Author Topic: Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?  (Read 3312 times)

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Offline camotito

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Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?
« on: Thu, 12 September 2013, 14:23:51 »
this is my first post in the site and I am glad to have found it since I think it is full of useful opinions.
I'm going to buy an ergonomic keyboard. I've been reading some posts in this forum but I'm completely newbie. Until now I've been using conventional cheap keyboards. Now I'm considering two options: kinesis contoured or yogitype.
I like the idea of tilted/vertical keyboards, I think it would be beneficial for my hands. However, I have seen that a lot of people here owns Kinesis contoured. I have read that this keyboard make your hands stay at the 20° position. I wonder if people who have been using this keyboard thinks that is enough. So far it seems to be a popular keyboard with a good reviews.
I haven't been able to find reviews/real user experiences for the yogitype but it looks promising to me. I like the fact that the mouse is embedded in the keyboard in an apparently comfortably position. Anybody out there who can give an opinion about the yogitype?
What do you think of each of those? Which one would you recommend?
best to all

Offline metalliqaz

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Re: Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 12 September 2013, 14:32:16 »
Wow this is the first I've heard of yogitype.  Interesting design.  I prefer the good old flat-on-your-desk keyboards, though

Offline Oobly

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Re: Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 12 September 2013, 15:40:41 »
I'd recommend Kinesis contoured rather than Yogitype. You are close to maximum supination (outward rotation) of the hands with the around-the-back vertical layout. Personally I think the Kinesis is much more ergonomic and I really like that it has thumb button clusters, so you use your thumbs for more than just space. Helps the pinkies a lot.

20 degrees is a lot closer to optimal than 90 degrees, but I also think the key clusters should be angled in a touch also to be perfect. But it's about the best that's on the market along with the Maltron. The Truly Ergonomic is also good, but quite flat.
Buying more keycaps,
it really hacks my wallet,
but I must have them.

Offline hoggy

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Re: Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?
« Reply #3 on: Fri, 13 September 2013, 07:11:10 »
I've not tried the yogitype.  Are you able to try before you buy or return it within a set number of days?  The mouse pointer looks like it could be really good, and I like the take-apart construction (& bag!) so you can carry it between home and work easily.  I've been thinking of adding one to my collection for a while now...

From memory, the yogitype is rubber dome, and won't last as long as the kinesis.

Can you let us know why you are after an ergonomic keyboard?  We could then try to help you based on your needs.

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Offline camotito

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Re: Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?
« Reply #4 on: Fri, 13 September 2013, 09:36:07 »
thanks for the help!. I want an ergonomic keyboard because I've been suffering from pain in my forearms and hands (but especially my forearms) for some years now. I've been using voice recognition but now I feel the necessity to go back to keyboard. Maybe because I would like to go back to programming. I realized about the awkward position of my hands while typing in a flat keyboard (specially pronation). I googled without hope the words "vertical keyboard" and to my biggest surprise I found that there were a few commercial solutions for this. This video got my attention and I would like to set a similar working environment:
Looking for a review of the yogitype I found this forum. And then I realized that many experienced users in this forum were using the kinesis countoured.
I first heard about the pronation of hands while typing from my physical therapist. If I rest my hands over my lap I can see that they are at least 45° tilted (I would say they are at around 60°). By the way, using a pen and tablet instead of a mouse is much more comfortable for me. That's why I have doubts about how beneficial the kinesis would be for me.
It is really a pity that there is no user feedback about the yogitype.

Offline hoggy

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Re: Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?
« Reply #5 on: Fri, 13 September 2013, 11:13:52 »
The kinesis puts your hands at roughly shoulder width apart, so your hands point ahead of you. Try placing your hands on your legs, between hips and knees for an taster...
GH Ergonomic Guide (in progress)

Offline jroes

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Re: Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?
« Reply #6 on: Fri, 13 September 2013, 12:10:50 »
I have forearm, wrist, and hand pain too. I've been exploring options like the ErgoDox and split keyboards. I tried out the Kinesis, but I found that I was still having some ulnar deviation as I used it.

From everything I've read online, you shouldn't let your RSI symptoms go too long or you may end up with permanent or harder to cure effects (nerve damage, for example). I'd see a doctor as soon as you can.

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Re: Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?
« Reply #7 on: Fri, 13 September 2013, 22:45:04 »
One thing that seems to help out is change. You could go with one keyboard for now, and when you are used to it you could get something different. It will take you some time to get used to either of the two boards and getting both at the same time will mess with your head.

How are you finding life without programming? I just couldn't give it up.

I came across livecode the other day and it looks like it might be suitable for voice recognition...
GH Ergonomic Guide (in progress)

Offline camotito

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Re: Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?
« Reply #8 on: Sat, 14 September 2013, 11:26:00 »
I can enjoy life without programming but I certainly miss that feeling of satisfaction that I get when I solve a programming problem or where I finish the creation of a program. I think that you understand :-).
I have already visited the doctors but they didn't find anything that they could operate. I like much more the physical therapists approach of stretching and correcting the posture. For the later I think that a vertical keyboard would help. That's one of the reasons why I have almost 100% decided to acquire a yogitype. According to the website they offer three weeks testing period.
Thanks for the tip about livecode. I was not aware of it and it certainly looks very interesting. I will investigate more about that. There is a community of a voice recognition users that try to push the limits of voice recognition. Programming has been always a difficult task with voice. There is even a framework called voicecode. Unfortunately it seems very complicated and far too few people use it. However it is a very active community and I think that sooner or later they/we will get something.
When I have acquired the keyboard I will reflect my experience is here.
Thanks again for the advices
all the best

Offline hoggy

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Re: Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?
« Reply #9 on: Sat, 14 September 2013, 15:27:54 »
Go for it, I'll be interested in what you think of it.

There are plenty of programmers here and some of us struggle through. I'd guess that if you're prepared to get a Yogitype, you're all set to turn the corner.
GH Ergonomic Guide (in progress)

Offline mkee

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Re: Yogitype or Kinesis countoured?
« Reply #10 on: Wed, 30 October 2013, 18:13:00 »
Sorry for bumping, I hope it's no problem – there are just a few threads about the Yogitype.

Hey Javier, did you already order the Yogitype?
I've just posted my experience and my ideas for a vertical keyboard in an extra thread, because it got quite long! :)

20 degrees is a lot closer to optimal than 90 degrees
I don't think so. 90 degrees feels very comfortable. I instead agree with the guy in the above mentioned video about his ergonomic computer workstation. IMO 90 degrees is at least as comfortable or even more ergonomic than 20 degrees at the Kinesis.