If you are new to soldering, here is something that might help, available in many different languages:
http://mightyohm.com/blog/2011/04/soldering-is-easy-comic-book/This is a dedicated thread for Phantom soldering discussion and firmware discussion, a repository of all Phantom related files and information, one stop shop for all your Phantom technical needs. This page should be open for editing so everyone can update this page with latest information.
Please use the discussion section for continuous discussions, ask questions, and provide help to others if you can.
Original Phantom Group Buy Order threadPhantom soldering instruction wikiPhantom Firmware from PrinsValiumHow to change LED brightness in firmwarePhantom PCB:
Phantom Features:- Supports vintage Cherry double shot, laser, and dye sub keycaps
- 1.5x Ctrl and Alt vintage Cherry keycaps (PHANSI and PHISO plate options)
- With 1.5x modifiers, you can also use Cherry’s 7x spacebars
- Supports centered-stem and offset-stem Capslock (also from vintage Cherry Keyboards)
- Also support modern keyboard layout with 1.25x Ctrl and Alt modifiers (PHANSIWIN and PHISOWIN plate options)
- Supports both Costar and Cherry stabilizers
- Supports in-switch LED at Capslock and Scroll Lock locations, as well as Filco style LED locations between PrintScrn-ScrollLock-Break and Insert-Home-PageUp
- Plate design allows Cherry MX switch top removal without de-soldering the switch first
- Perfect for easy switch lubing, repair, or modding
Excluding switches with in-switch LED
- Supports 5 extra keys between 6-pack and arrow keys (case modification required)
- Supports 6KRO over USB with current Teensy firmware
- potentially NKRO over USB in the future with new Teensy firmware
- All keys can be remapped via firmware source code changes (currently a recompile of source is required)
- LED brightness adjustable in firmware source code
- Fits inside Filco Tenkeyless cases
- PLU cases could also work
- Community support on Geekhack.org and Deskthority.net
Kits include the following:
1 PCB (includes 2 white LEDs and2 resistors)
1 Plate
1 Teensy (includes 1 40-pin pin header)
100 switches
100 diodes
4 2x stabilizers for ANSI or 3 2x stabilizers for ISO or 0 for PH7BIT
1 7x or 1 6.25x stabilizer set for spacebar or 0 for PH7BIT
Interesting locations on PCB to watch out for:
[ Specified attachment is not available ]39094[/ATTACH]
Here is a video that demostrates how to make a costar stabilizer bar by hand. You need a Du-Bro E/Z Bender (0-90 degrees and Z bend). Wire need to be 3/64 inch music wire that you can find at hobby shops. I found the ones I use at Hobby Town USA. It is called K&S Precision Metals Stock # 502 0.047 Music Wire (1.19mm).
[ Specified attachment is not available ]39096[/ATTACH]
Removing switches without desoldering:
Future Firmware Feature List:- NKRO over USB while maintaining BIOS boot compatibility
- multiple layers
- media keys
- programmable macros
- reset with key combos without opening up the case to push the reset button on Teensy for easy flashing
- re-program keymaps without loading new firmware like AIKON.