Author Topic: Bakeneko60 - Building for Flex  (Read 1858 times)

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Offline Phoenix864

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Bakeneko60 - Building for Flex
« on: Sat, 28 May 2022, 13:38:24 »
I'm planning a Bakeneko60 build (cutting the case myself from wood using a CNC) and was wondering if anyone had recommendations for building the board on the flexy side. At the moment, I've been looking at using a WT60-D or SNOP60 PCB with a carbon fiber or FR4 half plate from Carolina Mech. I've seen that some plates have cutouts which allow the use of screw-in stabs on the Bakeneko - is the difference between the two large enough to warrant putting in the extra work to ensure that screw-ins will fit on the board?

I've also been considering using silicone cord stock vs going with a standard o-ring. It sounds like using cord stock also addresses the overlap problems with screw-in stabs, but all the cord stock I've found is in 70A, while the o-rings come in 30A. Would the hardness difference have much of an effect on flex, or would the half plate/flex cut PCB be enough to give the board plenty of flex?

I'd also much appreciate any other thoughts or recommendations on how to build the board for a softer/flexier feel.

Offline selsik

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Re: Bakeneko60 - Building for Flex
« Reply #1 on: Tue, 31 May 2022, 16:51:05 »
I'm not sure if you can get flex on a Bakeneko, but you can get a lot of bounciness.

I've tried both 30A and 50A o-rings and funnily enough I got more flex from the 50A. The 30A was too soft and the plate+pcb kept bottoming out, despite the fact that I was using polyfill to avoid this and also to reduce case ping.

For me, 50A o-ring with polyfill have resulted in a pretty bouncy experience. Keep in mind, screw-in stabs are a no-go if you stick with an o-ring build. No gasket mount keyboard has ever surpassed my bakeneko in terms of bounciness.
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