OTD Koala & Brass Koala - Koala is keyboard released by Korellas, famous keyboard builder and PCB Designer. First run of koala had 10 units, the difference between standard koala and first one - is brass weight, first run had only 10 units, was available in dark gray and red color. Board features PCB with A.87 Footprint, and used plate design that have been used for long time (compatible with TGR Jane, Lyn Whale) The boards after first run aint feature brass weight, probably to make keyboard more affordable for end user. Also in Koala, we seen this famous sideprofile that you can see in your Kaze. Also found mentioning of koala wrist rest. One individual named nasby obtained OG Koala files and made his own runs, so there are some fake red and silver koalas
Materials: Aluminium (+Brass for Brass Version)
Mount: Top Mount
PCB: Korellas A.87 PCB
Quantity: ? (10-11 brass versions)
Colors: Silver, Black, Dark Gray (brass version), Red (brass version), Pink, Red
Connectivity: PS/2, USB
Plates: Aluminium
Photo credits: Sonny Shi, mm8x, Photekq, YourBleed_red, ?