Author Topic: Hacking up a CM Storm QuickFire Cherry MX Red  (Read 126998 times)

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Offline Parad0x86

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Hacking up a CM Storm QuickFire Cherry MX Red
« on: Thu, 03 May 2012, 09:59:49 »
The main question here is are all Cherry MX Red switches created equal and how easy is it to replace switches?

I want a CM Storm QuickFire with Cherry MX Red switched which is essentially impossible to find in the US right now. I have never modded a Cherry MX switch keyboard so I want some feedback on an idea I had. My idea is to buy a with Cherry MX Blacks and then either buy a and turn it into a Black while turning the QuickFire into a Red or just buying 100 of these . Will the red switches from the Rosewill be the same quality as those from a genuine red QuickFire? Is this possible and can I even guarantee that the switches are interchangeable? If so is there any sort of hardware I will need for removing and adding switches besides a cap puller for pulling the caps off? Thanks for any insight.

P.S. If you know where I can get a CM Storm QuickFire Red in the US from a reputable vendor or can suggest another quality Cherry MX Red (tenkeyless with black color preferable) let me know. :P

Offline Tranquilite

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Hacking up a CM Storm QuickFire Cherry MX Red
« Reply #1 on: Fri, 04 May 2012, 02:59:20 »
Will the red switches from the Rosewill be the same quality as those from a genuine red QuickFire? Is this possible and can I even guarantee that the switches are interchangeable? If so is there any sort of hardware I will need for removing and adding switches besides a cap puller for pulling the caps off? Thanks for any insight.

1)Yes the switches will be the same quality
2)Yes the switches will be interchangeable
3)Yes you are going to need some serious hardware for changing the switches, more specifically a soldering iron, and all the other necessary tools needed to solder and desolder.
The CM storm keyboards (and most other non-Cherry brand keyboards) have plate mounted switches. What this means is that it is impossible to open them and swap springs/stems without first desoldering them. If you already have soldering experience, this will simply be an exercise in tedium, otherwise things could get quite nightmarish. Additionally the CM storms have in switch LEDs for the caps lock, scroll lock, and some other key that I cant remember. These LEDs will have to be desoldered as well (and when you put them in make sure they are the right polarity!)

Offline big_bopper

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Hacking up a CM Storm QuickFire Cherry MX Red
« Reply #2 on: Sun, 06 May 2012, 21:22:20 »
CM Storm Quick Fire Rapid | Razer Black Widow Ultimate |White Keycool 87 MX Clear

Offline captain

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Hacking up a CM Storm QuickFire Cherry MX Red
« Reply #3 on: Fri, 11 May 2012, 20:48:51 »
WTF happened to all the "discussion" that was going on in here that is now just gone???
Welcome to geekhack -- where we like to type -- but don't care so much about reading.

Offline Parad0x86

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Hacking up a CM Storm QuickFire Cherry MX Red
« Reply #4 on: Fri, 11 May 2012, 22:48:47 »
Dude I don't know man. I'm not going to even bother reiterating what was said. This is the second time they lost the data, lol.

Long story short I'm typing from an actual CM Storm QuickFire Cherry MX Red.