #73 on: Sun, 02 October 2022, 04:19:39 »
I wish I could run part of my business like a meme, like GMK has since before the pandemic.

Also, pictures never came. Calling that out isn't toxicity and it's laughable that people like you bend over backwards to justify this behavior. Designer could have just said nothing, but mentioned the photos and then never posted them. If you think that's fine, well, it's your money. I'd rather not support people who make empty commitments. This time it's pictures, next time it can be poor QC/bad color matching/getting something different than what you paid for.

Also note that on Reddit, GMK tried to shift blame on the designer too, which was subsequently disproven by the vendors in this thread. That's why communication is good for everyone involved, accountability. And how the **** is asking for transparency in any way considered privilege? Have a little self respect and get your money's worth...

So far, I've only seen vendors holding true to their commitments and actually treating backers/clients as such. The rest just pull everything out of their ass and clearly don't give a ****.

I don't think it's lack of self awareness and I have no intention of getting into a discussion over this, it's honestly not worth anyone's time. I just want to underline how frustrating it is to see the way the hobby is handled, it could be so much more if people like this were held to a higher standard.

Over the past few months I've seen NK offer in-stock sets, discounts, promotions, excellent marketing/social media and other A+ business practices. Credit where credit is due, you guys are killing it. GMK and designers though? Eating glue in a corner.

Sorry you feel like that. You are still able to get a refund of course. Here’s a phone pic for you, this is on my silver Noxary 280s with GMK beige. We’re really happy with the colours and I’m excited to get it into everyone’s hands. Prototypist and Novelkeys have both been great to work with, btw. And GMK’s top tier colour matching meant they basically nailed 4/5 colours first time. And nailed the lot on the second sample.

Offline Oogtug84

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #74 on: Sun, 02 October 2022, 10:07:27 »
I wish I could run part of my business like a meme, like GMK has since before the pandemic.

Also, pictures never came. Calling that out isn't toxicity and it's laughable that people like you bend over backwards to justify this behavior. Designer could have just said nothing, but mentioned the photos and then never posted them. If you think that's fine, well, it's your money. I'd rather not support people who make empty commitments. This time it's pictures, next time it can be poor QC/bad color matching/getting something different than what you paid for.

Also note that on Reddit, GMK tried to shift blame on the designer too, which was subsequently disproven by the vendors in this thread. That's why communication is good for everyone involved, accountability. And how the **** is asking for transparency in any way considered privilege? Have a little self respect and get your money's worth...

So far, I've only seen vendors holding true to their commitments and actually treating backers/clients as such. The rest just pull everything out of their ass and clearly don't give a ****.

I don't think it's lack of self awareness and I have no intention of getting into a discussion over this, it's honestly not worth anyone's time. I just want to underline how frustrating it is to see the way the hobby is handled, it could be so much more if people like this were held to a higher standard.

Over the past few months I've seen NK offer in-stock sets, discounts, promotions, excellent marketing/social media and other A+ business practices. Credit where credit is due, you guys are killing it. GMK and designers though? Eating glue in a corner.

Sorry you feel like that. You are still able to get a refund of course. Here’s a phone pic for you, this is on my silver Noxary 280s with GMK beige. We’re really happy with the colours and I’m excited to get it into everyone’s hands. Prototypist and Novelkeys have both been great to work with, btw. And GMK’s top tier colour matching meant they basically nailed 4/5 colours first time. And nailed the lot on the second sample.

Show Image

This looks AMAZING thanks so much futurecrime.

Also just maybe ignore this other guy, he's struggling to see outside his straightjacket of self-imposed rage over. Seen a lot of ppl that entered hobby struggle with this.

To anyone struggling with GMK GB waits and updates: Just know it's normal we all feel your pain and plz stop taking your frustration out on futurecrime/designers for these issues. If they're being sus the rest of the community will call them out so you'll know.

Offline hkhawk

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #75 on: Sun, 02 October 2022, 13:39:15 »
I wish I could run part of my business like a meme, like GMK has since before the pandemic.

Also, pictures never came. Calling that out isn't toxicity and it's laughable that people like you bend over backwards to justify this behavior. Designer could have just said nothing, but mentioned the photos and then never posted them. If you think that's fine, well, it's your money. I'd rather not support people who make empty commitments. This time it's pictures, next time it can be poor QC/bad color matching/getting something different than what you paid for.

Also note that on Reddit, GMK tried to shift blame on the designer too, which was subsequently disproven by the vendors in this thread. That's why communication is good for everyone involved, accountability. And how the **** is asking for transparency in any way considered privilege? Have a little self respect and get your money's worth...

So far, I've only seen vendors holding true to their commitments and actually treating backers/clients as such. The rest just pull everything out of their ass and clearly don't give a ****.

I don't think it's lack of self awareness and I have no intention of getting into a discussion over this, it's honestly not worth anyone's time. I just want to underline how frustrating it is to see the way the hobby is handled, it could be so much more if people like this were held to a higher standard.

Over the past few months I've seen NK offer in-stock sets, discounts, promotions, excellent marketing/social media and other A+ business practices. Credit where credit is due, you guys are killing it. GMK and designers though? Eating glue in a corner.

Sorry you feel like that. You are still able to get a refund of course. Here’s a phone pic for you, this is on my silver Noxary 280s with GMK beige. We’re really happy with the colours and I’m excited to get it into everyone’s hands. Prototypist and Novelkeys have both been great to work with, btw. And GMK’s top tier colour matching meant they basically nailed 4/5 colours first time. And nailed the lot on the second sample.

Show Image

Ooh, looking good

Offline audax989

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #76 on: Sun, 02 October 2022, 18:33:25 »
colors looking good. excited for this set! actually gonna be my first green set  ;)

Offline futurecrime

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #77 on: Mon, 03 October 2022, 04:27:00 »
colors looking good. excited for this set! actually gonna be my first green set  ;)

Nice. Mine too actually.

Offline roostrc0gburn

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #78 on: Tue, 04 October 2022, 11:09:09 »
what is the projected delivery date?

Offline futurecrime

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #79 on: Fri, 07 October 2022, 10:02:10 »
what is the projected delivery date?

I've asked for an updated eta. Will post as soon as I know it.

Offline Eric404atx

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #80 on: Tue, 11 October 2022, 10:48:31 »
Any way for me to still get in on this?  :eek:

Offline futurecrime

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #81 on: Tue, 11 October 2022, 12:49:22 »
Any way for me to still get in on this?  :eek:

Yep fer sure, there will be extras. Watch this thread.

Offline ja.ze

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #82 on: Thu, 27 October 2022, 19:25:47 »
I wish I could run part of my business like a meme, like GMK has since before the pandemic.

Also, pictures never came. Calling that out isn't toxicity and it's laughable that people like you bend over backwards to justify this behavior. Designer could have just said nothing, but mentioned the photos and then never posted them. If you think that's fine, well, it's your money. I'd rather not support people who make empty commitments. This time it's pictures, next time it can be poor QC/bad color matching/getting something different than what you paid for.

Also note that on Reddit, GMK tried to shift blame on the designer too, which was subsequently disproven by the vendors in this thread. That's why communication is good for everyone involved, accountability. And how the **** is asking for transparency in any way considered privilege? Have a little self respect and get your money's worth...

So far, I've only seen vendors holding true to their commitments and actually treating backers/clients as such. The rest just pull everything out of their ass and clearly don't give a ****.

I don't think it's lack of self awareness and I have no intention of getting into a discussion over this, it's honestly not worth anyone's time. I just want to underline how frustrating it is to see the way the hobby is handled, it could be so much more if people like this were held to a higher standard.

Over the past few months I've seen NK offer in-stock sets, discounts, promotions, excellent marketing/social media and other A+ business practices. Credit where credit is due, you guys are killing it. GMK and designers though? Eating glue in a corner.

Sorry you feel like that. You are still able to get a refund of course. Here’s a phone pic for you, this is on my silver Noxary 280s with GMK beige. We’re really happy with the colours and I’m excited to get it into everyone’s hands. Prototypist and Novelkeys have both been great to work with, btw. And GMK’s top tier colour matching meant they basically nailed 4/5 colours first time. And nailed the lot on the second sample.

Show Image

The colors look great. I have no need for a refund, thank you.

@Oogtug84 It's not self imposed rage, it's just plain disappointment that we have to wait 4 months for photos of already existing/approved color samples and there's still no real ETA.

Rant aside, this is shaping to be a banger of a set. Congratulations on that.
« Last Edit: Thu, 27 October 2022, 19:55:40 by ja.ze »

Offline roostrc0gburn

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #83 on: Sat, 29 October 2022, 11:49:11 »
what is the projected delivery date?

I've asked for an updated eta. Will post as soon as I know it.

how about that shipping update?

Offline futurecrime

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #84 on: Sat, 29 October 2022, 13:01:55 »
what is the projected delivery date?

I've asked for an updated eta. Will post as soon as I know it.

how about that shipping update?

I’m still waiting to hear. Will post when I do.

Offline roostrc0gburn

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #85 on: Sun, 30 October 2022, 12:21:45 »
what is the projected delivery date?

I've asked for an updated eta. Will post as soon as I know it.

how about that shipping update?

I’m still waiting to hear. Will post when I do.

thanks for the response. that's crazy they are taking so long to get back to an update request - especially since we are now past the predicted delivery date

Offline J3ff_Leopard

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #86 on: Mon, 31 October 2022, 10:22:28 »
what is the projected delivery date?

I've asked for an updated eta. Will post as soon as I know it.

GMK been kinda slow to provide updates lately. Krelbit didn't even know Muted shipped to him until it practically arrived at his door, despite constantly asking for tracking/updates the weeks leading up to delivery.

how about that shipping update?

I’m still waiting to hear. Will post when I do.

thanks for the response. that's crazy they are taking so long to get back to an update request - especially since we are now past the predicted delivery date
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Offline mgsickler

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #87 on: Mon, 31 October 2022, 10:52:19 »
Just replying here and fully speculating here - as its probably a combination of things. This could be an issue of the designer asking the lead vendor to ask GMK. Which means theres a couple steps to get a direct answer. I really do not know.

But we actually have a google sheet that we share with GMK that has all the current timelines and progress on open projects. Our current timeline on this shows its in production and expected to be completed in December.

Offline futurecrime

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #88 on: Mon, 31 October 2022, 11:30:56 »
Just replying here and fully speculating here - as its probably a combination of things. This could be an issue of the designer asking the lead vendor to ask GMK. Which means theres a couple steps to get a direct answer. I really do not know.

But we actually have a google sheet that we share with GMK that has all the current timelines and progress on open projects. Our current timeline on this shows its in production and expected to be completed in December.

Thanks Mike. And you're right, I'm asking the lead vendor so yep, couple of steps to get an answer back.

Offline roostrc0gburn

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #89 on: Mon, 31 October 2022, 12:31:45 »
Just replying here and fully speculating here - as its probably a combination of things. This could be an issue of the designer asking the lead vendor to ask GMK. Which means theres a couple steps to get a direct answer. I really do not know.

But we actually have a google sheet that we share with GMK that has all the current timelines and progress on open projects. Our current timeline on this shows its in production and expected to be completed in December.

thanks for this. production complete in december will probably push us well into Q1-23 for final delivery from some vendors

Offline futurecrime

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #90 on: Sat, 05 November 2022, 03:06:38 »
Latest update: GMK Have confirmed production is set for November 2022 and will ship to vendors in January 2023 as of today.

Offline cdhoffmann

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #91 on: Tue, 20 December 2022, 12:47:30 »
Just got the email that manufacturing is complete and that the caps will be shipping to vendors in Q1 2023. So excited for this set!

Offline unionizeheaven

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #92 on: Tue, 07 February 2023, 12:36:26 »
Just saw that this set switched to "Shipping: In Transit to NovelKeys" which is very exciting! I am praying for extras since I missed the GB :'( :-[

Offline digitalnothing

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #93 on: Tue, 07 February 2023, 13:38:45 »
Man I hope there are plenty of extras.

Offline Tron2LuvCarter

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #94 on: Fri, 17 February 2023, 16:54:07 »
Extras are in stock over on Prototypist. Hope Novelkeys starts shipping soon.

Offline MelonBred

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #95 on: Fri, 17 February 2023, 17:52:16 »
Received shipping notification from NovelKeys today. Super stoked.

Offline Tron2LuvCarter

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #96 on: Fri, 17 February 2023, 17:54:19 »
Jealous! I ain't got **** yet!

Offline unionizeheaven

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #97 on: Tue, 21 February 2023, 12:59:52 »
Extras are in stock over on Prototypist. Hope Novelkeys starts shipping soon.

If I'm in the US you think I should wait to see if NovelKeys has extras or just buy from Prototypist? This is my first time trying to buy group buy extras and don't want to get screwed on shipping if I don't have to.

Offline CaesarAZealad

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #98 on: Tue, 21 February 2023, 21:20:24 »
If this looks like some of the pics I’ve seen of it irl then I’m not gonna lie I dodged a bullet here
Edit: was gonna embed a pic but **** doing that on my phone I can wait till the morning lol
« Last Edit: Tue, 21 February 2023, 21:26:14 by CaesarAZealad »
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty... Yeah that seems about right.
"Ask your mother how good I can use more than two fingers." - Caesar, 2023

Offline Tron2LuvCarter

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Re: [GB] GMK Zooted - GB closed
« Reply #99 on: Tue, 21 February 2023, 23:55:19 »
Extras are in stock over on Prototypist. Hope Novelkeys starts shipping soon.

If I'm in the US you think I should wait to see if NovelKeys has extras or just buy from Prototypist? This is my first time trying to buy group buy extras and don't want to get screwed on shipping if I don't have to.

I would guess Novelkeys will have plenty of extras for at least the base kit. Just be ready to buy when they go live and you should be fine.