Author Topic: Model M 1988 no drainage no cable 5 bucks, geekhackers have a huge advantage  (Read 849 times)

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Offline berserkfan

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  • changing diapers is more fun than model f assembly

Normally you can't expect a low starting bid to be the final price, since everything will get bid up to market prices. But in this case, I think it's a perfect keyboard for geekhackers.

it's lacking a cable.

to get one new from Unicomp, it's gonna cost $20 shipped if I remember rightly.

Normal users aren't going to bid more than 10 for this keyboard, but since geekhackers love teensy mods and cable mods and lots of us (me included) have spare cables that we probably don't mind sending to another geekhacker, go ahead and bid for this keyboard! You might get it for 5 bucks!

Most of the modding can be done on your own once you break through the psychological barriers.