Author Topic: Razer Tarantula  (Read 14484 times)

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Offline xsphat

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Razer Tarantula
« on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 01:15:51 »
What do you think of this one? It is supposed to have mechanical switches, but it doesn't say that on their site. They have them at best buy, so I might go there and see if I can play with one.

Offline iMav

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« Reply #1 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 01:32:08 »
I'm I hate it right off the bat for that reason alone.  Plus, I don't like the look of it.  But if you get hands on it, I'd love to hear your impressions.

Offline xsphat

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« Reply #2 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 01:44:02 »
I'm with you there, I hate the number pad as well, but that claim to be the most responsive key touch ever is piquing my interest. There are a few other things that would keep me from buying it - why would you ever backlight a keyboard, for one, and the other is that it looks to be the size of my desk.

Offline iMav

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« Reply #3 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 01:49:26 »
Quote from: xsphat
I'm with you there, I hate the number pad as well, but that claim to be the most responsive key touch ever is piquing my interest. There are a few other things that would keep me from buying it - why would you ever backlight a keyboard, for one, and the other is that it looks to be the size of my desk.

THIS is the only keyboard I would buy with a numpad.  And that is simply because I wouldn't have to reach over it to get to my pointing device (i'd just use the built-in trackpoint).

I can understand the backlight keys for those that hunt and peck.  Makes no sense for us since we touch type.  

It simply AMAZES me how many IT professionals there are that do not know how to type.  In THIS office alone here in Iraq, I've worked with three of them (and that just so happens to include EVERYBODY aside from me that has worked here since I've been here).   :shock:

Offline xsphat

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« Reply #4 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 01:51:55 »
That's a nice looking 'board. I was just looking at it tonight, in fact. I think the Happy Hacking beats it.

Offline iMav

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« Reply #5 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 01:55:44 »
Quote from: xsphat
That's a nice looking 'board. I was just looking at it tonight, in fact. I think the Happy Hacking beats it.

I'm anxious for THIS board to come off back order.  This may be the keyboard I buy for my kids if they like the used Cherry 4100's I purchased recently.

Offline xsphat

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« Reply #6 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 01:59:37 »
I've looked at that one as well, tonight in fact. (It's that sort of a night)

I have a feeling that one may never come off of back order though.

Offline xsphat

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« Reply #7 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 11:04:13 »
Said "It," did they? What is going on with this thread? It looks so funny.

Offline iMav

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« Reply #8 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 11:13:23 »
Quote from: xsphat
I've looked at that one as well, tonight in fact. (It's that sort of a night)

I have a feeling that one may never come off of back order though.

I have had correspondence with the company regarding that keyboard.

Quote from: DS Internationl representative
It's still going to be a couple of weeks; will let you know via email.

**FIXED!!**  :)

Offline xsphat

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Razer Tarantula
« Reply #9 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 11:26:53 »

Offline xsphat

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« Reply #10 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 13:59:46 »
Quote from: iMav
I'm I hate it right off the bat for that reason alone.

I am anti-Windows key, so that narrows my options significantly. Plus, what is that key to the right of the space bar that looks like an arrow going into a mailbox? I see it on all the Windows keyboards, and since I like myself, I am a Mac user. What does it do?

Offline iMav

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« Reply #11 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 21:58:58 »
Quote from: xsphat
I am anti-Windows key, so that narrows my options significantly. Plus, what is that key to the right of the space bar that looks like an arrow going into a mailbox? I see it on all the Windows keyboards, and since I like myself, I am a Mac user. What does it do?

Since I never run windows, I am simply anti-logo on the key.  I usually appreciate having the key as a meta key.  The other win key is the menu key.  I believe it acts like a right-click in windows for context menus.

Apple is also known for having OS-specific keys (open and closed apple, command key).

Offline xsphat

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« Reply #12 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 23:15:24 »
What is an open and closed Apple? is that really old school or something? And the command key is pivital in the Mac OS, so I am fine with that.

By the way, I am writing this post in Windows via Boot Camp, funny huh?

iMav, what do you run, Ubuntu?

Offline iMav

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« Reply #13 on: Sun, 02 September 2007, 23:43:17 »
Quote from: xsphat
What is an open and closed Apple? is that really old school or something?

Yep.  Old school Apple.  :)

Quote from: xsphat
iMav, what do you run, Ubuntu?

That's what I run on my thinkpad, yes.  Gentoo has been my distro of choice for a while now...but I've grown accustomed to installing Ubuntu on my desktops out of shear laziness.  Which speaks VOLUMES about Ubuntu.  My 5 year old son could install it.  (and HAS)  :)

Offline xsphat

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« Reply #14 on: Mon, 03 September 2007, 00:08:25 »
So have I, on a PowerMac G3. I run a live CD on my MacBook from time to time to get my fix, but I am thinking of getting VMWare fusion and running an install that way. I don't know how geeky I really need to be, with Mac, XP and Ubuntu on my laptop. That may be a little much. I would like to buy an older PC of some kind and run a Linux distro on it.

Re: Razer Tarantula
« Reply #15 on: Mon, 03 September 2007, 03:02:31 »
Quote from: xsphat
What do you think of this one? It is supposed to have mechanical switches, but it doesn't say that on their site. They have them at best buy, so I might go there and see if I can play with one.

I am certain that it's membrane. However, Raptor K1 (made by Cherry), SteelSeries SteelKeys and The Deck backlit keyboard are all mechanical. All have Cherry MX switches.

Offline xsphat

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« Reply #16 on: Mon, 03 September 2007, 03:12:59 »
What is up with the Deck keyboards? I have a Cherry ML4100 and it looks like the Deck, only mine is older.

Razer Tarantula
« Reply #17 on: Mon, 03 September 2007, 04:08:16 »
ML keyboards have ML switches, which are a shorter travelling version of the MX Linear switch. MX switches come in Linear, tactile, and ergonomic (I think). The Deck has MX linear switches. Virtually all keyboards using MX switches, use the Linear version. I've never used such keyboards myself, but apparently they are very long-travel and have no click feel. I believe the only exception are some ergonomic keyboards like Datadesk Smartboard (clicky MX?) and Kinesis Advantage (ergonomic?) keyboards. Reviews of these keyboards are all over the place. Some say the Kinesis has mushy keys, others say they are stiff, and so on. However, I have a couple of these (from my RSI desperation days):

It uses ML switches as well. Personally, I was not too thrilled with the ML key feel. It's short, linear, and somewhat stiff. I think the keycaps on the Plum are too big for the switch. So you have to hit the key in the middle, otherwise they are very stiff. My Northgate Evolution keyboard has Alps switches, and they are very clicky, have much smaller keycaps and generally feel smoother.

BTW, this is a great site:

Cherry key modules:

Offline iMav

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« Reply #18 on: Mon, 03 September 2007, 04:11:07 »
Hey!  Our first two-page thread!  And, congrats to xsphat for his 100th post!  (although the RSS feeds for your blog probably account for some of those)  :)

I own four of those Cherry 4100's...but have never seen them in person.  (they are at home and I am in Iraq)

Offline xsphat

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« Reply #19 on: Mon, 03 September 2007, 04:15:28 »
Nice, thank you for the run down. i really like the ML switches a lot. They don't seem to have any of the downfalls you've mentioned (for me) and I find tha tI type way better on this than many other keyboards.

I have a couple of 20 year old Apple keyboards with Alps switches (I even took a keycap off to check) and I jsut adore the feel of them, but I still use this little Cherry model becasue I am so happy with it, and that it's my most recent purchase.

Offline iMav

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« Reply #20 on: Mon, 03 September 2007, 04:53:56 »
Was you ML4100 purchase NIB or was it used?  (I know you said you got it off Ebay...but I've seen several on Ebay that are of the same age that are being sold NIB) It looks to be in pretty decent shape.  

BTW, this new keyboard is everything that I had hoped.  Mechanical switches are great...but man, can you beat the buckling spring feedback?  Right now, I don't think you can.  :)

Offline xsphat

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« Reply #21 on: Mon, 03 September 2007, 13:29:51 »
Quote from: iMav
Was you ML4100 purchase NIB or was it used?  (I know you said you got it off Ebay...but I've seen several on Ebay that are of the same age that are being sold NIB) It looks to be in pretty decent shape.  

BTW, this new keyboard is everything that I had hoped.  Mechanical switches are great...but man, can you beat the buckling spring feedback?  Right now, I don't think you can.  :)

My ML4100 was sold used and tested froma n Ebay store. The only part that doesn't look mint is the sticker on the back. I love it because there are no Windows keys or anything unnecessary like that.

If things go tehe way I plan, iMav, I may ship one of my Apple Alps Keyboards to you over there to play with. The only thing that is stopping me is the you don't have access to an ADB plug, so either you have to buy one if you want to keep the 'board, or I have to buy a spare to ship with it so you aren't wasting money. I want you to try them either way.

Offline ashort

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« Reply #22 on: Tue, 04 September 2007, 20:54:24 »
Quote from: iMav
It simply AMAZES me how many IT professionals there are that do not know how to type.

I resemble that remark!  

{ KBC Poker - brown | Filco Majestouch - brown | Dell AT101W | Cherry G84-4100 }

Offline iMav

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« Reply #23 on: Tue, 04 September 2007, 22:44:04 »
Quote from: ashort
I resemble that remark!

Have some pride in your craft!!  

I can understand MCSE's...but YOU actually need to USE the keyboard.

[ although, I think you are the fastest "hunt and pecker" I have ever seen ]  :)

Offline xsphat

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« Reply #24 on: Tue, 04 September 2007, 22:55:10 »
Quote from: iMav
I think you are the fastest "hunt and pecker" I have ever seen ]  :)

Insert Beavis and Butthead quote here  :twisted: