Author Topic: GTD - Getting things done  (Read 1021 times)

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Offline Djuzuh

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GTD - Getting things done
« on: Mon, 14 May 2012, 04:22:00 »
As I was bored, I thought, why not create a discussion topic about GTD ? So, who uses it ? How did you implement it ?

So for those who don't know what this is, it is an organisation method created by david allen to deal with the huge amount of multitasking and unclear objectives most of us are facing in today's world. If you always feel that you have too much to do, and that you aren't able to keep up or that you aren't productif most of the time, this method is for you. The objectif is to be able to do every task at the best moment, to never forget anything, and to be able to fully focus on the task you are doing. It should at the same time improve your productivity and your life quality. No stress anymore ! I think everybody should read it. Even if you don't want to implement the method, there are a lot of usefull tips in the book.

I already tried to get things going at the beginning, but as I wasn't rigorous enough, after a weak or so I wasn't using it anymore xD. But I'll go serious mode into it again as soon as I've finished school.

I didn't want to use paper to implement it, because duuh, paper is so uncool ! And I didn't want to use a premade software because I probably won't find anyone which suits my needs perfectly (even if there are dozens of them out there). So I had this genius idea (at least I think it's genious). Plain text files, backed up by git. Git is just so powerfull and modular I'll be able to do what I want, and it also gives me the power of distrubitivity since I'll be able to use GTD on almost any IT device thanks to it. And plain text files because it's so easy to hack, and I'm a linux guy. I can edit it with anything, I can make scripts on it very easily, I can switch to xml if I want some formalism easily, It works anywhere, I can always hack up a website to implement it as a Software as a service app, PLAIN TEXT FTW. Expecially if paired with git. Also, it helps me get familiar with vim and git, as those are extremely powerfull tools I want to master.

So, what about you ?

Offline scrubadub

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GTD - Getting things done
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 14 May 2012, 09:04:57 »
Paper (or index cards) actually work really well for implementing GTD.

Right now, I use Omnifocus for Mac and iPhone. The learning curve is a bit steep but it works really well.
Realforce 87UB45 & 87UW45, Leopold FC200 Red

Offline Djuzuh

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GTD - Getting things done
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 14 May 2012, 09:08:15 »
yes I know.

But keyboard > pencil !

Also, paper isn't geeky enough.

Offline Lanx

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GTD - Getting things done
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 14 May 2012, 10:46:31 »
depends, i used index cards for GTD as well as the gtd apps for iphone/droid, while i have all sorts of geek stuff, i like writing it down vs device, but GTD just didn't seem to work with me either way.