Author Topic: Dig the information on this site, ready to start posting and asking questions  (Read 1924 times)

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Offline epiphany

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I've been checking geekhack for a while for information, mostly because I just like odd computer stuff and the vintage mechanical keyboards appeal to me. I found an old Model M and Model F AT at a yard sale a couple of years ago, and while I can type faster on them than I can with a rubber dome keyboard, I find that the M is too heavy and I'm not a fan of the layout on the F.

Recently I started doing some web design work and found that I wanted something more precise than the RD I've been using, so I'm now dipping into other keyboards and looking for something that I can use day and night and feel confident on. Wanting to try out some Cherry MX switches... thinking that brown or blue would probably be the best for me... maybe clear. I'd dig being able to find a place to try each of these out.

Alternately, anyone have any ideas on using the Model F with Mac/Linux? I end up using the apple/supper key all the time for various key combos.

Offline Tarzan_

  • Posts: 28
Welcome to the forum!

Starting with a Model M AND a Model F?!  That's setting the bar pretty high!  I'd suggest trying out MX Greens, if you can find a board you like, those are the switches I find to be closest in feel to buckling spring.

And I think there's at least one ANSI mod for the Model F in a thread somewhere...   ;D

Offline epiphany

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Thanks. I actually really like the buckling springs, but I'd like them a bit lighter. This is one reason I was interested in the MX brown/blue switches - and the reason that I prefer the Model F over the Model M (so if that feels just right I guess I'm looking at about 60g for actuation force or less). Now that I'm looking at it, I might like some of the topre switches as well.

Taking a look at some of the mods here - I wish I had the time and the mechanical inclination to pull some of these off. The Model F looks like a real pain to take apart! Maybe I'll start with a simpler board to mod as I start out. This is also the interest in the MX switches because there seem to be so many parts readily available.

Offline epiphany

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Also, I'm hailing from Georgia if anyone happens to be in the Atlanta area.

Offline Linkbane

  • Posts: 1534
  • Location: Houston, TX
Heh, I would think that you'd probably like something lighter and not just the same thing, but modern.

I would say that you'd definitely want a clicky switch, whether Blue or Green. I have both, and the Green is just overly heavy, not conducive to long periods of typing. I'm quite a fast typist, and I can't sustain my speed for more than thirty seconds with Greens, despite doing finger-intensive sports and typing over two hours daily. Blues are lighter and easier on the fingers on the Green, although you probably wouldn't find a comparable sound to the BS, as it's higher-pitched, but I think that you'll love the sound.
The only reason that I would recommend against trying Browns is that the BS has so much more feedback than the subtle bump of the Brown that you probably couldn't feel it, or use it effectively.

Good luck with whatever you do choose. What size of keyboard appeals to you? Fullsize, TKL, 60%?
Quickfire TK MX Blue Corsair K60 MX Red Ducky Shine 3 Yellow TKL MX Blue Leopold FC660C
Current best: 162 wpm.

Offline epiphany

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Not sure about the size. I think that either fullsize or tkl makes sense for me, although I've been able to adapt fairly easily to smaller keyboards on netbooks in the past, so it might be interesting trying out a smaller keyboard (I'm kind of curious about the ML switches, for instance)

I've also never used a linear switch before, so I'm interested to see what I think of black/red switches. I think that my preference would be to have some sort of tactile feedback. I'm not sure if the sound is going to be important to me or not. I like the idea of typing quietly - and it makes sense for my home life. I work primarily from home, so it's possible that I would be able to use one keyboard for everything. Also, I need to be able to share the keyboard, which prevents me from getting something that's too out of the norm. I've thought about going with blank keycaps and/or switching to Dvorak (largely because I never learned how to properly touch type and I might be able to use that as a way of retraining myself), but I think that might not work in sharing with my SO.

Right now I think that I'm looking for a place to start, so I'm trying to find ways of just getting exposure to the different types of switches without buying a keyboard that uses each. I can see that on this forum there are large number of people with that MO though... that kind of appeals to me, but for the sake of my wallet I'm trying to avoid going that route.  :))

Offline Linkbane

  • Posts: 1534
  • Location: Houston, TX
If you do like more compact formats but mostly keep it at home, a TKL would probably make the most sense, because a 60% does reduce functions by quite a bit more than cutting a numpad, if you don't use it much. Some layouts like the FC660 are similar to a TKL, but it doesn't contain navigation keys, only insert/delete, but if you're not moving it every day, there's not really a point in getting smaller.

I think that you'd like tactile. If you want something not too loud and usable universally, a soft MX Brown would be fine, as well as a heavier MX Clear, with much more feedback but also significantly greater actuation force. ML is apparently similar, but it's harder to do fun things with because there aren't any other ML-compatible switches, I believe.

And if you want to try Dvorak, it's actually very easy to switch over. It's changeable by a single two-key press (generally ctrl+shift) between Qwerty/Dvorak, and I've never had a problem with others on my keyboard, I just changed it before I gave it to them or just had them click on the toolbar to change.
Quickfire TK MX Blue Corsair K60 MX Red Ducky Shine 3 Yellow TKL MX Blue Leopold FC660C
Current best: 162 wpm.

Offline epiphany

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Cool. Yeah, I think from my reading that MX clears would be the right fit, if they are about the same heft as the Model F or less.

I like the idea of using a TKL and having the mouse closer to my hands. I might try that for a while, although I do use the keypad about once or twice a week - so I think that I would miss it, but not very often.

Offline Linkbane

  • Posts: 1534
  • Location: Houston, TX
I just tried the Model F today, a good friend of mine had it. It was actually a bit strange, but I'd say that Clears are a good match; the F felt heavier than a Brown but lighter than a green (45 vs 80 cN), and the Clear is 65 cN, right about where the F is, but it should have more significant tactile feedback. The F that I tried was in very good condition and felt very metallic, different from a Clear in tactility but theoretically (as I've never tried a clear) similar force.
Quickfire TK MX Blue Corsair K60 MX Red Ducky Shine 3 Yellow TKL MX Blue Leopold FC660C
Current best: 162 wpm.

Offline epiphany

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Thanks. That's good info. Now I just have to track down a clear board to try out.

I took a look at the ANSI mods for Model Fs. That would be an interesting way to go too. Not sure that I care to carve this up just yet, however. I'd love to get into some mods, but I'll start with something that won't feel like a huge loss if I kill it. Was looking at some MX black boards just to play with. Found one cheap on ebay that should arrive in the mail today.