Author Topic: I already want another one.  (Read 2049 times)

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Offline H2Owned

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I already want another one.
« on: Tue, 28 May 2013, 00:07:07 »
Hello GH.

Picked up a CM Storm QFR Stealth with greens a few weeks ago and I'm really happy with it C:

Feels so much better than the old membrane board.

I've spent the majority of my free time here salivating and I already want to try more. Is it too late to turn back? I think I might have to sell my house and or my body.

I'm really interested in the exposed switches like in the Corsair keyboards or like the Neo 87 or like this one:

I've made it my life's goal to own a keyboard like this.

My dream keyboard: GON's NS 87 case anodized red or black, ps2avr pcb, red leds, 62g ergo clears, and either some thick PBT black blanks or black with red modifiers or something.

Maybe this is too ambitious but I want it so badly :C Looks like in all it'll cost about 500 dollars and a couple of weekends.

I have some questions as well I guess, I'm still not completely sure how this all would work.

I saw WFD building a KMAC 2 and he took a dremel to his leds, are there leds that fit or that are like made specifically for cherry switches? I heard costar stabilizers had problems with leds, would I need to use cherry stabilizers or is the way I can still get costar stabilizers to work with leds? What kind of controller am I supposed to use? Does the case mean it would be same as a plate mounted keyboard? Should I get plate mounted switches? Would it feel like a plate mounted keyboard? I still would have to desolder the switches in order to open them? Are stickers a good idea if I'm going through all the trouble to change the springs and lube the switch?

Thanks in advance for any help and sorry for all of the questions C: Looking forward to a life of poverty!

Offline codyeatworld

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Re: I already want another one.
« Reply #1 on: Tue, 28 May 2013, 00:20:37 »
Don't worry about all the questions im sure most of them will be answered but to start:

QFR Stealth with greens is a great buy, greens are not so easy to find everywhere and they are a nice clicky switch.

The Gon keyboard aka your "dream $500 keyboard" isn't that expensive, I recently asked him about the pricing:

Housing for A.87 = $160
PCB = $40 (PS2AVR87 PS/2, Full LED fuction, you have to solder the SMD parts yourself)

If you want me to solder the small SMD parts of the PCB, I will do it for $10.
(But still you have to solder diodes and resisters for switches. It's too many to do for $10. And it's not that difficult as QFP44 MCU.)

Your questions are directed towards a kmac2 right?

You don't need a controller, its built in the pcb.

There are smaller leds that don't need to be shaved, but you will still need to modify the switch housing to complete WFD's led mod.

Yes it is plate mounted keyboard, it will feel like a plate mounted keyboard, and the switchtops are not removable so desoldering is required to remove the switches or open the housing (might be wrong).

I personally like stickers on my switches and ideally you would put them on while your applying the lube and changing springs.

- Cody

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Offline H2Owned

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Re: I already want another one.
« Reply #2 on: Tue, 28 May 2013, 00:46:37 »
Don't worry about all the questions im sure most of them will be answered but to start:

QFR Stealth with greens is a great buy, greens are not so easy to find everywhere and they are a nice clicky switch.

The Gon keyboard aka your "dream $500 keyboard" isn't that expensive, I recently asked him about the pricing:

Housing for A.87 = $160
PCB = $40 (PS2AVR87 PS/2, Full LED fuction, you have to solder the SMD parts yourself)

If you want me to solder the small SMD parts of the PCB, I will do it for $10.
(But still you have to solder diodes and resisters for switches. It's too many to do for $10. And it's not that difficult as QFP44 MCU.)

Your questions are directed towards a kmac2 right?

You don't need a controller, its built in the pcb.

There are smaller leds that don't need to be shaved, but you will still need to modify the switch housing to complete WFD's led mod.

Yes it is plate mounted keyboard, it will feel like a plate mounted keyboard, and the switchtops are not removable so desoldering is required to remove the switches or open the housing (might be wrong).

I personally like stickers on my switches and ideally you would put them on while your applying the lube and changing springs.

- Cody

Welcome to geekhack

Sorry, my questions were for that case and the ps2avr pcb. Thank you for your help! So basically there are no leds that I can buy that will just fit right into the switches? I should be able to follow the guides for like the phantoms and kmacs though right? Just afraid of screwing stuff up haha. I still have to buy switches and leds and springs and lube and stickers and keycaps. Anything else I'm missing? I'm located in the US so shipping looks like it'll be pretty costly as well. What an expensive hobby. Thanks again for the quick reply and answers to my millions of questions.
« Last Edit: Tue, 28 May 2013, 00:48:25 by H2Owned »

Offline Lastpilot

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Re: I already want another one.
« Reply #3 on: Tue, 28 May 2013, 07:23:53 »
I'm right there with ya, Gon's cases look really awesome. Maybe if they become popular enough, somebody will run an assembly service to go with them and hopefully they will offer LED mods. Anyway, that's what I'm wishing for.

And welcome to Geekhack by the way! Enjoy your stay here :D

Offline esoomenona

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Re: I already want another one.
« Reply #4 on: Tue, 28 May 2013, 08:31:21 »
May I ask why those are your dream options when you've never tried those switches (or really any other for that matter)? What if you get them all installed and hate them? Is it because a lot of other people speak highly of them?

Offline H2Owned

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Re: I already want another one.
« Reply #5 on: Tue, 28 May 2013, 21:04:58 »
May I ask why those are your dream options when you've never tried those switches (or really any other for that matter)? What if you get them all installed and hate them? Is it because a lot of other people speak highly of them?

Yeah, popularity was a pretty big factor. I've tried blues and browns like in store and on my friends' boards. I have the greens which I think I prefer to the blues. The browns were nice too but the bump was kind of underwhelming as a lot of people say. Some people like them some people hate them. Ergo clears were pretty much unanimously popular though. I've heard that once you use browns you want clears. The custom springs I'm not entirely sure of, but apparently 2 grams makes the switches feel much better so I guess why not. I'm not really interested in the linears (although tsangan does love his custom blacks) or the topres because of layout and because I want to build something. If I hate them I guess I'll just try some other switches! I don't mind the extra work to change the switches out, I am doing this for fun. Hopefully I'll like them though.