Author Topic: Filco MX blue with GH round 3 doubleshot keycaps from SP  (Read 2018 times)

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Filco MX blue with GH round 3 doubleshot keycaps from SP
« on: Thu, 07 July 2011, 15:15:16 »
So here's my latest attempt at trolling - I finally put the GH round 3 keycaps on a Filco MX blue and used it this way for couple of days, but not full days due to busy schedule.

First impression - the keyboard now feels more like BS. I even put a BS keyboard and did comparisons - yes, they still differ in both feeling and sound, but the gap is much smaller now. Didn't expect that much of a difference from the keycaps, hence my surprise.

Second impression - my mind perceives shorter travel, which is of course ridiculous.

Third impression - Filco keycaps are nice. I knew that anyway, but I wanted to inform all the whiners. Whoever at Diatec wrote that they fine-tuned the keycaps is telling some truth. They really have distinctive feel and sound when combined with MX blues.

Fourth impression - SP keycaps are nice. Different than Filco's, but still nice. On MX blues remind me too much of BS.

Would be interesting to hear how SP on MX browns fare. I don't have second set to try.