Author Topic: Desk setup - need some feedback  (Read 837 times)

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Offline vasouv

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Desk setup - need some feedback
« on: Fri, 30 August 2013, 17:19:36 »
Alright, at first I thought it'd be silly to ask feedback on how to setup my desk, then I thought that probably many people might face the same problem with me, having a desktop and a laptop and not knowing what to do with them :P So yeah, that's basically what this thread's about.

As you can see on this photo, this is what my desk looks like. It's pretty small, it ends when the mousepad ends. I got it like this today. The reason behind my decision was this; I hardly ever use my laptop anymore, my desktop has a big monitor and the wall monitor is used as a second one. So I thought, if I used my laptop as my main development machine (along with the wall monitor as a second one) I wouldn't let it collect dust week after week and I wouldn't have to miss having two monitors.

But problem is, I'm so used to working on my desktop (both performance-wise and monitor-wise) that I got a bit tired working on my laptop today :P I guess I'll get used to the different resolutions if I stick to this, I'll be using my desktop for recording music, movies, torrents, games... that sort of things.

I was wondering though, would it be better if I moved my laptop next to my desktop? Guessing it would be on a separate desk or something, I roll to the left to code on my laptop, roll to the right to do stuff on the desktop.

Basically, how you guys use your systems? I've seen plenty of workspaces with a desktop (be it a mac or pc) and a laptop. What do you use the laptop for if the desktop's your main machine?

Silly questions, I know, it's just I'm trying to eventually use effectively what I have, I don't want to use my laptop only every six months when I go out of town for uni exams...