Author Topic: Kaypro II Computer and Keyboard (  (Read 73413 times)

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Offline 2-bit Joe

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Kaypro II Computer and Keyboard (
« on: Tue, 25 January 2022, 11:43:48 »
The keyboard for this Kaypro II looks to be in good condition.

I hope people don't mind if I'm promoting Good Will auctions.  They seem like a worthy cause.  Some other folks here on geekhack have shared their stories of rebuilding the keyboard for a Kaypro II, and this one looks like it's in good shape.

The current bid is $11.

Offline DubbTom

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Re: Kaypro II Computer and Keyboard (
« Reply #1 on: Tue, 25 January 2022, 18:25:25 »
The whole package comes in at a hefty 29lbs. Definitely a cool keyboard though (SMK vintage linears)
poker II

Offline Hak Foo

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Re: Kaypro II Computer and Keyboard (
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 26 January 2022, 00:26:19 »
I have a Kaypro 2X that I worked on bringing up recently.  (the drives seem to be so far off alignment that they can't even read each others' discs, let alone ones written by another machine, so I had to basically bring in a third drive to bootstrap it)  The keyboard is okay, but don't scrap a potentially workable machine for the sake of it.  The case is decidedly clunky by modern standards, and the layout is awkward for PC style usage, lacking in modifiers and providing you with arrow keys in a really awkward place.

I've come on board with the "don't scrap old machines for their keyboards" crowd, now that there's a new-replacement for everything from Beamsprings on downward, and seeing that kit I used to pass up in the thrift shop as common is virtually unobtainable now.
Overton130, Box Pale Blues.