Author Topic: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed  (Read 14629 times)

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #1 on: Fri, 23 May 2014, 09:44:00 »
Tough break.  If they can do their job and it's easy to fire people for whatever reason, why should they worry about it?
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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #2 on: Fri, 23 May 2014, 09:47:46 »
Tough break.  If they can do their job and it's easy to fire people for whatever reason, why should they worry about it?

Just policy they need to change, it was probably made during reefer madness  :p

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #3 on: Fri, 23 May 2014, 10:15:50 »
Any good hacker should smoke weed.

Offline vivalarevolución

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #4 on: Fri, 23 May 2014, 13:49:20 »
Any good hacker should smoke weed.

What else can you do when sitting at a computer all day?  Probably not any worse than eating potato chips all day.
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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #5 on: Fri, 23 May 2014, 18:54:17 »
I miss waking up and smelling weed every-time I walked to class.

*actually no I really don't*

Offline katushkin

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #6 on: Fri, 23 May 2014, 19:00:26 »
The thing was, that they wouldn't hire people who had smoked weed in the last THREE YEARS.

I don't think I know anybody who would fit the "hacker" age group, let alone profession, who hasn't smoked weed in the last 3 years.
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Offline Latin00032

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #7 on: Fri, 23 May 2014, 19:26:24 »
I haven't. I think it's been about 7 years for me.

I'm not happy about it but, I have random drug testing at work. Even though my work hasn't random drug tested me in 6 years.

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #8 on: Fri, 23 May 2014, 20:45:46 »
The thing was, that they wouldn't hire people who had smoked weed in the last THREE YEARS.

I don't think I know anybody who would fit the "hacker" age group, let alone profession, who hasn't smoked weed in the last 3 years.

How could they possibly test such a thing? Pretty sure that's impossible.

Offline katushkin

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #9 on: Fri, 23 May 2014, 22:19:18 »
Yeah, literally no idea.

You would just ask if they have, and they say... yes? I don't even.
Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
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Offline Novus

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #10 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 01:01:37 »
Don't ask don't weed

Offline Malphas

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #11 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 13:43:56 »
The thing was, that they wouldn't hire people who had smoked weed in the last THREE YEARS.

I don't think I know anybody who would fit the "hacker" age group, let alone profession, who hasn't smoked weed in the last 3 years.

How could they possibly test such a thing? Pretty sure that's impossible.

Hair testing. Although the entire thing is made up anyway. It's more a comment on the acceptance of weed in society in contrast to the FBI's 1950's style entrance requirements, than it is an actual logistical problem.

Offline smknjoe

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #12 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 13:50:19 »
What, age does a "hacker" have to be? LOL

I didn't read the article but I assume they aren't actually testing for THC 3 years back, but the requirement is part of a questionnaire or signed affidavit confirming you have not consumed any marijuana within the last 3 years.

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Offline ferociousfingerings

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #13 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 14:49:57 »
(edit: quote removed; i ended up not even responding to the quote i originally intended to respond to.)

Heh. Well, maybe if their own prejudices, biases and irrationality, becomes a known cause of their problems, perhaps they will learn how to think like a hacker, and change the source of the problem, instead of attempting to rapidly contrive endless patches for fundamentally broken software. But evidence suggests they are actually incapable of such a realization, due to the way they've been programmed (but wait... isn't it "the fuzz" who always say "to catch a criminal, you gotta think like one..." ? So they want hackers who don't smoke weed... but hackers are smarter than normal people, and if smarter-than-normal people are smoking weed... can we justifiably extrapolate from this, that "weed must be okay?" I think so. A "hacker stoner" has a special combination of insights, from which "the fuzz" could thoroughly benefit. Why would you refuse "inside information" from a prospective employee? Isn't the FBI all about catching hackers and stoners? They should hire stoner hackers. They'd probably catch more stoners and hackers that way, i would think... except that stoners and hackers probably aren't really interested in flipping their brethren. I find it unlikely that there is a large number of "stoner hackers" who would even want to work for the FBI (...unless they gave you immunity from cannabis laws, and some sweet gear). I suppose if cannabis were legal, lots of stoners, hackers, and stoner-hackers, would be glad to assist the establishment.

It's funny, they won't hire people who smoke weed, because they simply dislike them ("all of them," "those types," "you people," etc.).

I wonder how fond they are of the people who shoot back. Do you think they like the "stoners" or the "return-fire" people more?

Evidence would suggest they prefer violence and destruction, and causing unnecessary human suffering, instead of harmonizing with their own fellow countrymen (and women...), and integrating with some of the most creative and principled people in existence (cannabis users).

Some of you guys might not believe this, but the number of d-bag stoners i've met, PALES in comparison to the amount of d-baggery i've seen exhibited by enforcers and other "authorities."

I don't understand how they can be that way... okay, i actually pretty much do, but it's still so astonishing to me, that i'm always tempted to say "i don't understand" or "i can't believe it."

The establishment benefits (or rather, believes it does) from terrorizing and persecuting cannabis users. They ENJOY using "stoners" as scapegoats; especially the power-trip that comes with believing you have been given legitimate authority to command others, with or without justification, just because you have a title and a certificate, issued by an equally illegitimate and blatantly corrupt gov't, who clearly is comprised of other humans who want nothing more than to control as much of the populous as possible, in order to produce rapid and substantial gains for themselves, regardless of how much damage is caused to how many people, in the process.


And it seems there's nothing we can do, but either decide that we don't have time to wait around for the evil gov't to decide not to be evil anymore, and do whatever we think is right, or what we must, while we're alive to do anything at all.

We're all gonna die someday. I'd rather die for something i believe in, instead of accepting an unacceptable lifetime, due to the imposition of injustice, from the powers that be.

We're outgunned and out-funded. The one with the gold and guns, makes the rules. That's not "democracy," and that's not "freedom."

That's tyranny, terrorism, and oppression.

USA Federal Gov't are the real terrorists. To threaten and carry out violence against people who go out of their way to make sure they're not harming anyone with their own actions, as a fundamental principle of life... just because a certain plant happens to exist, that they very much enjoy, and does not harm the environment or any other person who chooses not to partake... it's completely atrocious.

Everyone who has ever actively and voluntarily contributed to the persecution, oppression, and sometimes even outright murdering of completely innocent people, should be convicted of treason and executed...

UNLESS, they immediately agree to stop doing what they "have come to realize" is not and will never be "correct."

They are, and have been, for a very long time, destroying people's lives, over clearly insufficient and unjustified, contrived "reasons."

These are crimes against humanity, and clear violations of human rights, not to mention "unconstitutional" (not that we actually NEED a constitution and bill of rights, in order to be born as the sole proprietors, to, of and for, ourselves).

No one can own you, no matter how many guns or bombs they have.

No man has jurisdiction over another man... but far too many seem to believe they do, and will act violently, in defense of that belief; THAT is the problem: people believing the wrong things, and acting on them.

I say we discard all "belief systems," and teach everyone to as-correctly-as-possible, interpret the world. But then the super-rich wouldn't be able to exploit us as easily, and they have plenty of money to bribe (and arm) thugs to enforce whatever they say are the rules (which they purchased). And these thugs eat it up, because they get paid to carry weapons and order people around, instead of "serve and protect." Serve their own self-interest and protect their investments, perhaps... but in that case, there is no reason for them to exist at all.

They are supposed to protect us from harm. Instead, they deliberately instigate, initiate and impose, extremely harmful actions, which ruin the lives of many of the people they're supposed to be protecting.

The whole thing has always made me very, VERY angry; mostly because i think there's nothing i can do about it, which leaves me with only two options: comply with injustice/oppression/threats/violence, and have a horrible life... or do whatever i want, as long as i'm alive to do so, because i only get to live once, and i just don't have time or inclination to obey unreasonable commands. And that's exactly what the cannabis laws are: completely unreasonable, irrational, and absurd.

The way i see it, the U.S. Gov't (or perhaps more specifically, the DEA itself...) owes millions of people reparations for terrorizing them for no justifiable reason, and for manipulating the law systems to prevent us from executing "due process." If "due process" was even functional, everyone would have admitted decades ago, that "cannabis is not the monster it was initially and falsely made out to seem." And as soon as they admit that, they have to change the law IMMEDIATELY, and start apologizing, and trying to fix what they wrecked.

That's never going to happen.
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 May 2014, 15:27:13 by ferociousfingerings »
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Offline katushkin

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #14 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 15:28:11 »
Or maybe because it's, you know, illegal? And it's one of the only drugs they can go back and test that far?

Tbh, I thought it only stayed in your system for a few months, but if it really is 3 years then that's why it is.
Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
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Offline smknjoe

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #15 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 15:36:24 »
Or maybe because it's, you know, illegal?

That's really the point. They want you to be "trustworthy."

With blood and urine they can only go back a few months...tops. With hair they can go back only as long and old your hair is. So, if you smoked some two years ago and you have not cut your hair for more than 2 years it can be detected. If you smoked 2 years ago and you get your hair cut every's not going to be found in your hair.

...they aren't testing 3 years back. It's just a requirement.
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 May 2014, 15:54:50 by smknjoe »
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Offline swill

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #16 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:02:37 »
(edit: quote removed; i ended up not even responding to the quote i originally intended to respond to.)

Heh. Well, maybe if their own prejudices, biases and irrationality, becomes a known cause of their problems, perhaps they will learn how to think like a hacker, and change the source of the problem, instead of attempting to rapidly contrive endless patches for fundamentally broken software. But evidence suggests they are actually incapable of such a realization, due to the way they've been programmed (but wait... isn't it "the fuzz" who always say "to catch a criminal, you gotta think like one..." ? So they want hackers who don't smoke weed... but hackers are smarter than normal people, and if smarter-than-normal people are smoking weed... can we justifiably extrapolate from this, that "weed must be okay?" I think so. A "hacker stoner" has a special combination of insights, from which "the fuzz" could thoroughly benefit. Why would you refuse "inside information" from a prospective employee? Isn't the FBI all about catching hackers and stoners? They should hire stoner hackers. They'd probably catch more stoners and hackers that way, i would think... except that stoners and hackers probably aren't really interested in flipping their brethren. I find it unlikely that there is a large number of "stoner hackers" who would even want to work for the FBI (...unless they gave you immunity from cannabis laws, and some sweet gear). I suppose if cannabis were legal, lots of stoners, hackers, and stoner-hackers, would be glad to assist the establishment.

It's funny, they won't hire people who smoke weed, because they simply dislike them ("all of them," "those types," "you people," etc.).

I wonder how fond they are of the people who shoot back. Do you think they like the "stoners" or the "return-fire" people more?

Evidence would suggest they prefer violence and destruction, and causing unnecessary human suffering, instead of harmonizing with their own fellow countrymen (and women...), and integrating with some of the most creative and principled people in existence (cannabis users).

Some of you guys might not believe this, but the number of d-bag stoners i've met, PALES in comparison to the amount of d-baggery i've seen exhibited by enforcers and other "authorities."

I don't understand how they can be that way... okay, i actually pretty much do, but it's still so astonishing to me, that i'm always tempted to say "i don't understand" or "i can't believe it."

The establishment benefits (or rather, believes it does) from terrorizing and persecuting cannabis users. They ENJOY using "stoners" as scapegoats; especially the power-trip that comes with believing you have been given legitimate authority to command others, with or without justification, just because you have a title and a certificate, issued by an equally illegitimate and blatantly corrupt gov't, who clearly is comprised of other humans who want nothing more than to control as much of the populous as possible, in order to produce rapid and substantial gains for themselves, regardless of how much damage is caused to how many people, in the process.


And it seems there's nothing we can do, but either decide that we don't have time to wait around for the evil gov't to decide not to be evil anymore, and do whatever we think is right, or what we must, while we're alive to do anything at all.

We're all gonna die someday. I'd rather die for something i believe in, instead of accepting an unacceptable lifetime, due to the imposition of injustice, from the powers that be.

We're outgunned and out-funded. The one with the gold and guns, makes the rules. That's not "democracy," and that's not "freedom."

That's tyranny, terrorism, and oppression.

USA Federal Gov't are the real terrorists. To threaten and carry out violence against people who go out of their way to make sure they're not harming anyone with their own actions, as a fundamental principle of life... just because a certain plant happens to exist, that they very much enjoy, and does not harm the environment or any other person who chooses not to partake... it's completely atrocious.

Everyone who has ever actively and voluntarily contributed to the persecution, oppression, and sometimes even outright murdering of completely innocent people, should be convicted of treason and executed...

UNLESS, they immediately agree to stop doing what they "have come to realize" is not and will never be "correct."

They are, and have been, for a very long time, destroying people's lives, over clearly insufficient and unjustified, contrived "reasons."

These are crimes against humanity, and clear violations of human rights, not to mention "unconstitutional" (not that we actually NEED a constitution and bill of rights, in order to be born as the sole proprietors, to, of and for, ourselves).

No one can own you, no matter how many guns or bombs they have.

No man has jurisdiction over another man... but far too many seem to believe they do, and will act violently, in defense of that belief; THAT is the problem: people believing the wrong things, and acting on them.

I say we discard all "belief systems," and teach everyone to as-correctly-as-possible, interpret the world. But then the super-rich wouldn't be able to exploit us as easily, and they have plenty of money to bribe (and arm) thugs to enforce whatever they say are the rules (which they purchased). And these thugs eat it up, because they get paid to carry weapons and order people around, instead of "serve and protect." Serve their own self-interest and protect their investments, perhaps... but in that case, there is no reason for them to exist at all.

They are supposed to protect us from harm. Instead, they deliberately instigate, initiate and impose, extremely harmful actions, which ruin the lives of many of the people they're supposed to be protecting.

The whole thing has always made me very, VERY angry; mostly because i think there's nothing i can do about it, which leaves me with only two options: comply with injustice/oppression/threats/violence, and have a horrible life... or do whatever i want, as long as i'm alive to do so, because i only get to live once, and i just don't have time or inclination to obey unreasonable commands. And that's exactly what the cannabis laws are: completely unreasonable, irrational, and absurd.

The way i see it, the U.S. Gov't (or perhaps more specifically, the DEA itself...) owes millions of people reparations for terrorizing them for no justifiable reason, and for manipulating the law systems to prevent us from executing "due process." If "due process" was even functional, everyone would have admitted decades ago, that "cannabis is not the monster it was initially and falsely made out to seem." And as soon as they admit that, they have to change the law IMMEDIATELY, and start apologizing, and trying to fix what they wrecked.

That's never going to happen.


Offline ferociousfingerings

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #17 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:03:32 »
Or maybe because it's, you know, illegal? And it's one of the only drugs they can go back and test that far?

Tbh, I thought it only stayed in your system for a few months, but if it really is 3 years then that's why it is.

Why is it illegal?

Is the human-invented and run "justice-system" absolutely infallible and inerrant?

Why are we expected to submit to injustice, persecution, stigmatization, and not just the threat of, but the actual imposition of, violent oppression, often resulting in the death of the oppressed?

Why do they ignore all the science? Why does anyone who claims to be mentally competent, believe that they have any right to harm someone who is in no way harming anyone else?

That is simply unacceptable, and our forefathers not only warned us about this type of thing, but created a very important document, in order to attempt to preserve what the same documents were intended to establish as official and endorsed by everyone who agreed that we should all be ENTITLED to our own Lives, Liberty, and the Pursuit of our own Happiness.

If pursuing weed entirely for only myself, is what i feel will bring me "happiness," and it is clearly not causing anyone undue harm... how can i, as a principled and aware, native-born U.S. Citizen... allow myself to submit to such tyranny?

I am going to die anyway, like all of us. The only real difference is whether i experience more misery or more fulfillment, before then.

I choose fulfillment, living for my principles (i know i'm right, nothing will ever change my mind... unless the cannabis plant itself, becomes sentient and asks me to stop sacrificing her and her sisters for my own medicinal and recreational use; if that happened, i'd feel it was a legitimate enough reason to abstain).

I'm tired of being only allowed the option of living life on my knees. This is not life, this is not liberty, and this is not conducive to the pursuit of my happiness (which i will restate, is not harming anyone else, in any way, and is no more harmful to myself, than most of the food products most of us consume on a regular basis... all of which are legal and endorsed by the establishment; a cured patient is a lost customer; a healthy citizen is a threat to the contrived social constructs designed to enslave and entrap us all, minus the lucky ones who manage to escape most of its tentacles).

I'm tired of being forced to live in fear of my own gov't... of the very same people who swear on their own ridiculous bible, to protect and serve ME and YOU and EVERYONE who is not harming anyone. I'm not harming anyone. I go out of my way to consider the potential impacts of my actions upon others, EVEN IF I DON'T REALLY LIKE THE PERSON. I am polite and courteous to total strangers, and endlessly tolerate people i can't stand, because of the golden rule: i'd want them to just not hassle me, if they disliked me for any reason. You stay out of my way, i stay out of yours; everyone minds their own business until it becomes necessary to intervene, and everyone tries not to intervene, ever, until it becomes inevitable. No cannabis user deserves to be terrorized, stigmatized, oppressed, persecuted or harmed, just because of a mostly harmless plant/herb/flower. No one should be allowed, especially not paid, to threaten me with potentially mortal wounds, over what *I* want to put in *MY* body, to make myself feel better, in the specific way that only cannabis can accomplish.

What's next, making it illegal to grow your own humans? (as in natural human reproduction)

As if i even need to ask. My prediction is that we will have new harsh reproduction laws, within a decade. It will become a felony to reproduce your own genetic material with a willing partner, without express written consent of "the state." Breeding without a license will be a felony, and will be punishable by some horribly, disproportionately severe penalty... and it won't be legit, and there won't be anything anyone can do to change it, and people still will wilt and quit, instead of deconstructing this system which obviously needs to be rebuilt from the original source, before it can be sufficiently corrected.
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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #18 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:04:18 »
Or maybe because it's, you know, illegal? And it's one of the only drugs they can go back and test that far?

Tbh, I thought it only stayed in your system for a few months, but if it really is 3 years then that's why it is.

They can't test 3 years ago for weed.
Yes it attaches to fat, but athletes can test clean within 2 weeks of smoking.

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #19 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:06:13 »
Or maybe because it's, you know, illegal? And it's one of the only drugs they can go back and test that far?

Tbh, I thought it only stayed in your system for a few months, but if it really is 3 years then that's why it is.

Why is it illegal?

Is the human-invented and run "justice-system" absolutely infallible and inerrant?

Why are we expected to submit to injustice, persecution, stigmatization, and not just the threat of, but the actual imposition of, violent oppression, often resulting in the death of the oppressed?

Why do they ignore all the science? Why does anyone who claims to be mentally competent, believe that they have any right to harm someone who is in no way harming anyone else?

That is simply unacceptable, and our forefathers not only warned us about this type of thing, but created a very important document, in order to attempt to preserve what the same documents were intended to establish as official and endorsed by everyone who agreed that we should all be ENTITLED to our own Lives, Liberty, and the Pursuit of our own Happiness.

If pursuing weed entirely for only myself, is what i feel will bring me "happiness," and it is clearly not causing anyone undue harm... how can i, as a principled and aware, native-born U.S. Citizen... allow myself to submit to such tyranny?

I am going to die anyway, like all of us. The only real difference is whether i experience more misery or more fulfillment, before then.

I choose fulfillment, living for my principles (i know i'm right, nothing will ever change my mind... unless the cannabis plant itself, becomes sentient and asks me to stop sacrificing her and her sisters for my own medicinal and recreational use; if that happened, i'd feel it was a legitimate enough reason to abstain).

I'm tired of being only allowed the option of living life on my knees. This is not life, this is not liberty, and this is not conducive to the pursuit of my happiness (which i will restate, is not harming anyone else, in any way, and is no more harmful to myself, than most of the food products most of us consume on a regular basis... all of which are legal and endorsed by the establishment; a cured patient is a lost customer; a healthy citizen is a threat to the contrived social constructs designed to enslave and entrap us all, minus the lucky ones who manage to escape most of its tentacles).

I'm tired of being forced to live in fear of my own gov't... of the very same people who swear on their own ridiculous bible, to protect and serve ME and YOU and EVERYONE who is not harming anyone. I'm not harming anyone. I go out of my way to consider the potential impacts of my actions upon others, EVEN IF I DON'T REALLY LIKE THE PERSON. I am polite and courteous to total strangers, and endlessly tolerate people i can't stand, because of the golden rule: i'd want them to just not hassle me, if they disliked me for any reason. You stay out of my way, i stay out of yours; everyone minds their own business until it becomes necessary to intervene, and everyone tries not to intervene, ever, until it becomes inevitable. No cannabis user deserves to be terrorized, stigmatized, oppressed, persecuted or harmed, just because of a mostly harmless plant/herb/flower. No one should be allowed, especially not paid, to threaten me with potentially mortal wounds, over what *I* want to put in *MY* body, to make myself feel better, in the specific way that only cannabis can accomplish.

What's next, making it illegal to grow your own humans? (as in natural human reproduction)

As if i even need to ask. My prediction is that we will have new harsh reproduction laws, within a decade. It will become a felony to reproduce your own genetic material with a willing partner, without express written consent of "the state." Breeding without a license will be a felony, and will be punishable by some horribly, disproportionately severe penalty... and it won't be legit, and there won't be anything anyone can do to change it, and people still will wilt and quit, instead of deconstructing this system which obviously needs to be rebuilt from the original source, before it can be sufficiently corrected.

Holy cow. So much text. You are getting good use of your mech. :)

Offline katushkin

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #20 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:20:37 »
Why is it illegal?

Becuase it's a sedative, hard to control it's production and quality, and when you are working in an environment like the FBI, they like you to keep your wits about you. For that matter, any job would like you to be alert, and not tired. Even if you are a hacker.

Why do they ignore all the science? Why does anyone who claims to be mentally competent, believe that they have any right to harm someone who is in no way harming anyone else?

If pursuing weed entirely for only myself, is what i feel will bring me "happiness," and it is clearly not causing anyone undue harm... how can i, as a principled and aware, native-born U.S. Citizen... allow myself to submit to such tyranny?

It's more to do with, like I said, being unable to do your job. Drugs are a notoriously unpredictable thing, and what says that, if you do it at home, you won't have loads on a school night? Or one in the morning before you go to work? Then you are a liability.

I choose fulfillment, living for my principles (i know i'm right, nothing will ever change my mind... unless the cannabis plant itself, becomes sentient and asks me to stop sacrificing her and her sisters for my own medicinal and recreational use; if that happened, i'd feel it was a legitimate enough reason to abstain).

And a well paid job isn't incentive enough for you to abstain from something recreational?

I'm tired of being forced to live in fear of my own gov't... of the very same people who swear on their own ridiculous bible, to protect and serve ME and YOU and EVERYONE who is not harming anyone. I'm not harming anyone. I go out of my way to consider the potential impacts of my actions upon others, EVEN IF I DON'T REALLY LIKE THE PERSON. I am polite and courteous to total strangers, and endlessly tolerate people i can't stand, because of the golden rule: i'd want them to just not hassle me, if they disliked me for any reason. You stay out of my way, i stay out of yours; everyone minds their own business until it becomes necessary to intervene, and everyone tries not to intervene, ever, until it becomes inevitable. No cannabis user deserves to be terrorized, stigmatized, oppressed, persecuted or harmed, just because of a mostly harmless plant/herb/flower. No one should be allowed, especially not paid, to threaten me with potentially mortal wounds, over what *I* want to put in *MY* body, to make myself feel better, in the specific way that only cannabis can accomplish.

You aren't being terrorised if you are a cannabis user. Hell, in Washington and Denver you aren't even doing anything illegal by smoking it on private property. But in the rest of the United States, you are. Which is why THE GOVERNMENT won't hire you.

If you think you are the constant butt of jokes and profiling, try being a Muslim.

What's next, making it illegal to grow your own humans? (as in natural human reproduction)

As if i even need to ask. My prediction is that we will have new harsh reproduction laws, within a decade. It will become a felony to reproduce your own genetic material with a willing partner, without express written consent of "the state." Breeding without a license will be a felony, and will be punishable by some horribly, disproportionately severe penalty... and it won't be legit, and there won't be anything anyone can do to change it, and people still will wilt and quit, instead of deconstructing this system which obviously needs to be rebuilt from the original source, before it can be sufficiently corrected.

I'm sorry, but this is some conspiracy theory, alien anal probing level, stupid speculation.
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:22:11 by katushkin »
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Offline ferociousfingerings

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #21 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:24:53 »

Holy cow. So much text. You are getting good use of your mech. :)

Heh, yeah... i will acknowledge and admit, the mech does indeed seem to encourage more typing, especially when i'm feeling ornery and encounter a discussion related to... well, one of the things i feel most strongly about.

The dilemma between saying what needs saying (if not in the optimal place), and "silence is complicity," is pretty intense.

Plus i'm just verbose like that, and have been criticized for it many times. I suppose after watching such atrocities play out for ~20 years, and how little seems to be changing, and how slowly those changes creep along... i've lost my patience with the system, and have developed a few opinions.

Sometimes i become hyper-aware of just how seemingly futile and silly it seems, to even attempt to communicate with anyone, because so many people seem so unwilling to consider an alternate perspective, and are very slow to realize that cannabis is not a thing for which anyone should be punished.

I honestly try not to "get into it," just like with religion discussions... but... sometimes the temptation is just too much, and i feel i must say what needs saying. Maybe if i repeat it enough times, to enough people, it will eventually "sink in" to enough of their skulls, and enough people to make a real difference, will finally be ready to actually make the needed change. I honestly think they'd attempt to massacre as many of us as possible, if "the movement" ever really did reach critical mass.

Oh well. I'm not a hacker (at least not the programmer kind), and i'm not interested in working with any of the alphabet authorities.
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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #23 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:34:02 »
What have I been misinformed about?

Bearing in mind I do not live in the USA and I am not subject to your wonderful media outlets. My brother also smokes large amounts of cannabis daily, and I have had many friends with cannabis problems. So please don't try and tell me I am corrupted by the media, or some other BS.
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Offline smknjoe

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #24 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:34:09 »
That really is completely wrong Kat (about what Marijuana is and how it effects you.) It's not a sedative, nor is it a narcotic. It's a mild hallucinogen that can have narcotic like effects or stimulant like effects depending on the strain and user.
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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #25 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:34:47 »
...and it's not physically addictive at all.
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Offline ferociousfingerings

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #26 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:36:23 »
That really is completely wrong Kat (about what Marijuana is and how it effects you.) It's not a sedative, nor is it a narcotic. It's a mild hallucinogen that can have narcotic like effects or stimulant like effects depending on the strain and user.

^this. I was considering a very similar retort, but figured i should run from the quagmire i just leaped into, while i still can.
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Offline katushkin

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #27 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:40:18 »
That really is completely wrong Kat (about what Marijuana is and how it effects you.) It's not a sedative, nor is it a narcotic. It's a mild hallucinogen that can have narcotic like effects or stimulant like effects depending on the strain and user.

One of it's immediate effects is muscle relaxation.

My point still stands, a hallucinogenic/relaxive/psychoactive is counter-productive in the workplace. Any workplace.
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Offline katushkin

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #28 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 16:46:08 »
^this. I was considering a very similar retort, but figured i should run from the quagmire i just leaped into, while i still can.

One misplaced word is what you are going to focus on?

With your argument based on ramblings of anti-establishment sentiment, and X amount of years watching "atrocities" play out, I would have thought you would explode with more than just "this"
Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
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Offline ferociousfingerings

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #29 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 17:31:21 »
That really is completely wrong Kat (about what Marijuana is and how it effects you.) It's not a sedative, nor is it a narcotic. It's a mild hallucinogen that can have narcotic like effects or stimulant like effects depending on the strain and user.

One of it's immediate effects is muscle relaxation.

My point still stands, a hallucinogenic/relaxive/psychoactive is counter-productive in the workplace. Any workplace.

Something tells me that anyone smart enough to be a hacker, who has enough experience with his chosen medicine, is going to be very familiar with his own tolerance levels, and quite accustomed to dealing with its effects. A hacker would know whether or not he could still perform acceptably while high... HOWEVER, any hacker working for the FBI, would almost certainly not show up to work, for the FBI, high. You're assuming people who consume cannabis are stupid; we're not.

Furthermore, you are quite mistaken to assert that being stressed and agitated results in better productivity; it is extremely obvious that avoiding stress and staying relaxed, is far more conducive to mind/brain work (and is ultimately the same for physical work). You are also assuming that all "psychoactivity" must automatically be bad or result in a decrease in performance/productivity, which is also quite false. I have experienced several workplaces where staying as relaxed as possible was exponentially better than "letting it get to you" and stressing out. Stress impedes and disrupts almost everything, and is actually very damaging to a human, unless it occurs in controlled and moderated amounts and degrees, like deliberate exercise with proper form.

^this. I was considering a very similar retort, but figured i should run from the quagmire i just leaped into, while i still can.

One misplaced word is what you are going to focus on?

With your argument based on ramblings of anti-establishment sentiment, and X amount of years watching "atrocities" play out, I would have thought you would explode with more than just "this"

No, hah, not "one misplaced word." There were several problems with your comment, and i didn't want to get into all of them. It's a huge hassle. The reason i opted for a non-response and a departure from the thread, is because you're clearly attempting to "pick a fight," and since i don't particularly enjoy being agitated or angry (or harassed), and i don't see that it's likely or probable that a person who doesn't want to understand, will ever understand based on my words (a total stranger)... i called it a quagmire and tried to run.

But then i couldn't resist checking for responses... and you've demonstrated precisely the reason why i didn't want to get into it.

If you really wanted to know, you'd educate yourself; the information is not just "out there," it's all over the place out there. Only those who really want to understand, ever will. If you've already chosen to take a negative position on the matter, not only have you decided not to understand, you have also decided to passively endorse the unjust persecution and terrorism of innocent people who go out of their own ways to avoid unduly harming others (obviously there are bad apples in any selection of humans, and i'm not speaking for them; cannabis users typically care about compassion).

My argument is not based on "ramblings of anti-establishment sentiment." My anti-establishment sentiment is based on the atrocities i have observed, whether directly or indirectly, and both the "official" reasoning, as well as the stuff they always deny, even when it's insultingly obvious. And yes, to impose harsh penalties (or any at all) on people who are only trying to enjoy their lives a little more (due to the fact that it makes people FEEL BETTER), and do so in ways where the effort to minimize harm to others, is maximized... that is injustice, and unacceptable anywhere, not just the US.

The reason i went with a "^this..." is right there in the statement you apparently chose not to understand. He said what i was thinking of saying.

And yes, all cannabis related punishments have indeed been atrocities.

It's atrocious to insist that it's justified to harm people who are relatively defenseless, and only want to feel better, and are not hurting anyone. (and no, they are not hurting themselves; they have weighed the pros and cons, and extensively pondered the cost:benefit ratio; any "harm" that cannabis ITSELF causes, is negligible in the face of its obvious benefits, some of which are psychological, promoting mental health and feelings of overall well-being; unjustified legal action taken against cannabis users, does not count as "them hurting themselves." These are not actions we initiate; these are impositions of terror and tyranny, initiated by an illegitimate and clearly corrupt system, who insists it's "right" to harm cannabis users, because they think the invalid, fraudulently established, incorrect law, is more important than allowing humans to do what makes them feel good, without harming anyone... and mostly because they are paid to think that)
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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #30 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 17:53:08 »
It's amazing how much misinformation is thrown around as fact in the US regarding weed.

One of the best known medicines in the world from a plant with more uses than basically any other in the world. Yet, it is all ignored simply because is is LABLED a drug.

Don't look at weed for its value, it's a drug. Instead take this pharmaceutical DRUG which has the potential side effect of cancer, death, heart attack, ulcers, etc...

It is hopeless to argue unfortunately because the pharmaceuticals rule in the US.

Sad panda...

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #31 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 17:56:36 »
@ferociousfingerings: I will read all your points when I am at a computer. The wall of text on my phone is intimidating. :)

Offline katushkin

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #32 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 18:13:19 »
Something tells me that anyone smart enough to be a hacker, who has enough experience with his chosen medicine, is going to be very familiar with his own tolerance levels, and quite accustomed to dealing with its effects. A hacker would know whether or not he could still perform acceptably while high... HOWEVER, any hacker working for the FBI, would almost certainly not show up to work, for the FBI, high. You're assuming people who consume cannabis are stupid; we're not.

I'm not assuming anything. I'm basing my statements on clear trends, which I admit, are not true for everyone, but not everybody can control their drug use. I am not taring all cannabis users with the same brush by saying they would all turn up to work stoned, but some may, and that's something that employers cannot risk. You should also not tar all cannabis users with the same brush and say that none of them are stupid. Some undoubtedly are, it's just a matter of ratios and statistics.

Furthermore, you are quite mistaken to assert that being stressed and agitated results in better productivity; it is extremely obvious that avoiding stress and staying relaxed, is far more conducive to mind/brain work (and is ultimately the same for physical work). You are also assuming that all "psychoactivity" must automatically be bad or result in a decrease in performance/productivity, which is also quite false. I have experienced several workplaces where staying as relaxed as possible was exponentially better than "letting it get to you" and stressing out. Stress impedes and disrupts almost everything, and is actually very damaging to a human, unless it occurs in controlled and moderated amounts and degrees, like deliberate exercise with proper form.

Yes, I totally agree. Stress is terrible for production, but it is something an employer thinks they can control by adjusting work flows and deadlines. Things like an altered state of conciousness, euphoria and disruption of linear memory are also counter productive, but an employee's drug use is not controllable by the employer, unless they impose restrictions on hiring (like the FBI has) or drugs tests.

you're clearly attempting to "pick a fight," and since i don't particularly enjoy being agitated or angry (or harassed), and i don't see that it's likely or probable that a person who doesn't want to understand, will ever understand based on my words (a total stranger)... i called it a quagmire and tried to run.

I'm not trying to harass you or pick a fight. You posted in this thread and I replied. You replied, I replied, countering your points. This is how a discussion works. As you have demonstrated, it is free to leave at any point, I'm not chasing you down with PMs or anything like that.

If you really wanted to know, you'd educate yourself; the information is not just "out there," it's all over the place out there. Only those who really want to understand, ever will. If you've already chosen to take a negative position on the matter, not only have you decided not to understand, you have also decided to passively endorse the unjust persecution and terrorism of innocent people who go out of their own ways to avoid unduly harming others (obviously there are bad apples in any selection of humans, and i'm not speaking for them; cannabis users typically care about compassion).

I do want to understand. I'm not anti-drugs, I just don't think they are for me. My SO takes a lot of different drugs, my brother smokes a lot of cannabis and a lot of my friends are prolific drug takers. I don't have anything against them, or against drugs. They can take them in front of me and I don't give a ****. It's when it starts impacting on other areas of your life that it becomes a problem.

My argument is not based on "ramblings of anti-establishment sentiment." My anti-establishment sentiment is based on the atrocities i have observed, whether directly or indirectly, and both the "official" reasoning, as well as the stuff they always deny, even when it's insultingly obvious. And yes, to impose harsh penalties (or any at all) on people who are only trying to enjoy their lives a little more (due to the fact that it makes people FEEL BETTER), and do so in ways where the effort to minimize harm to others, is maximized... that is injustice, and unacceptable anywhere, not just the US.

The reason i went with a "^this..." is right there in the statement you apparently chose not to understand. He said what i was thinking of saying.

And yes, all cannabis related punishments have indeed been atrocities.

It's atrocious to insist that it's justified to harm people who are relatively defenseless, and only want to feel better, and are not hurting anyone. (and no, they are not hurting themselves; they have weighed the pros and cons, and extensively pondered the cost:benefit ratio; any "harm" that cannabis ITSELF causes, is negligible in the face of its obvious benefits, some of which are psychological, promoting mental health and feelings of overall well-being; unjustified legal action taken against cannabis users, does not count as "them hurting themselves." These are not actions we initiate; these are impositions of terror and tyranny, initiated by an illegitimate and clearly corrupt system, who insists it's "right" to harm cannabis users, because they think the invalid, fraudulently established, incorrect law, is more important than allowing humans to do what makes them feel good, without harming anyone... and mostly because they are paid to think that)

I don't really understand how punishments towards cannabis users have been atrocities. People break the law, people get punished. You aren't being sent to Gitmo, held without trial unconstitutionally, if you could provide proof of how cannabis users have been persecuted and hunted down by the government, I would be more inclined to agree with you.

Forgive me if I don't agree with you that atrocities are being committed against cannabis users, in a country where 12 million people are free to legally smoke marijuana. Usually I would associate the word "atrocity" with Srebrenica, the gassing of the Kurds and the Rwandan genocide, not lawful punishment.

My main point throught all of this, is that drugs are illegal. Wether you like it or not, they are. All they have been doing over the last however many years, is upholding the law. They are the law.
« Last Edit: Sat, 24 May 2014, 18:17:44 by katushkin »
Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
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Offline noisyturtle

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #33 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 18:32:04 »
Well legality is up in the air at this point. Last Summer a cop downtown handed me a bag of Doritos while I was smoking a cone in a park, he just said "Be safe and take the roach with you when you are done." (in case you are curious, it was part of some initiative after the legalization, look it up.) I also had a MMJ license for legitimate medical issues, but that officer didn't have that information, nor did he seem to care in the slightest. I hear things are even more relaxed in Colorado.

Offline katushkin

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #34 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 18:37:48 »
Well legality is up in the air at this point. Last Summer a cop downtown handed me a bag of Doritos while I was smoking a cone in a park, he just said "Be safe and take the roach with you when you are done." (in case you are curious, it was part of some initiative after the legalization, look it up.) I also had a MMJ license for legitimate medical issues, but that officer didn't have that information, nor did he seem to care in the slightest. I hear things are even more relaxed in Colorado.

The situation in the UK is close to that, but police will still take the drugs off you, but if you have a small amount on you, you will just get a caution rather than arrested. But that's just because of the classification of it.
Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #35 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 18:59:47 »
Well legality is up in the air at this point. Last Summer a cop downtown handed me a bag of Doritos while I was smoking a cone in a park, he just said "Be safe and take the roach with you when you are done." (in case you are curious, it was part of some initiative after the legalization, look it up.) I also had a MMJ license for legitimate medical issues, but that officer didn't have that information, nor did he seem to care in the slightest. I hear things are even more relaxed in Colorado.

The situation in the UK is close to that, but police will still take the drugs off you, but if you have a small amount on you, you will just get a caution rather than arrested. But that's just because of the classification of it.

Ya. Pretty much the same here in canada as well. Most of the time they won't bother you, but they do they will just take it and warn you.

Offline ferociousfingerings

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #36 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 22:01:05 »
Something tells me that anyone smart enough to be a hacker, who has enough experience with his chosen medicine, is going to be very familiar with his own tolerance levels, and quite accustomed to dealing with its effects. A hacker would know whether or not he could still perform acceptably while high... HOWEVER, any hacker working for the FBI, would almost certainly not show up to work, for the FBI, high. You're assuming people who consume cannabis are stupid; we're not.

I'm not assuming anything. I'm basing my statements on clear trends, which I admit, are not true for everyone, but not everybody can control their drug use. I am not taring all cannabis users with the same brush by saying they would all turn up to work stoned, but some may, and that's something that employers cannot risk. You should also not tar all cannabis users with the same brush and say that none of them are stupid. Some undoubtedly are, it's just a matter of ratios and statistics.

Furthermore, you are quite mistaken to assert that being stressed and agitated results in better productivity; it is extremely obvious that avoiding stress and staying relaxed, is far more conducive to mind/brain work (and is ultimately the same for physical work). You are also assuming that all "psychoactivity" must automatically be bad or result in a decrease in performance/productivity, which is also quite false. I have experienced several workplaces where staying as relaxed as possible was exponentially better than "letting it get to you" and stressing out. Stress impedes and disrupts almost everything, and is actually very damaging to a human, unless it occurs in controlled and moderated amounts and degrees, like deliberate exercise with proper form.

Yes, I totally agree. Stress is terrible for production, but it is something an employer thinks they can control by adjusting work flows and deadlines. Things like an altered state of conciousness, euphoria and disruption of linear memory are also counter productive, but an employee's drug use is not controllable by the employer, unless they impose restrictions on hiring (like the FBI has) or drugs tests.

you're clearly attempting to "pick a fight," and since i don't particularly enjoy being agitated or angry (or harassed), and i don't see that it's likely or probable that a person who doesn't want to understand, will ever understand based on my words (a total stranger)... i called it a quagmire and tried to run.

I'm not trying to harass you or pick a fight. You posted in this thread and I replied. You replied, I replied, countering your points. This is how a discussion works. As you have demonstrated, it is free to leave at any point, I'm not chasing you down with PMs or anything like that.

If you really wanted to know, you'd educate yourself; the information is not just "out there," it's all over the place out there. Only those who really want to understand, ever will. If you've already chosen to take a negative position on the matter, not only have you decided not to understand, you have also decided to passively endorse the unjust persecution and terrorism of innocent people who go out of their own ways to avoid unduly harming others (obviously there are bad apples in any selection of humans, and i'm not speaking for them; cannabis users typically care about compassion).

I do want to understand. I'm not anti-drugs, I just don't think they are for me. My SO takes a lot of different drugs, my brother smokes a lot of cannabis and a lot of my friends are prolific drug takers. I don't have anything against them, or against drugs. They can take them in front of me and I don't give a ****. It's when it starts impacting on other areas of your life that it becomes a problem.

My argument is not based on "ramblings of anti-establishment sentiment." My anti-establishment sentiment is based on the atrocities i have observed, whether directly or indirectly, and both the "official" reasoning, as well as the stuff they always deny, even when it's insultingly obvious. And yes, to impose harsh penalties (or any at all) on people who are only trying to enjoy their lives a little more (due to the fact that it makes people FEEL BETTER), and do so in ways where the effort to minimize harm to others, is maximized... that is injustice, and unacceptable anywhere, not just the US.

The reason i went with a "^this..." is right there in the statement you apparently chose not to understand. He said what i was thinking of saying.

And yes, all cannabis related punishments have indeed been atrocities.

It's atrocious to insist that it's justified to harm people who are relatively defenseless, and only want to feel better, and are not hurting anyone. (and no, they are not hurting themselves; they have weighed the pros and cons, and extensively pondered the cost:benefit ratio; any "harm" that cannabis ITSELF causes, is negligible in the face of its obvious benefits, some of which are psychological, promoting mental health and feelings of overall well-being; unjustified legal action taken against cannabis users, does not count as "them hurting themselves." These are not actions we initiate; these are impositions of terror and tyranny, initiated by an illegitimate and clearly corrupt system, who insists it's "right" to harm cannabis users, because they think the invalid, fraudulently established, incorrect law, is more important than allowing humans to do what makes them feel good, without harming anyone... and mostly because they are paid to think that)

I don't really understand how punishments towards cannabis users have been atrocities. People break the law, people get punished. You aren't being sent to Gitmo, held without trial unconstitutionally, if you could provide proof of how cannabis users have been persecuted and hunted down by the government, I would be more inclined to agree with you.

Forgive me if I don't agree with you that atrocities are being committed against cannabis users, in a country where 12 million people are free to legally smoke marijuana. Usually I would associate the word "atrocity" with Srebrenica, the gassing of the Kurds and the Rwandan genocide, not lawful punishment.

My main point throught all of this, is that drugs are illegal. Wether you like it or not, they are. All they have been doing over the last however many years, is upholding the law. They are the law.

Alright, here we go.

First, i appreciate your locution. That's a much better response than i anticipated, although i feel overwhelmed by the amount of linguistic gymnastic instruction required to address them all. Let's just say: "i see what you did there."

As far as i'm concerned it's a completely black and white issue: the only acceptable resolution is unrestricted safe access, which does not necessarily include "trade" of any kind. If anyone who is capable, should grow a fruit bearing plant from his "own" soil, with his own toil, and neither becomes unacceptably dangerous to others, nor uses said fruits as an "excuse" for their own actions (maintains personal accountability), then that person should be allowed to enjoy the reaping of what they've sown... not be threatened, intruded, assaulted, permanently and severely injured, or even dead... nor should they have their assets seized and be thrown in a cage... nor should they be "fined."

When the law is wrong, it is only because it was MADE WRONG; we must remain vigilant in maintaining the integrity of due process, or exactly what has happened, is the result. We have been infiltrated by an idea that a few people should control the rest of the people. While i do agree that "elites" are most likely most highly qualified for certain duties, that should not ever give them "the right" or "the authority" to violently oppress others who simply want to use something that is a potent competitor to the dominant pharmaceutical industry. They don't want us treating ourselves; they want us buying their products. The instant someone legally mandates that everyone MUST abstain from the competing and ancient, natural and practically harmless alternative to experimental and dangerous pharmaceuticals... they've gone too far. But this happened many, many years ago. It's not like nobody figured it out. Many people have known throughout the entire time. It's not just me and my ~20 years of experience, it's MILLIONS of "otherwise innocent" people.

And yes, when cops raid houses, kick in doors, shoot people's beloved pets, assaulting and aggressively handle all occupants, shouting, terrorizing, often injuring, sometimes blatantly murdering defenseless, unarmed, non-aggressive occupants, who, aside from their enjoyment of a plant, DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG... and even sometimes it's the wrong house! Fully innocent people who never go near cannabis, have had their lives destroyed by these maniacs. Not just the enforcers, all of them who perpetuate the injustice.

And why? Because they have a conflict of interest due to money links to the pharmaceutical lobbying, and, because "it's labeled wrong." And not just that they call the thing "wrong," when it clearly isn't, but that it is also incorrectly labeled; mislabeled... because the wrong people are doing the labeling! Shouldn't we let the experts handle this? Shouldn't we let the people who know the MOST about cannabis, and understand its benefits, be the ones deciding what is or isn't "good" cannabis protocol? Shouldn't we let the experience of the experienced, lead the way? I guarantee you all, the people who know the most about cannabis, are the most qualified to decide how it should be handled, and are in the best position to be able to self-impose limitations, in order to remain "in control."

But they won't even allow this to occur, because in all of the U.S.A., there is only One federally legal place allowed to grow cannabis, and that is at Ole Miss U.

The DEA and NIDA, will not allow what they, themselves, state would be the research prerequisites for them to even consider reevaluating it's classification. They have been artificially and unjustly stifling "due process" for at least 40 years. In fact, i would argue that, since the beginning of the entire process of the establishing of the marijuana tax act of 1937 (actually, it started a bit before then, but that's the date everyone "remembers"), they have knowingly, deliberately colluded and conspired with multiple other "important persons" and their related organizations, including but not limited to: big oil, big pharma, big textile, big prison, etc. All of this has been done fraudulently and intentionally, from the start. They ignore evidence that contradicts their assertions, and then refuse to allow anyone else to legally perform the experiments required to literally prove them wrong. And if anyone does it without permission, they'll just disregard it as "crime."

The most important part i will reference, is this:

"My main point throught all of this, is that drugs are illegal. Wether you like it or not, they are. All they have been doing over the last however many years, is upholding the law. They are the law."

Exactly: no one is denying the reality of the situation, though you have implied that.

If i were denying the realities of the situation, i wouldn't be expressing my outrage and disgust at this completely unacceptable, real situation.

THAT IS THE POINT! The reality that has been manufactured to abuse and exploit us, IS WRONG! That's what needs to change!

I'm not the one denying reality. I'm the one (of many) infuriated by it.

When the law is wrong, innocent people are still victims of actual crime: violence perpetuated against INNOCENT people, who are labeled "guilty" for breaking an INVALID law, which was only established due to Fraud and Propaganda. Everyone knows about "Reefer Madness." They're still trying to act like cannabis makes people "bad." It's simply false, and utterly deplorable. They know it, we know it, and they have the resources to impose injustice upon us all... even when that doesn't make them right, and doesn't make me wrong. They simply don't care that they're wrong and i'm right. All they care about is threatening people with violence in exchange for noncompliance; "obey or i'll hurt you, or maybe kill you." This is how they justify their "law." I never agreed to any such law. I don't think they have the right, regardless of whatever "official document" or whatever they feel like attempting to fabricate as an artificial premise, upon which to base their "authority." The only "authority" they have is violence and the fear thereof.

This "law" is commanding people to suffer needlessly, under the threat of disproportionately severe consequences, none of which have ever been legitimately justified.

And no, just because a state holds a vote and changes its laws, that doesn't mean the DEA and various other Federal organizations can't just swoop into whatever state, for any reason or none at all, and enforce laws the state has discarded, due to the will of the majority (of voters who voted, which isn't everyone).

Yes, "the law is the law," and that's exactly the problem: it needs to change. That is the reality of the situation... but they are able to prevent their own allegedly democratic citizens from voting to overturn a preposterous and fraudulently established precedent, and continue harming people who do not deserve it.

There was something else i wanted to say... maybe i'll come back if i think of it.

Oh, that's it, i was going to propose the notion that perhaps "FBI is struggling to hire hackers who don't smoke weed," because most of the hackers worth their salt, who don't smoke weed, likely already have pretty good jobs (or maybe don't even need a "job," and are essentially their own boss... meaning they wouldn't have to worry about urinalysis... ^^); maybe the FBI isn't really making a good enough offer to attract much more than the "stoner hackers" who don't get employed elsewhere due to their cannabis enthusiasm? Who knows. I'm sure they'll manage to find someone.

And yes, police gunning people down for growing plants, peacefully, in their own homes, minding their own business (mostly), and then claiming they "felt threatened" (by a startled and frightened person who is experiencing an unjustified intrusion into their own home... OF COURSE you felt threatened! You know you shouldn't be doing that! How do you think that guy you shot felt? Do you think he was maybe terrified when you invaded his home over some plants?) by the occupant... as if that makes any difference at all. If a regular person broke into someone's home waving a gun, shouting, and killed the occupant... he'd get an outrageous sentence. And a guy who grew plants would be punished almost just as severely, sometimes even worse.

How can anyone not understand how wildly wrong and unacceptable that is?

And yet, here we are... and it has come to this... and we have little recourse, if any at all.

Anyway, i think that whatever anyone else wants to do with their own life and their own body, is their business, even if i dislike it, as long as it doesn't cause me any actual problems. If people want to hate on weed and derogate me and my kind, fine. But bribing lawmakers to pass laws that "legally obligate" me to pay taxes for the gov't to turn around and spend on persecuting cannabis users, entirely unjustly?

How can anyone think this is acceptable? I shouldn't have to pay the gov't to impose unacceptable restrictions on me, backed by threat of violence, imprisonment, and potentially death. I definitely will not continue subscribing to THAT service. That service is harming me and countless others, without our consent, and refusing to correct itself. No buy. Unsubscribe. Blacklist, until my completely reasonable demands are met. I can't trust them not to spend my tax dollars on terrorizing people (potentially including myself), so i cannot in good conscience vote with my dollar, for them to continue their unacceptable behaviors. And that principle has some pretty dire implications... but what other choice am i allowed? Their bad rules are causing my suffering, no matter what i choose... so i'm going to choose the things i like most, while i'm still able to do so, and try not to be too upset when my end comes sooner than i would have liked. It'll be okay, because i'm kinda ready to not be a human on planet earth anymore (even if that means forever nothingness; that would be better than living under the oppression and tyranny.

If you really want to learn, start here. (this site is brand new to me, but it seems like it's headed in the right direction...)

Harry J. Anslinger and William Randolph Hearst played key roles in facilitating this defrauding of the law system. It's even on wikipedia. I find it astonishing that anyone doesn't already know this stuff... but i can certainly see how it happens.

Anyway, things are things, and i have no ill-will toward anyone here, just an opinion that my body is my business, and if i'm not hurting anyone else, regardless of whether i damage myself in any way... that's my problem, not yours, and not anyone else's.
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Offline NakedElephant

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #37 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 22:07:20 »
Oh great exactly what we need.
More power to the federal government. Weed smoking deviants and predators working for the FBI now.

Offline ferociousfingerings

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #38 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 22:13:34 »
Oh great exactly what we need.
More power to the federal government. Weed smoking deviants and predators working for the FBI now.

lol... the elephant in the room... xD
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Offline smknjoe

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #39 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 22:37:54 »
Well legality is up in the air at this point. Last Summer a cop downtown handed me a bag of Doritos while I was smoking a cone in a park, he just said "Be safe and take the roach with you when you are done." (in case you are curious, it was part of some initiative after the legalization, look it up.) I also had a MMJ license for legitimate medical issues, but that officer didn't have that information, nor did he seem to care in the slightest. I hear things are even more relaxed in Colorado.

The situation in the UK is close to that, but police will still take the drugs off you, but if you have a small amount on you, you will just get a caution rather than arrested. But that's just because of the classification of it.

Ya. Pretty much the same here in canada as well. Most of the time they won't bother you, but they do they will just take it and warn you.

Just realize that NT is speaking for his location (I'm guessing the Pacific NW) only. Most of the US is not that tolerant. In Texas, and several other states, you can and will be arrested for very small amounts of marijuana. You can even be arrested for paraphernalia. It's a misdemeanor, but you will still go to the county jail for a day or so and then be fined ~$500. Repeat offenders may face real jail time as well.
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Offline ferociousfingerings

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #40 on: Sat, 24 May 2014, 22:47:07 »
Well legality is up in the air at this point. Last Summer a cop downtown handed me a bag of Doritos while I was smoking a cone in a park, he just said "Be safe and take the roach with you when you are done." (in case you are curious, it was part of some initiative after the legalization, look it up.) I also had a MMJ license for legitimate medical issues, but that officer didn't have that information, nor did he seem to care in the slightest. I hear things are even more relaxed in Colorado.

The situation in the UK is close to that, but police will still take the drugs off you, but if you have a small amount on you, you will just get a caution rather than arrested. But that's just because of the classification of it.

Ya. Pretty much the same here in canada as well. Most of the time they won't bother you, but they do they will just take it and warn you.

Just realize that NT is speaking for his location (I'm guessing the Pacific NW) only. Most of the US is not that tolerant. In Texas, and several other states, you can and will be arrested for very small amounts of marijuana. You can even be arrested for paraphernalia. It's a misdemeanor, but you will still go to the county jail for a day or so and then be fined ~$500. Repeat offenders may face real jail time as well.

They just gave a guy in louisiana 13 years for 3 grams on a third strike.

An eighth of an ounce, 13 YEARS.

And such things have happened hundreds of thousands, if not millions of times.
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Offline NakedElephant

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #41 on: Sun, 25 May 2014, 00:28:26 »
Well legality is up in the air at this point. Last Summer a cop downtown handed me a bag of Doritos while I was smoking a cone in a park, he just said "Be safe and take the roach with you when you are done." (in case you are curious, it was part of some initiative after the legalization, look it up.) I also had a MMJ license for legitimate medical issues, but that officer didn't have that information, nor did he seem to care in the slightest. I hear things are even more relaxed in Colorado.

The situation in the UK is close to that, but police will still take the drugs off you, but if you have a small amount on you, you will just get a caution rather than arrested. But that's just because of the classification of it.

Ya. Pretty much the same here in canada as well. Most of the time they won't bother you, but they do they will just take it and warn you.

Just realize that NT is speaking for his location (I'm guessing the Pacific NW) only. Most of the US is not that tolerant. In Texas, and several other states, you can and will be arrested for very small amounts of marijuana. You can even be arrested for paraphernalia. It's a misdemeanor, but you will still go to the county jail for a day or so and then be fined ~$500. Repeat offenders may face real jail time as well.

They just gave a guy in louisiana 13 years for 3 grams on a third strike.

An eighth of an ounce, 13 YEARS.

And such things have happened hundreds of thousands, if not millions of times.

Maybe he shouldn't have dun goofed those two times before then.
Don't whine about how unfair the three strikes law is.
Repeat offenders don't deserve that many chances.

Offline ferociousfingerings

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #42 on: Sun, 25 May 2014, 00:43:03 »
Well legality is up in the air at this point. Last Summer a cop downtown handed me a bag of Doritos while I was smoking a cone in a park, he just said "Be safe and take the roach with you when you are done." (in case you are curious, it was part of some initiative after the legalization, look it up.) I also had a MMJ license for legitimate medical issues, but that officer didn't have that information, nor did he seem to care in the slightest. I hear things are even more relaxed in Colorado.

The situation in the UK is close to that, but police will still take the drugs off you, but if you have a small amount on you, you will just get a caution rather than arrested. But that's just because of the classification of it.

Ya. Pretty much the same here in canada as well. Most of the time they won't bother you, but they do they will just take it and warn you.

Just realize that NT is speaking for his location (I'm guessing the Pacific NW) only. Most of the US is not that tolerant. In Texas, and several other states, you can and will be arrested for very small amounts of marijuana. You can even be arrested for paraphernalia. It's a misdemeanor, but you will still go to the county jail for a day or so and then be fined ~$500. Repeat offenders may face real jail time as well.

They just gave a guy in louisiana 13 years for 3 grams on a third strike.

An eighth of an ounce, 13 YEARS.

And such things have happened hundreds of thousands, if not millions of times.

Maybe he shouldn't have dun goofed those two times before then.
Don't whine about how unfair the three strikes law is.
Repeat offenders don't deserve that many chances.

"Offenders?" "don't deserve?"

I'll just stop there.
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Offline katushkin

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #43 on: Sun, 25 May 2014, 00:44:59 »
This is very true. Three strikes are there for a reason. First time, you dun goofed, don't do it again. Twice? You're a stupid person. Three time? You just haven't learnt your lesson in the real world, lets see if prison can help that.

And it can hardly have happened millions of times. How many people are in American prisons? Two and a half million? Think of those who are in for crimes lower in priority than drugs (robbery, larceny, fraud etc), and those higher in priority (murder, rape, home invasion, paedophilia) and you maybe have a couple hundred thousand. I don't know how long it's been on for, but I think you may be exaggurating.

"Offenders?" "don't deserve?"

I'll just stop there.

You probably should.
Can we get them to build the Alps ten feet higher and get Cherry to pay for it?
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Offline NakedElephant

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #44 on: Sun, 25 May 2014, 00:59:03 »
Well legality is up in the air at this point. Last Summer a cop downtown handed me a bag of Doritos while I was smoking a cone in a park, he just said "Be safe and take the roach with you when you are done." (in case you are curious, it was part of some initiative after the legalization, look it up.) I also had a MMJ license for legitimate medical issues, but that officer didn't have that information, nor did he seem to care in the slightest. I hear things are even more relaxed in Colorado.

The situation in the UK is close to that, but police will still take the drugs off you, but if you have a small amount on you, you will just get a caution rather than arrested. But that's just because of the classification of it.

Ya. Pretty much the same here in canada as well. Most of the time they won't bother you, but they do they will just take it and warn you.

Just realize that NT is speaking for his location (I'm guessing the Pacific NW) only. Most of the US is not that tolerant. In Texas, and several other states, you can and will be arrested for very small amounts of marijuana. You can even be arrested for paraphernalia. It's a misdemeanor, but you will still go to the county jail for a day or so and then be fined ~$500. Repeat offenders may face real jail time as well.

They just gave a guy in louisiana 13 years for 3 grams on a third strike.

An eighth of an ounce, 13 YEARS.

And such things have happened hundreds of thousands, if not millions of times.

Maybe he shouldn't have dun goofed those two times before then.
Don't whine about how unfair the three strikes law is.
Repeat offenders don't deserve that many chances.

"Offenders?" "don't deserve?"

I'll just stop there.
This is exactly why I hate you snobby liberals.
Yes they're offenders, not alleged offenders.
It's not called the first strike law, it's three strikes.

Offline Novus

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #45 on: Sun, 25 May 2014, 01:07:12 »
Well legality is up in the air at this point. Last Summer a cop downtown handed me a bag of Doritos while I was smoking a cone in a park, he just said "Be safe and take the roach with you when you are done." (in case you are curious, it was part of some initiative after the legalization, look it up.) I also had a MMJ license for legitimate medical issues, but that officer didn't have that information, nor did he seem to care in the slightest. I hear things are even more relaxed in Colorado.

The situation in the UK is close to that, but police will still take the drugs off you, but if you have a small amount on you, you will just get a caution rather than arrested. But that's just because of the classification of it.

Ya. Pretty much the same here in canada as well. Most of the time they won't bother you, but they do they will just take it and warn you.

Just realize that NT is speaking for his location (I'm guessing the Pacific NW) only. Most of the US is not that tolerant. In Texas, and several other states, you can and will be arrested for very small amounts of marijuana. You can even be arrested for paraphernalia. It's a misdemeanor, but you will still go to the county jail for a day or so and then be fined ~$500. Repeat offenders may face real jail time as well.

They just gave a guy in louisiana 13 years for 3 grams on a third strike.

An eighth of an ounce, 13 YEARS.

And such things have happened hundreds of thousands, if not millions of times.

Maybe he shouldn't have dun goofed those two times before then.
Don't whine about how unfair the three strikes law is.
Repeat offenders don't deserve that many chances.

"Offenders?" "don't deserve?"

I'll just stop there.

I don't know what drugs you are on.
Yes, they're offenders. If you find yourself in this situation, then you've committed felonies before.

Offline ferociousfingerings

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #46 on: Sun, 25 May 2014, 01:22:04 »
it's weird that you guys are completely missing the point: the law is wrong. These people are not "offenders," they are victims of something unacceptable. Perhaps you will someday understand.
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Offline NakedElephant

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #47 on: Sun, 25 May 2014, 02:25:13 »
OHHH I get it.
You want middle eastern style justice.
Well move to the middle east.
If you get raped, too bad marry your attacker.
It's not rape it's love.
You want to go around murdering people and being uncivilized barbarians.
Got it.

Offline Novus

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #48 on: Sun, 25 May 2014, 02:27:25 »
it's weird that you guys are completely missing the point: the law is wrong. These people are not "offenders," they are victims of something unacceptable. Perhaps you will someday understand.

Oh here we go again.
Its not my fault it was the system.

Offline paicrai

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Re: The FBI Is Struggling to Hire Hackers Who Don't Smoke Weed
« Reply #49 on: Sun, 25 May 2014, 05:46:05 »
hacking is bad

I will literally **** you raw paicrai, I hope you're legal by the time I meet you.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good **** go౦ԁ ****👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌**** right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯  i say so 💯  thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good ****