Author Topic: Heads Up!....................................... CURRENT UPDATES !!!................  (Read 2823175 times)

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Offline ClackFactory

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Consider this section the "UPDATE" and GO-TO area, it will always be current and may take the place of some PMs, emails, and posts.
Current info in bright RED and older in dark RED
Ongoing or projected agendas and items in bright BLUE and older in dark BLUE

(TBA) Lasers a closed Dibscannon sale
(TBA) TAG! YOU'RE IT! sale
(TBA) The return of Keynny!

The above may be combined depending on time and other constraints

(8.29.14)    "Winner's Circle" sale countdown
"All Aboard my spaceship to Mercury
Turn first at the light that's in front of me
Cause every night Imma do it like it's my last
This dream is all that I need
Cause it's all that I ever had"

(7.30.14)  "The Key to FREEDOM!!!" sale countdown Let Freedom PING!
A USA only sale.

(7.30.14) "I've been work, work, work, work, workin on my s**t"

(5.5.14) "Do you Blend?" Clack's choice sale postponed, no ETA. My back is toast and I won't be able to follow through with the sale.
Apologies to those with dibs tickets. We will figure something out, perhaps when I can better aspire to being in top form.

(April 20 2014 @ 16:20) "Green Clack 2014" sale countdown

(TBA) Rot Pack sale merged with GC sale 2014

(4.7.14) GC countdown update ^

(11.22.13) Lasers depleted!

(11.21.13) A New Bacon of Hope. Lasers are fully charged!!!
(11.18.13) Lasers reaching capacity...
(11.18.13) Someone has joined the DarkSide

(11.14.13) Someone has joined the DarkSide
(11.14.13) Recharging laser cannons...
(11.5.13) Charging laser cannons


(10.23.13) I have unfortunately been hit with numerous personal crises this year, they seem to unavoidably gravitate towards me. As of late they unpredictably grew to a level I can't cope well with. I'm being forced to re-evaluate my pursuits and quite honestly I don't know quite yet what this would entail. Things will seem quite random I suspect as I try to furiously work through the many situations that have changed, especially the ones I've fallen behind on.

(10.23.13) Updated a good number of FAQ's (still have more to add).

(10.17.13) Someone using Safari is having a blast F5ing the shiznit outta my website. I really don't think you need to be running a program to check a website that will not be updated in the uber near future (it's been going on for months too). LuLz

(10.6.13) Just sorting out the months items and playing the never ending game of catch-up.  =P

TBA Gumrot n Garble (postponed)

(7.21.13) July sale time has been updated/released.
July RWB sale - Monday (tomorrow) July 22 2013 @ 12:00pm
Accuracy link- "July RWB" Sale countdown

(7.20.13) Updating details for the July sale...

(7.14.13) Looking to finalize a July sale. Schedules and personal matters have been rather trying as of late (hence the delay).

(5.24.13) Vendor TOS compliance within the week =)

(5.16.13) Who you calling a H.O.?

(5.10.12) A Hole? Where?!?   ('cmon you giggled a little bit, admit it)

(5.5.13) Someone has joined the DarkSide

(5.2.13) All items have been shipped as of April 30th.

(4.29.13) More international items shipped. More to go...

« Last Edit: Fri, 29 August 2014, 03:43:51 by ClackFactory »
A.K.A. "clickclack"   Vendor link ->Clack Factory   I've done so much with so little for so long, that I can do almost anything with nothing at all

Offline ClackFactory

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  • finger crosser
....................LoL, just hit the 20,000 character limit for posts, so I guess this is the cutoff....................

(4.20.13) GC sale in "4Grabs", time and date, be there, or, be..., wait... whuua? I'm hungry!

 (4.14.13) More information updated in 4Grabs regarding the GC sale.

 (4.13.13) "Green Clack" sale countdown (in 4Grabs)

 (4.1.13) To troll, or not to troll,  April fools is the question?

 (12.4.12) Whoa! I'm getting trolled hard!

 (11.4.12)  Don't forget to reset your clocks. Don't most things reset automagically now anyway? I kinda trust those less. Lawlz  =P
Anywho, moving on...
All TG34t5s and TGgrunLegends please return if you have not already and don't forget to rank em! =)

T.B.A. October will be a busy month... ;)

 (10.6.12) Sometimes I really like to take a big cut of meat and hack it up, then rub a heavy portion of seasoning on until they turn a deep rich orange, bake them, then eat them healthy ribs. I sometimes also like things that rhyme with "ribs".
Maybe some of you do too. Perhaps I will take a look around and see, perhaps I will even look around in some sort of "order".

(9.28.12) @ 3:00pm PDT (UTC/GMT -7) Clack Factory "Hack Orange" sale has now ENDED! . A healthy portion of sales will go towards our ever growing and beloved GH. Sale takes place in my 4Grabs thread, specifically in reply#2. Link-

 (9.28.12) Hack Orange Sale has ENDED! Thank you everyone for participating. Emails and quotes
will be rolling out over the next day or so. Please follow the 4Grabs thread for further details.

  (9.28.12) Hack Orange sale TODAY!!!
@ 3:00pm PDT  (UTC/GMT -7), Im in California, USA.
Countdown clock
For further info please visit my 4Grabs thread and read the OP and the first 2 replies.

 (9.27.12) "Hack Orange" sale UPDATED with sale start time! Tomorrow, Friday 9.28.12 @ 3:00pm PDT.
The best compromise I could come up with.  =)

 (9.27.12) "Hack Orange" sale Tomorrow! Still working out a time that will work for me and that will hopefully not stick some of you in the 1:00am - 5:00am hours (I'm trying guys).

Countdown clock

 (9.22.12) "Hack Orange" sale tentatively Friday (9.28.12).
 (9.10.12) Working on keys, keys, more keys, and when I have time... some keys!  =D
Wrapping up the last of the recent-ish "fragrant" sale.

 EDIT: Please also refer to my recent post in 4Grabs, thanks
 (7.28.12) Having some issues locating certain messages and information since the site change. I am trying hard to get information organized again but there is so much info out of order that I may have to start over again. I have more keycaps coming and NEW keycaps coming! ;)
Oh, and I really need to get back to a certain "uplifting" sale that has been butchered due to constant scheduling problems and rearranged information.

(7.19.12) Testing out the new forum and settings, rechecking archived information, setting aside time for updating. I will be keeping a little bit on the down low until the forum is more ironed out and I have more experience with the changes.  =)

(6.21.12) Mushin on through! Currently trying to catch up on other work and it's about high time I get back on track with a previous sale. ;)

(6.8.12) Dibs PB4 & PB5 sale!!!!!!!!! 12:00pm PST in the 4Grabs thread (post #3)


(6.7.12) REMINDER: Tomorrow, FRIDAY (6.8.12) @ 12:00 pm PST there will be the PB4 & PB5 sale! Check out post #3 in my 4Grabs thread! Some items will go in a blink so prep that submit button and MTFBWY!

(5.29.12) I'M ALIVE!  =P
I'm currently trying to figure out which specific items I am going to offer for the upcoming 4Grabs sales. Specifically the Dibs PB4 & PB5 members sale.
This however does not mean I am fully recovered, it just means that I will be having a little bit more help from my gnomes in order to make this work.  =)

(4.30.12) As some of you already know I recieved an injury while workin recently and this has pushed my timeline a bit further out regarding the completion of a number of items and replies. I will post a new timeline when I think I have recovered enough to predict things more accurately.

(4.9.12 to 4.29.12) My availability between the 9th of April to the 29th of April will be drastically reduced. I have many important items to catch up on in all aspects of my life. I promise I will be very productive though, wink-wink.  =D
I will still update things in this forum though so do check back for the kicks/lulz, and well... you never know what else may happen. ;)

(4.23.12) Not to worry I have all of you backed up, I don't believe I lost anything with the recent rollback! ;)
No need to PM, I have you covered.

(4.12.12)  Just working really, really hard and with any luck I will have something to show for it.  =)

(4.3.12) The Above agenda has been set ^.  With any luck the Dibs PB4 and Dibs PB5 sales will follow somewhat shortly after but will likely not contain keys that are newer than 4-6 months old. Most keys from the last sale were also about that old at least.

(3.31.12) Some recent inquiries were responded to and the Gallery got a little update too.

(3.28.12) Decisions, decisions, decisions... who can I disappoint next? LoL
I have a number of unavoidable and critical items that have been building as well as new situations coming up. I will be very, very busy (even for me =P), so I am currently trying to find out how this will impact my responses and distribution of keycaps. TBC...

(3.26.12) The same, or not... MUUUAHAHAHAAHAAAAAA!  :heh:

(3/22/12)  same  =)
(3.19.12) Trying to catch up with everything.

(3.16.12) International orders from the Partially Blind 2.0h sale ship today!  =)
Most orders went out yesterday. And only a few domestic orders might be delayed up until tomorrow.

(3.14.12) Broken record ;)

(3.14.12) same, same

(3.13.12) Shipping out orders, poking fun at people, you know... same ole, same ole.  =)
All Payments for the recent 4Grab sale have been accounted for if not already paid.

(3.9.12) <--- The next 4Grabs sale. This Friday, March 9th, 4pm PST!!!!

(3.9.12) Nervously prepping for the Semi Blind 2.oh! sale today @ 4pm PST!!! Please see my 4Grabs thread for details.  =)

(3.8.12) Prepping for this Fridays 4Grab sale. 3D skulls and Factory 2nds Grab Bags already sold out on EK (around the time I posted that they were up! LoL). Please read and follow the relevant info on the new 4Grabs sale.

(3.7.12) 3D Skulls and Factory 2nds Grab bags up at Elitekeyboards!  =D

(3.5.12) -> (3.9.12) Prepping for this Fridays sale! :peep:

(3.2.12) Set the time for the 4Grabs sale, Friday March 9th 4pm PST!  gulp  =S

(2.29.12)  Set the date for the next 4Grabs sale above 3.9.12 ^

(2.28.12) Dang it! I keep trying to set up the next 4Grabs sale and then my schedule changes. Ugh! Right now I am debating on the 2nd (this Friday) or the 9th (next Friday) and it's looking more like the 9th right now.

(2.22.12) Working on fun stuff (hope you guys like em) and replying to peeps (not the candy).

(2.18.12)Trying to reply to people and prepping some keys for...   ;)

(2.15.12) Trying to reply to folks... and spoons and knives. =P

(2.13.12) Some people might want to actually look in their inbox. LoL, you know who you are. =P

(2.11.12)  Same.   =P

(2.10.12) Playing catch-up with replies and such.

(2.8.12) Same, same.  =S   I believe I will have time this weekend to fully catch up to the replies (from before the backups, not during or after).

(2.7.12) Same as yesterday  =S

(2.6.12) IMPORTANT: Last Fridays 4Grabs sale was canceled due to technical difficulties. I had a couple of ideas that could possibly have resolved some of the issues. However the recent (2nd) site back up "revert" (?) has countered those plans and has made things a good bit more difficult to resolve. Hmm... perhaps this just made everything easier, hmm... lemme think on that one for a bit.
I will currently be riding out the storm before I reply and/or post anything of any significance. Expect replies to be very, very delayed. Please hold off on sending PMs for the moment.

(2.3.12) 4Grabs sale this Friday (Feb 3rd) 4pm PST sharp! =). Crossing my fingers.
Edit: (2.6.12) crossing fingers apparently didn't help. This sale was canceled due to technical difficulties.

(2.1.12) prepping for tomorrows sale in the 4Grabs thread.

(2.1.12) Replying to the Great Wall of PMs. Updated the next 4Grabs sale time- Friday/Feb 3/4pm

(1.31.12)Testing various things, checking PMs, prepping 4Grabs etc.       =)

(1.30.12) Working towards a 4Grabs "extras" sale this Friday, crossing my fingers.

(1.27.12) Still testing, testing, and more testing. Checking PMs and responding (Check your PMs, LoL). Working out the specifics of the next sale.

(1.23.11) Testing a million different things (or was that 2 million? hmm...). Checking PMs and such. Trying to set up the next 4Grabs sale.

(1.18-20.11) Throwing and testing keys. XD

(1.17.12) Same, same and throwing keys at people. I try to stay away from the eyes, that's dangerous!

(1.16.12) Testing keys and such, checking pms...   =)

(1.14.12) I'm a broken record, lol. Same agenda as the last few days.  =)

(1.10-12.12) Working on keys and equipment any chance I get as well as trying to respond to PMs, emails, and the like. =)

(1.9.12) Checking PMs and working on equipment when I'm not working.  =P

(1.8.12) Checking PMs and working on equipment.  =)

(1.7.12) Checking PMs, working on equipment and keys a little bit.  =)

(1.6.12) Checking PMs, working on equipment and keys.  =)

(1.3-5.12) I will be unavailable from the 3rd-5th (Jan).

(1.2.12) AQOTWF pretty much. Just working on equipment, keys, and contacting members and such today.   =)

(1.1.12)  HAPPY NEW YEARS GH!  =D
All Factory 2nds payments have been received and orders shipped except two, both have been PMed one seems M.I.A. you know who you are.  =P
Currently writing down those New Years resolutions, hmmm...

(12.31.11) All Factory 2nds payments have been received and shipped except a few members (who were contacted).

(12.29.11) Receiving payments and sorting keys for shipping.

(12.28.11) Factory 2nds will be up for sale, this will not be the only time they will be available.
(12.27.11) Setting up for tomorrows Factory 2nds sale  =)

(12.25.11) I will be unavailable on the 25th (DEC). Just so ya know. *=)

(12.24.11) All paid Dibs orders have been shipped!  =)
Factory 2nds examples have been posted in 4Grabs.
Have a Happy Holidays from me and my gnomes.
(12.24.11) Gathering upcoming 4Grabs sets, shipping out Dibs orders and still catching up with PMs. (Never ending peeeeeee-eeeeeemz  ahh ahh aaaaahhh, ahh ahh aaaaaahhh)  =P

(12.22.11)Contacting members on Dibs list, catching up with PMs and still getting ready for the next 4Grabs sale.

(12.21.11) Contacting members on Dibs list, catching up with PMs and still getting ready for the next 4Grabs sale.

(12.19.11) Still catching up with PMs and getting ready for the next 4Grabs sale. LoL

(12.18.11) Catching up with PMs and getting ready for the next 4Grabs sale.

(12.17.11) Catching up with PMs and getting ready for the next 4Grabs sale.

(never ending contest  aaaahaahaaaaa...) Prize- win a red skull on black keycap in your choice of MX, Topre, BS switch.
(12.16.11) And the winnah is...  Kisakuku
Congratulations!!!  =D
I am still playing catch-up to emails and PMs and such as well as setting up the new 4Grabs sale.

(12.15.11) I am still playing catch-up, I have many PMs still to get to, thank you for being patient with me.
I am currently organizing some keys for a new 4Grabs post.
Hint#12 Newer members are at a slight disadvantage once they have found the question even though it's not a heavy question.

(12.14.11) All remaining payments have been received and orders shipped!   =D
I am still playing catch-up but the good news is I will have a HUGE chunk of time starting in a couple of days to work soley on all things keycap related! I will be posting more keycaps for sale very soon as well.
Hint#11 a certain millenary post "could have" at one point linked you to the question.

(12.12.11) All payments have been received and all orders have shipped, except 2 (Notified in PMs). Thank you all for your interest and support.
In other news I was mildly sick and was without power for a day and a half so my repsonse time was a good bit behind. I am currently playing catch-up with PMs and posting guesses.

(12.10.11) Still receiveing payments... organizing, packing, and shipping. Many orders could not be shipped today as I did not have the time to send them all out, sorry guys. I'm hoping the remainging ones will go out on Monday. Orders when in multiple were combined and will ship together.

(12.9.11)Still receiving payments... organizing shipping etc...

(12.8.11) All Quotes for the 3rd and Final "Special Run Extras" have been sent out!  =)
Hint#10  One must "divert" thy attention towards what Hint#1 IS to find the question.
(12.8.11)working on quotes, hang in there...

(12.7.11) @ 21:00/9pm  ENDED !!! More Special Run extras ROUND 3 will be up for sale for Topre switch boards in the 4Grabs section. This time they will be Topre top row blanks.  =)
(late 12.7.11) 3rd and final "Special Run extras" have all sold out! I am currently working on quotes...
(12.7.11) Updating more guesses and prepping Special run orders, AND setting up for tonights final Speical Run keys sale.
Contest- Prizes have  been upgraded... or have they???  ;)
Hint#9 if I say it's a bad guess or wrong, STOP GUESSING IT! many lawlz!  =P

(12.6.11) Updating more guesses, prepping Special run orders, and setting up for Weds 3rd and final Special run sale.
Hint#7- the 8th hint would probably be my responses to the guesses even if you have not found the question. If you have found the question then my responses should really help you out.
Hint#6- If I were a bettin man, I would put money on the people who actually found and are answering the question. Hmm... well this hint sucked! on to hint #7...

(Late 12.5.11) The 2nd Special Run keys are all sold out the 3rd run will be up later this week.
(12.5.11) More Special Run extras will be up for sale for Topre switch boards in the 4Grabs thread! Yummy!  =D
(12.5.11)  A handful of Topre special run colored skulls will be up later tonight in the 4Grabs thread!!!!   =D
Hint#5 These hints will only lead you to the question not the answer. Blindly guessing only makes for a fun read. Few people have even found the question, let alone gave a good guess based on it. lol

(12.4.11) I will be unavailable all day, sorry guys. I will continue updates, replies, and keys on Monday.  =)

(Late 12.3.11) -The Guesses are kinda getting better
Hint#4- most of you have not found the question, its not a blind guessing contest! LoL, if it was then the  "Michael Jackson" guess would have won!
-All Special Run MX skull keys are sold out! More keys on the way though.  =)
(midday part II)-Updated info in the 4Grabs section!
(midday 12.3.11)
-Older/Previous Special run keys will be up for sale in 4Grabs soon (see thread for more details).
Hint #3-
Pay more attention to Hint #2.  XD

(early am 12.3.11)
hint #2- hint #1 is not a hint to the answer, it's a hint to the question

Contest up! Win a red skull on black keycap in one of these switch types- MX, Topre, BS.
hint: I see dead people ;)
Currently setting up Vendor section and gathering sale items, posting FAQs  etc...
A.K.A. "clickclack"   Vendor link ->Clack Factory   I've done so much with so little for so long, that I can do almost anything with nothing at all

Offline ClackFactory

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G R E E N  C L A C K  S A L E
4.20.14 @ 4:00pm  < NEW TIME! =)
GC Countdown Clock

A.K.A. "clickclack"   Vendor link ->Clack Factory   I've done so much with so little for so long, that I can do almost anything with nothing at all

Offline ClackFactory

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The Key to FREEDOM !!!
sale countdown
Let Freedom PING!
A USA only sale.
In the 4Grabs thread
A.K.A. "clickclack"   Vendor link ->Clack Factory   I've done so much with so little for so long, that I can do almost anything with nothing at all