Author Topic: Need help to change a preexisting PCB layout  (Read 1268 times)

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Need help to change a preexisting PCB layout
« on: Fri, 12 June 2015, 09:07:02 »
Hello Dear Fellow Geeks

Here is a problem I can't figure out but which theoretically should be very simple.

I have a PLU keyboard. Unfortunately the layout is lacking in two keys I always use - the Right Winkey and the Apps key. Instead PLU has changed the Right Winkey to an anti-winkey lock, so that when you hit it the windows key is turned off and stays off until when you hit it again.

The Apps key has been changed into a PLU hidden layer function key triggering things like Mute which I don't care for because I always use the same autohotkey macros to trigger mute.

Taking apart the keyboard, I have decided to do the following:

1) cut the traces to the antiwinkey, then hook the antiwinkey up to the left winkey, so that both are now windows keys.

2) hook up the fn/Apps key to the PrintScreen key, because I like to use Printscreen as an autohotkey macro key. I would like the fn key to have the same function as printscreen.

Looking at this board I am not sure where to begin. If I cut the traces that means the other keys in the keyboard matrix won't work, right? So I also need to hook up the other keys somehow?
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Re: Need help to change a preexisting PCB layout
« Reply #1 on: Fri, 12 June 2015, 15:39:56 »
Are the things marked ANx with 123 up the side sets of three pads with solder connecting two of them, or is there a tiny component there?  If there's a component please ignore everything below :)

It looks like there is a set of jumpers attached to both pins of both of the switches giving each one a possible four positions in the matrix - very clever!  If you clean the solder off the pads the switch will be isolated from the matrix and you can connect them to the other switches.

Before you do though I suspect one of the options for the win key will be a proper win key so it would be worth using a wire to touch the top and bottom pads on both sides of the switch to see what happens, then you can solder the jumpers in the right position.
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Offline Wilba

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Re: Need help to change a preexisting PCB layout
« Reply #2 on: Fri, 12 June 2015, 19:59:01 »
I agree with you - those ANx pads are jumpers with solder blobs... I recommend experimenting with what scancodes you get when putting the solder blob on the other position.
It seems most likely/logical that you would change both jumpers at the same time, i.e. that each key can have two different positions in the matrix, not four. So change both and see what happens, and if it doesn't do what you want, take them all off and just wire the switch pins to be in parallel with some other key, no track cutting required.