Its not translation error. You probably copied the wrong thing.
I don't read chinese but those characters in the post look the same to me as the ones you see in my google translate
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Anyway, thanks feizor for the translation! It makes a lot more sense now.
Getting back on topic, I really like the red scarf layout.
I followed the link and don't see these characters anywhere.
I don't understand why lkong said the things he did; they don't make sense. And I know literary Chinese as well.
OK, I see what is going on. The OP is 悬壶济世, Messiah Hanging Pot/Flask. Lkong is saying he will kneel before Master Hanging Pot. This might be a function of modern Chinese usage where kowtowing is considered feudal and unacceptable.
Someone outside China, or even Japanese, might say 'I kowtow to your greatness you awesome modder'. Certainly it is ok to say that in English in a place like Singapore. At least if he said kowtow I would understand it more easily!
悬壶济世, is your nick a reference to the lord messiah? (Hehheh, another wordplay on my part, translate to Chinese to see what historical figure I am referring to. Lord Messiah definitely does not refer to Jesus.)