Are your eyes bleeding? You can always change your theme.
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I'm with you there, I hate the number pad as well, but that claim to be the most responsive key touch ever is piquing my interest. There are a few other things that would keep me from buying it - why would you ever backlight a keyboard, for one, and the other is that it looks to be the size of my desk.
That's a nice looking 'board. I was just looking at it tonight, in fact. I think the Happy Hacking beats it.
I've looked at that one as well, tonight in fact. (It's that sort of a night) I have a feeling that one may never come off of back order though.
It's still going to be a couple of weeks; will let you know via email.
I'm I hate it right off the bat for that reason alone.
I am anti-Windows key, so that narrows my options significantly. Plus, what is that key to the right of the space bar that looks like an arrow going into a mailbox? I see it on all the Windows keyboards, and since I like myself, I am a Mac user. What does it do?
What is an open and closed Apple? is that really old school or something?
iMav, what do you run, Ubuntu?
What do you think of this one? It is supposed to have mechanical switches, but it doesn't say that on their site. They have them at best buy, so I might go there and see if I can play with one.
Was you ML4100 purchase NIB or was it used? (I know you said you got it off Ebay...but I've seen several on Ebay that are of the same age that are being sold NIB) It looks to be in pretty decent shape. BTW, this new keyboard is everything that I had hoped. Mechanical switches are great...but man, can you beat the buckling spring feedback? Right now, I don't think you can.
It simply AMAZES me how many IT professionals there are that do not know how to type.
I resemble that remark!
I think you are the fastest "hunt and pecker" I have ever seen ]