Author Topic: Any experience with MX Speed Silver?  (Read 2199 times)

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Offline aEisbaer

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Any experience with MX Speed Silver?
« on: Wed, 22 December 2021, 01:50:05 »
So, first of all my "problem". I am going to build my first keyboard in the holidays this year. I will manly use it for gaming and typing. For this I will need some switches, however I really didn't know which one I should get. Some recommended the Alpaca V2 but they (like many other switches out there) got a high (for me) actuation force of 60g and a long Pretravel. For me who really likes a fast and light switch less than ideal (used to Razer Purple optical). I know some in the Keyboard community don't like Cherry switches, but do you have any experience with the MX Speed Silver or any other Speed switch from e.g. Kailh?

Offline Merranza

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Re: Any experience with MX Speed Silver?
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 22 December 2021, 11:08:51 »
Hi there. I'm a big fan of linear switches (preferably light) and I got some experience with them so I'll try to help.

It always comes down to a balance between accuracy and lightness. Speed switches gravitate around 2 factors combined together : short travel (around 1.1 to 1.3 mm) AND lightness (usually below 45cN). I have used speed switches in the past (MX silver and Kailh silver which is really close in terms of experience to MX speed silver but smoother) and while they are indeed really fun for some gaming, they can become a bit irritating overtime to type on. I am a very precise typer so most of the time, it is fine even on light and short actuation switches. It really depends on how long you plan to type though for each session. For a few minutes it's fine but overtime, fatigue sets in, the brain becomes less precise and the problem with light and short actuation switches is as soon as you hit a key, if you are not 100% dead on that key you will sometimes hit the side of another key and then you get another one registered which results in a mistake. I also do not like speed switches for long gaming session. While the actuation travel is nice, since the total travel is really shorter, I tend to have cramped fingers when I hold the key down at the bottom (FPS for example when you hold "w" to move forward). It's mathematical too: shorter distance to compress a spring results in a steeper resistance curve. I like to have more room to let my finger relax on a completely pressed key.

I think 2 factors can compensate this: longer actuation travel and/or weight. I am currently typing on Gateron clears which have a total weight of 35cN but the usual 2 mm actuation travel make me register much less typos on this than on any other speed switches even if they are lighter than speed switches (because it plays on actual travel which is one of the two factors of speed switches). If you want to keep the short actuation travel, your other option is to work on weight which will allow to hit the side of another key and not register it as easily as you would on a light switch.

While I understand that 60cN is too much for you (it would be too heavy for me too), one of the switches I recommend you look at is Kailh pro burgundy. The Kailh pro burgundy offers a very nice compromise: 1.7 mm actuation travel and 50cN weight. So you gain a little bit on travel with a shorter actuation distance (but longer than the 1.2 mm of MX speed silver) and you get a weight that is not too heavy (basically only 5cN heavier than an MX speed silver). I find them really smooth too to type on even without lubing them. Also full travel is proportional: while MX speed has 1.2 mm actuation and 3.4 total travel, the Kailh pro burgundy has 1.7 mm actuation and 3.6 total travel so you get a bit more room to relax your finger on it. It really is a nice balance and compromise if you ask me and they are quite easy to find online and order.

Your other choice would be to start tinkering with a switch that has the exact actuation travel and to swap spring to a weight you like. Depends on how much time you want to invest.

Do not hesitate if you have other questions!

Happy switch hunting
« Last Edit: Wed, 22 December 2021, 11:14:28 by Merranza »

Offline aEisbaer

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Re: Any experience with MX Speed Silver?
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 22 December 2021, 14:11:18 »

first of all, thanks for you detailed answer and they seem really promising. Do you maybe  know a 5 pin alternative? The PCB I get will have a 5 pin design and it would be dumb to not use that option. They should also support South facing pcb mounted LEDs.
I know I am picky, but I kinda don't want to be disappointed if you know what I mean 😅

Offline Leopard223

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Re: Any experience with MX Speed Silver?
« Reply #3 on: Wed, 22 December 2021, 14:45:22 »
I have no experience with any speed switch, so I can't talk about the experience but I did try Cherry MX switches and compared to the competition they are lacking behind, mainly in smoothness, so I'd advice to consider maybe looking at alternative switches from other companies, seems like Gateron speed Silver Pro switch is pretty good switch so check reviews on it, they're also pretty cheap.
If you're dead set on Cherry MX then consider checking out the Hyperglide Silver, I have no experience with it but supposedly Cherry released a reworked verion of their switches that are reported to be much better.