Author Topic: [GB] Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Shipped!]  (Read 66745 times)

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Offline Ragnorock

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[GB] Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Shipped!]
« on: Thu, 31 May 2012, 21:53:21 »
Ordering Closed, keycaps have been mailed out!

Finally, after many delays and setbacks, I have finally prepared Portal Round 2! (Sorry for the wait!) Generally participants of previous group buys can skip most of this, as not much other than prices and shipping have changed... and most of this is a copypasta from the Red Alert GB. The main difference is that because these keys are in much lower volume, bubble mailers are once again an option. There is no problem for those ordering up to ~4 Portal sets in a bubble mailer, but if you buy several expect your shipping rate to increase for the flat rate box. You can fit more in the bubble mailer, but it bulges out and doesn't do as good of a job protecting the keys. You're obviously entitled to ask me to try and fit 5 or 6 in if that isn't a concern of yours though.

Portal 16 Key Function Row Set:
16 PBT Dye Sublimated keys on WFJ, a clean, crisp neutral white.

Anticipated demand is between 100-300 sets. Please keep that in mind when looking at the price tiers.

Here is what the new and improved legends look like: (Blue on the Esc and F5 keys are now the same as the F10 key)

[ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 52051[/ATTACH] [ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 52052[/ATTACH] [ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 52053[/ATTACH] [ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 52054[/ATTACH]

Yes that much detail can be done. You've seen what others can do with dyesub, lets see what SP can do. Here's a proof of Wheatley, since then I made the eye darker and smaller. I do believe Melissa will work on the registration so they all look similar size, though Wheatley, Turret and PotaDoS will probably be a bit larger to retain as much detail as possible.
[ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 51961[/ATTACH]

These new legends were done by my girlfriend and I, with consultation from Melissa, with the original legends coming from Hazeluff, credit to him! I did make small adjustments per the request to make all of them have some color in them, as you can see by comparing to the original set. Though I had the option to remove certain legends, I decided to just add to it rather than take away anything someone other than myself would have preferred.

Biohazard Key:
These are standard Esc and Mod keys, in RA on NN matching the Ragnarok Keyset I recently released. It was in competition with the Windows 8 legend and lost, (grumble grumble) so its being offered here... because I want it lol.

I'm hoping this will turn out really nice, but the points will be a bit duller because doubleshots can't do the sharpest edges. That's about it.

Rules and Notes

Payment by Paypal only, do not order if you do not have a verified account yet, and get one if you want these.

Country must be specified with your order, US, CAN or whatever country you're in, in fact don't forget anything in the sample order PM. I only listed the essentials.

I have rounded the prices to provide a streamlined ordering process, and include any markup I need in compensation for my time. The sorting and all cutting/legend/misc costs have also been included in the prices. The shipping prices have been lowered to essentially my cost for shipping, instead of being marked up. I have made these adjustments in light of recent feedback with the way I run these group buys, so I hope the streamlined process works better for everyone. The only extra costs that will be added to your order price are the Paypal fees, which are listed near the bottom.

No trolls allowed. (Except for Ripster) >.>

I might be ordering extras, how many depends on our total orders and quantity discounts, but they are quite expensive to invest in. Whatever extra sets I do buy will be marked up a reasonable amount. If we hit somewhere past the "Magic Number" for the next discount, do not expect me to give that discount to everyone and buy the extras that make it cheaper, because if you do the math its easily over $1000 for me to do it. Simply stated, the magic number doesn't exist, and doesn't help anyone but me if I decide to order more and not share the discount. There has been plenty of vehement discussion on this, and I will not go through it all again here. I will not cut off orders preemptively to try and screw people out of a discount, orders close when they close. If anything, I will only extend the deadline to meet the next discount. I think everyone here knows by now that this whole gig runs on mutual respect and amicability between everyone. I've built a pretty decent reputation here and I don't intend to betray that.

Traditionally I have been offering a full refund to those who have lost packages. As I am trying to get tracking/delivery confirmation set up for this group buy, that will no longer be the case if it shows as delivered. If it shows as lost in the mail, I would like to split the loss 50/50 as these are relatively expensive sets, but we can work that out. I believe if I have tracking/delivery confirmation I can file a claim with USPS and get the value back up to a certain amount, (I think $75-$100) in which case I will refund as much as possible of your order.


1. Specify which keys you want in both a response to this thread and a PM. I am tallying orders from PMs, not from responses to this thread. The only difference between your reply and PM is that you include your Paypal email and your shipping address this timein the PM. I will be sending the Paypal invoice to this email. When you get that email, please pay immediately. The thread response is just to keep the thread bumped and let everyone know how how awesome you are by buying 15 sets. The PM should also include which country you are in, US or Canada etc.
Please put Portal somewhere in the PM title. I am running concurrent group buys at the moment, so this is very important. You can edit your order as many times as you want up until orders close and invoices start going out. In fact you can edit your order after orders close, but after that point discounts no longer change. The reason being that it is likely that I have already started sending invoices and will not be resending new invoices if prices change. Just be sure to send another pm and indicate somewhere in it that you want to change an order and it isn't a new one.

2. Check for your name in the list of confirmed orders in the OP. Expect it to be updated generally within 48 hours, if you don't see it, I haven't gotten your order yet and you need to resend your PM. If I didn't add you to the list it may be because YOU DID IT WRONG. So double check you shiz and make sure it's correct before resending! I will try my best to respond back to clear up any confusion as soon as possible, but I will not be checking the thread's replies for orders that haven't sent me PMs, so don't count on that. Note: Ragnorock is an intentional misspell of Ragnarok, make sure you sent it to the right person.

3. Wait for the orders to close, and when they do, expect an email from me asking for payment. I'm going to be calculating everyone's individual cost via a very cool Excel doc I've whipped up and it's kinda what my major is so there shouldn't be any errors. Nevertheless, if you do the math based upon the final count in the OP and calculate your cost to be different, then respond ASAP to clear it up. When you pay the invoice, your shipping address will probably be sent to me by Paypal, but I will be shipping to the address in your PM over what is in Paypal. This circumvents the issue with outdated Paypal addresses.

4. Wait for keycaps to show up. I will be providing updates in new posts as my work progresses so keep an eye on the thread.

5. ??? ??? ??

6. Get back to testing.


Yes they went up in price due to SP's price hikes. Gone are the days of $20 Fn row sets. Numbers have also been rounded/marked up as mentioned earlier. (See rules/notes if you missed it.) Note that the markup for the single keys is less than $0.25 once the quantity is there.

Portal Keyset
25 keysets $36.00
50 keysets $33.00
75 keysets $31.00
100 keysets $29.00<-Target Price
150 keysets $28.00
200 keysets $27.00
250 keysets $26.00
500 keysets $25.00

Biohazard Esc
25 keys $5.00 / each
50 keys $3.00 / each
75 keys $2.25 / each
100 keys $1.75 / each
150 keys $1.50 / each
200 keys $1.25 / each
250 keys $1.00 / each
500 keys $.75 / each

Biohazard Modifier
25 keys $5.25 / each
50 keys $3.50 / each
75 keys $2.75 / each
100 keys $2.25 / each
150 keys $2.00 / each
200 keys $1.75 / each
250 keys $1.50 / each
500 keys $1.25 / each

Quantity discounts are not shared between keysets. For example, the Biohazard Escape keys ordered do not count toward the Biohazard mods ordered, the combined count does not matter. However, within the set/key, the discount does come from the sum of those ordering. It is not "You must buy 50 sets yourself to get the discount."

Shipping + Handling

Note, these prices do not include tracking, which may increase the cost a small amount if I decide to offer it.

US Options:

Bubble Mailer

$3.00 Fits about 4 Portal sets and misc Biohazard keys

Small Flat Rate box


Medium Flat Rate box


Canada Options:

Bubble Mailer

$4.00 Fits about 4 Portal sets and misc Biohazard keys

Small Flat Rate box

Canada didn't go up in price so its still $13.00.

Medium Flat Rate box



Bubble Mailer

Small Flat Rate box


Medium Flat Rate box

$55.00 (comes with insurance)

All of these will ship in the Priority flat rate boxes, which is what these rates are based off of. Multiple boxes and potentially insurance may be required for large orders. I will work with those buyers to ensure fair shipping. You do not need to tell me what shipping you need, I will determine that based on your order. I am also investigating providing tracking/delivery confirmation this round for everyone. More info on that later. Keep in mind that if that does happen and my tracking does show it delivered, then I am not liable for lost packages. Go hassle your neighbor for stealing your keycaps!

Extra large orders will be custom quoted via PM.

Paypal fees:

2.9% + $0.30 (3.9% + $0.30 for international) and is calculated in the invoicing. If you must gift it, arrangements must be made via PM.

Sample order PM:

1x Portal Set

1x Biohazard Esc

1x Biohazard Modifier

Shipping: Bubble Mailer

Country: US

Email: ( <-Be sure it is your paypal email!

Frank Miller
234 S Doom St
Apt 666
Los Angeles, CA 123456

REMEMBER, for your own privacy, do not include your address or email in your post within the thread, but DO include it in your PM! The post within the thread is unofficial and only serves to show the community how popular the group buy is. Don't be a derp!

Order counter:

Portal- 91
Biohazard Esc- 276
Biohazard Mod-317

Do not forget any of the info in that sample order, I need all of it!

Planned order close date: June 15th
Estimated ship date: July 9-15th
ETA to your door: End of July- Early September

Confirmed order list: (Updated to show shipping, if you have a Red Alert order but it isn't showing as "Ship with RA" then let me know. I haven't cross-referenced my spreadsheets left, so there must be some that are not listed correctly)

  style="width: 113px"
|  style="height: 20px; width: 150px" | Ragnorock
|  style="height: 20px" | i3oilermaker
|  style="height: 20px" | Rainb1ood
|  style="height: 20px" | Jinzo.pk3
|  style="height: 20px" | dink_
|  style="height: 20px" | Boost
|  style="height: 20px" | Lukasevic
|  style="height: 20px" | Djuzuh
|  style="height: 20px" | Leesofi
|  style="height: 20px" | Nunez
|  style="height: 20px" | WRXChris
|  style="height: 20px" | Munchikin
|  style="height: 20px" | Zehkul
|  style="height: 20px" | Ahoocom
|  style="height: 20px" | Noodles
|  style="height: 20px" | bebuxe
|  style="height: 20px" | Elton5354
|  style="height: 20px" | Postlapsaetia
|  style="height: 20px" | Zekeasakura
|  style="height: 20px" | Jcrouse
|  style="height: 20px" | Zifle
|  style="height: 20px" | AKIMbO
|  style="height: 20px" | Separus
|  style="height: 20px" | Kaen
|  style="height: 20px" | Pombero
|  style="height: 20px" | Zwi
|  style="height: 20px" | Useless_People
|  style="height: 20px" | Snoopy
|  style="height: 20px" | Paudash
|  style="height: 20px" | Defrex
|  style="height: 20px" | ProjectD
|  style="height: 20px" | Jil_Jil32
|  style="height: 20px" | Kaiserreich
|  style="height: 20px" | Oxblood
|  style="height: 20px" | Paulcalypse
|  style="height: 20px" | Sejr
|  style="height: 20px" | Tranquilite
|  style="height: 20px" | Inochi
|  style="height: 20px" | Xingularity
|  style="height: 20px" | Penoulum
|  style="height: 20px" | midg1t
|  style="height: 20px" | zzspectrez
|  style="height: 20px" | Balancebox
|  style="height: 20px" | Nereme
|  style="height: 20px" | Fluxrez
|  style="height: 20px" | NIkonf5
|  style="height: 20px" | Mashingkeys
|  style="height: 20px" | Minusic
|  style="height: 20px" | Jehutiy
|  style="height: 20px" | Igthorn
|  style="height: 20px" | Wraul
|  style="height: 20px" | Mcpetrolhead
|  style="height: 20px" | Greg Dron
|  style="height: 20px" | KylJoy
|  style="height: 20px" | DeathAdder
|  style="height: 20px" | John Fourth
|  style="height: 20px" | Choi Young Gyoo
|  style="height: 20px" | Dko2o
|  style="height: 20px" | N00bca3k
|  style="height: 20px" | Abc123asd
|  style="height: 20px" | The_Beast
|  style="height: 20px" | Guth
|  style="height: 20px" | Genkigavin
|  style="height: 20px" | Kraise
|  style="height: 20px" | Vyr1s
|  style="height: 20px" | Longweight
|  style="height: 20px" | Fohat.digs
|  style="height: 20px" | Metafour
|  style="height: 20px" | Jinhan108
|  style="height: 20px" | Abuseyoudna
|  style="height: 20px" | HeyZeus
|  style="height: 20px" | Precarious
|  style="height: 20px" | Newtype603
|  style="height: 20px" | Sypius
|  style="height: 20px" | Megnin
|  style="height: 20px" | Lu_e
|  style="height: 20px" | Jonnybastard
|  style="height: 20px" | Timsbleung
|  style="height: 20px" | Ciderjuseyo
|  style="height: 20px" | RickyJ
|  style="height: 20px" | Divinity
|  style="height: 20px" | A0019
|  style="height: 20px" | Daxxjapxx
|  style="height: 20px" | Zamorph
|  style="height: 20px" | Marodox
|  style="height: 20px" | Mark0331
|  style="height: 20px" | Hirsti
|  style="height: 20px" | Terrpn
|  style="height: 20px" | Upcboy
|  style="height: 20px" | Nntnam
|  style="height: 20px" | Rockfing
|  style="height: 20px" | WXGhoul
|  style="height: 20px" | Changdrew
|  style="height: 20px" | Snooter
|  style="height: 20px" | Hoochi
|  style="height: 20px" | T!ng
|  style="height: 20px" | ZioExcalibur
|  style="height: 20px" | KoolAidMan
|  style="height: 20px" | Squarebox
|  style="height: 20px" | Biochem
|  style="height: 20px" | Telepete
|  style="height: 20px" | Malaki
|  style="height: 20px" | Mickd
|  style="height: 20px" | Merijin

104 buyers!

Cheers, also here is a picture of my puppy driving my girlfriend's mini, since I have my Imgur open:
[ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 51963[/ATTACH]
Dave out.
« Last Edit: Tue, 01 April 2014, 13:46:38 by Moderation Team »

Offline i3oilermaker

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 31 May 2012, 22:02:57 »
Order Submitted! Excited about this one!

Offline Ragnorock

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 31 May 2012, 22:06:39 »
Me too, took me a lot of work and I'm really excited to see it come to fruition.

Offline hashbaz

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 31 May 2012, 22:11:45 »
Rag, y u make book-length OPs?

Offline rainb1ood

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 31 May 2012, 22:20:48 »
2x Portal Set
2x Biohazard Esc
2x Biohazard Modifier

Order sent via PM!

Offline jinzo.pk3

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #5 on: Thu, 31 May 2012, 22:47:02 »
Order sent.
Also, would it be possible to make the aperture logo look like this?:

[ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 51984[/ATTACH]
(without the "A")

Offline dink_

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #6 on: Thu, 31 May 2012, 22:50:39 »
Finally a portal group buy! Ordered a set!

Offline Nunez

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #7 on: Thu, 31 May 2012, 23:01:55 »

It's been a loooong time - Glados

Been waiting for this, can't see pictures at work :( But will make an order when I get home :D

My life is now complete!
I miss Ripster :(
HHKB Pro 2 || KBC Poker || Filco MJ2

Offline boost

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #8 on: Thu, 31 May 2012, 23:09:20 »
In for all 3 :D
"Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines."

-Enzo Ferrari

Offline Xingularity

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #9 on: Thu, 31 May 2012, 23:24:10 »
Two questions:

1: If I order one biohazard modifier do I get one key or one set of two modifiers?

2: You mentioned USPS, so am I correct in assuming you can post to P.O. Boxes?
Typ'n: Filco Majestouch Ninja Brown, Ducky DK9087 Blue, Ducky DK9008G2 Green
Game'n: Ducky Shine Brown

Offline jil_jil32

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #10 on: Thu, 31 May 2012, 23:49:55 »

Offline balanar

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #11 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 01:11:12 »
Quote from: Xingularity;605282
Two questions:

1: If I order one biohazard modifier do I get one key or one set of two modifiers?

2: You mentioned USPS, so am I correct in assuming you can post to P.O. Boxes?

I can help with your first question, you get one key. In the breakdown its listed as $xxx/each

Offline kdash4

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #12 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 01:51:56 »
can you combine shipping with the red alert?

Offline Ragnorock

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #13 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 01:55:26 »

Offline Zifle

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #14 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 02:13:01 »
You forgot to add International bubble mailer D:
I like cats.

Offline Ragnorock

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #15 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 02:25:34 »
Oh RIGHT! Lol. Gimme a bit, D3ing with friends.

Offline leesofi

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #16 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 02:33:08 »
Question about international shipping
bubble mailer is need.
i get geekhack Late May doubleshot 5 keycaps by bubble mailer.
Flat rate box is so big and expensive to biohazard esc+mod just few keys.

Bro Caps AI:MKII prototype Alu BroBot V2 MX
Clack Factory ICE Test-Sample #J11TG-s5A

Offline Djuzuh

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #17 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 02:39:43 »
He just said he will add bubble mailer soon :D.

Offline leesofi

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #18 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 02:40:34 »
send PM. sorry. 1st order is my mistake. check 2nd PM.
And i want bubble mailer.

3x Biohazard Esc
3x Biohazard Modifier
bubble mailer.

Bro Caps AI:MKII prototype Alu BroBot V2 MX
Clack Factory ICE Test-Sample #J11TG-s5A

Offline Nunez

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #19 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 02:41:14 »
In for:

2x Portal Set
2x Biohazard Esc
4x Biohazard Modifier

Country: Australia

I miss Ripster :(
HHKB Pro 2 || KBC Poker || Filco MJ2

Offline leesofi

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #20 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 02:41:26 »
while i writing that, he wrote earily than me.. hahaha;;

Bro Caps AI:MKII prototype Alu BroBot V2 MX
Clack Factory ICE Test-Sample #J11TG-s5A

Offline leesofi

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #21 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 02:42:50 »
Quote from: Djuzuh;605394
He just said he will add bubble mailer soon :D.

while i writing that, he wrote earily than me.. hahaha;;

Bro Caps AI:MKII prototype Alu BroBot V2 MX
Clack Factory ICE Test-Sample #J11TG-s5A

Offline Ragnorock

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #22 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 02:47:48 »
Quote from: hashbaz;605229
Rag, y u make book-length OPs?

Why do you think they take so long? Lol.

Quote from: Xingularity;605282
Two questions:

1: If I order one biohazard modifier do I get one key or one set of two modifiers?

2: You mentioned USPS, so am I correct in assuming you can post to P.O. Boxes?

1. Was answered above but yeah, you get 1 key.

2. Yes I can and have.

Quote from: leesofi;605400
while i writing that, he wrote earily than me.. hahaha;;

No worries, it happens to me all the time.[/FONT]
« Last Edit: Fri, 01 June 2012, 02:50:53 by Ragnorock »

Offline WRXChris

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #23 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 03:19:15 »
Order submitted, in for all 3! Super excited for the Portal set, the SVGs look great Rag!

Offline Djuzuh

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #24 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 03:25:44 »
Are there caps which where in the R1 but not the R2?

Offline Ragnorock

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #25 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 03:29:42 »
No, unless you count the non color versions of the same legends. The existing legends were kept the same, only improved for dyesubs. They were originally intended to be doubleshots, so the legends were intentionally simplified. For example, the Esc key, with the guy going into the portal. That portal originally didn't go flush to the arrow, it had a gap that is now gone.

Offline Djuzuh

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #26 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 03:31:30 »
ok, thanks.

Offline Nunez

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #27 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 04:08:09 »
Quote from: hashbaz;605229
Rag, y u make book-length OPs?

Still better than twilight.
I miss Ripster :(
HHKB Pro 2 || KBC Poker || Filco MJ2

Offline dmbr

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #28 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 04:08:24 »
Would it be possible just to order an individual "cake" key from the Portal set?

Offline Djuzuh

  • Posts: 1127
Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #29 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 04:10:11 »
Quote from: dmbr;605430
Would it be possible just to order an individual "cake" key from the Portal set?


If we do individual keys, each key costs way higher. Also, price breaks aren't shared.

Offline Zehkul

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #30 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 04:54:00 »
In for everything!

Offline noodles

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #31 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 05:33:55 »
wo0ho0! now Im typing with portals

1x Portal Set
1x Biohazard Esc
2x Biohazard Modifier
« Last Edit: Fri, 01 June 2012, 16:17:48 by noodles »
[Filco Brown] [Choc Red]     [Poker Black]

Offline bebuxe

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #32 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 06:24:33 »
1 x Portal Set
3 x Biohard Set/ESC

Sad, portal gun scope did not make it. Nor pinkie portal :(. At the least I wanted Hazaeluff PortalwGuy2B.png for this one.

Offline elton5354

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #33 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 06:42:02 »

2x Biohazard Esc
4x Biohazard Modifier

Offline Zekeasakura

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #34 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 07:23:12 »
1x Portal set

Offline postlapsaetia

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #35 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 07:23:50 »
Ordered a Portal set. Thanks Ragnorock!

Offline jcrouse

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #36 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 07:33:03 »
2x Portal Set
2x Biohazard Esc
4x Biohazard Modifier

Country: US

Offline AKIMbO

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #37 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 08:13:51 »

2x Biohazard esc keys
2x Biohazard modifiers

Country: 'murica
Mkawa Beta SSK | IBM SSK | IBM Model AT F | IBM F 122 | IBM Unsaver | LZ-GH (62g ergo clears) | HHKB Pro2 Type-S | HHKB Pro2 | Realforce 87U-Silent (55g uniform) | Leopold FC660C | Omnikey 101 (blue alps) | Kingsaver (blue alps) | Zenith ZKB2 (green alps)
| KBD75 (box reds)

Offline Glissant

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #38 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 08:41:46 »
Awesome to see this up =D

[strike]1x Portal set

1x Biohazard ESC

7x Biohazard Modifier[/strike]
« Last Edit: Mon, 04 June 2012, 04:39:45 by Glissant »

Offline Djuzuh

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #39 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 08:42:28 »
Why 7 if I may ask?

The whole bottom row? Why don't you take left shift too?

Offline Glissant

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #40 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 08:58:01 »
7x modifiers for extras and/or to fill the entire front row. The left shift isn't 1.25?

Offline Djuzuh

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #41 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 09:03:05 »
Quote from: Glissant;605529
7x modifiers for extras and/or to fill the entire front row. The left shift isn't 1.25?

On filco at least it is.

Offline Glissant

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #42 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 09:04:12 »
I think you need to show me that on a picture. Because I don't think I understand what you are saying =).

Offline Djuzuh

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #43 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 09:08:08 »
Oh, ****. I'm talking about iso layout xD.


Offline Zwi

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #44 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 09:44:30 »
Oder sent!
1x Portal Set
1x Biohazard Esc
2x Biohazard Modifier

What happened to the blue & orange portal in and out guys for the modifiers? I thought they were gonna be in this GB also

Offline jcrouse

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #45 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 09:45:56 »
[QUOTEWhat happened to the blue & orange portal in and out guys for the modifiers? I thought they were gonna be in this GB also[/QUOTE]

I was kinda hoping for a rerun of those also.

Offline Djuzuh

  • Posts: 1127
Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #46 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 09:46:26 »
hazelstuff is selling them at keyboardstory.

Offline Djuzuh

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #47 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 09:47:12 »
Quote from: jcrouse;605549
What happened to the blue & orange portal in and out guys for the modifiers? I thought they were gonna be in this GB also

I was kinda hoping for a rerun of those also.

They have never been run.

Offline jcrouse

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Portal Round 2 and Biohazard Group Buy [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #48 on: Fri, 01 June 2012, 09:50:44 »
Quote from: Djuzuh;605550
hazelstuff is selling them at keyboardstory.

And where is that. On the KeyboardStory website I only see two pages, the home pages contaiting "news" and a link to a few archives and a Gallery link that has nothing. Can you provide a link to the above Portal set?