Last night was a pretty exciting day of experimentation. I've been working on a new design, and just done my first cast of version 1. The design is definitely going to be redone once I really make my mind up about some design choices but I really wanted to see how the first sculpt would cast out. I also got some new materials to cast with, which were originally planned to be used specifically with this design.

The concept was a robot like the old 70's robots that had those glass tanks which contained their brains on their heads. It kind of looks like some of the enemies from the Mega Man games, now that I think about it though. This was my first attempt floating these little pearls inside of the cast, I didn't wait long enough for my resin to set so they didn't stay suspended, and kinda went all over the place. I think it's cool, and has potential, but I'll be refining this idea as I go on. While I was at it, I went ahead and tried these out on my other designs.

Again, I can see some potential for some really cool effects, once I get the whole process figured out and can keep these things from just settling to the bottom of the mold, without having to constantly rotate until the resin cures.
I have these things in lots of different colors, so I'm pretty stoked to keep playing around with these.
You can also see in the background that I've been keeping busy making more of these... "Aurora Borealis" pigmented keys.
Last, I have just a new color. This one I really, really like. The top layer is transparent, below it is a very deep green olive oil type of color, but when the light hits it at certain angles, you can see this really deep beautiful rose red color shine out from inside of it. I can't seem to capture that effect with my lackluster phone camera, so I have a photographer friend who's going to give it a shot today with her DSLR. I'm not sure if I could make more of these with the same results, I'm going to try, but these might be a lucky anomaly.

That's all for now then, two new designs are getting molds tonight, so hopefully I'll have something new to show in a day or two. In the meantime, I'm going to keep messing with these little pearls.