Author Topic: Vol controls on techkeys business card? And a question on mouse wheels.  (Read 749 times)

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Offline DzyDzyDino

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Hey, I've been seeing these for a while, but has anyone ever been able to program it to do media controls (vol up/down/mute) to the system without having to send a different keycode and then using AHK? Like can it be made to send the real volume commands? And if so how? I was debating getting a Griffin Powermate, but I'd rather have cherry switches any day do my volume-ing.

Also, out of curiosity, what switches are used for mousewheel? I'd love to make a keyboard with a sideways mouse wheel for the backspace so you could "run your finger" over your mistakes if you missed a few letters. I think this would be awesome, would it be doable? You could make the mouseclick to the left press backspace with every click and to the right do right arrow for when you're trying to move forward do delete. This would be awesome for editing! Maybe not so practical, but I think it would be awesome.

Is there any way I could like set the techkeys business card up as  a test for this? Like maybe somehow rig a mouse wheel to send to two of the keys on the business card?
I think this would be cool to try out.

Even if you don't actually replace your backspace key as this, you could have it next to it... and then hold the third key on it to be fn and use it as volume...

that'd be my dream for it.
Is this possible?