Author Topic: ES-87 clears with mixed o-ring mod  (Read 2112 times)

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ES-87 clears with mixed o-ring mod
« on: Sun, 24 August 2014, 23:17:33 »
This is sort of my ocd going nuts, but I do think there's /some/ science to it.

what I did is got two different types of o-rings (thin silicon, and 50 durometer rubber) and placed silicon on some keys, and the rubber o-rings under some others. (note: thick pbt is the material i'm using for the caps on my 37keys)

the theory is that some of my fingers have more control than others, so on those where I have less control I am using my rubber o-rings to dampen the bottom-out sound. with the other fingers to which i have greater control, I am using thin o-rings since I have no problem avoiding bottoming-out on them. I've also noticed this adds variability to the sound and feel, which is something else I like.

here's the layout i used

pale yellow = single thin silicon
light orange = single rubber o-ring
orange = double rubber o-ring
red = triple rubber o-ring

the reason I used triple o-rings on the spacebar is to get rid of the ping I was experiencing. at first i thought using the thick PBT caps i bought would get rid of it. turns out that didn't help, and what was causing the ping were the stabs vibrating between the backplate and the PCB. i just went back to the original ABS spacebar, inverted it, and gave it triple rubber o-rings. ping gone.

here's a typing sound demonstration of me typing on it:
(note: the occassional snap is the key springing back, since i sometimes roll my finger off the edge of the key. bad habit i guess)
« Last Edit: Mon, 25 August 2014, 13:08:45 by anowt »
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Re: ES-87 clears with mixed o-ring mod
« Reply #1 on: Sat, 30 August 2014, 15:37:25 »
This is very interesting - thank you for sharing this !

I'm also playing with different thickness of O-rings ("slim" + "fat" silicone - 40A aka "soft") :

My layout is less specific than yours probably because I have given it less thought but now it itches me to give it another try.
« Last Edit: Sat, 30 August 2014, 15:39:55 by Lpwl »