ripster- thanks for the tip. Yes, online light just remains on while power is supplied to the PS/2 port. Will post some pictures later on of the board all cleaned up.
The cherry blues on this one seem slightly more stiff than on my PLU or Poker- whether this is due to age or just differences in how cherry mx switches have been made over time I'm not sure. Also, the 'click' seems less pronounced. I *think* the board pings quite a lot (I'm still not 100% sure what 'ping' is even after reading a bunch of...'interesting' threads on here). Still, doesn't worry me- overall the board is a great board and I'm taking it to work today.
Has been a good weekend for keyboards actually. I've finished fixing up 3 different boards (this one, my Model M and an IBM rubber dome board). Fun times :biggrin1: