Author Topic: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways - Winners Announced!!!  (Read 43512 times)

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Offline Sed8op8

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #100 on: Sat, 04 July 2015, 17:04:48 »
Ok guys I have gotten 3 hours of sleep and feel a little more coherent !

  I really love stuff like this as you get to see a little behind the curtains of other people's experiences. I have had overwhelming support since I have gotten here and met so many great people! Young,old,male,female,cops,Mexicans  :p, people from all walks of life. I guess one of the things that really impresses and inspires me is the vast well of communal knowledge here ! I have met some pretty intelligent people here some down right scary haha (as always every populations has its baddies but at least in this instance they have been the minority here ) I don't want to do anyone a disservice of forgetting to mention you but if I do please know that its not personal and I have got love for ya 8)

So I'm going to make a quick list and finish it with a wonderful experience I had recently thanks to Nubbz and my summer Santa this year (thanks again Nubbz such an amazing event) .

Here we go

Trizkut,Badwrench,ghostjuggernaut,strict,PunksDead,Bro,aznair,impending doom,Hoffman myster,hwood,dustinhxc,Binge,SuicidalOrange,CottonSox,Byker,64rky,free copy,Beehatch,argcargv,Demik ,vespersaint,naasfu,synjin,Belfong,mr.chunky,bunnylake,imdabaron,joeyquinn,glissant,Jdcapre,Nathan Ross powell,Nai_Calus and Proximity and the list goes on. I have had positive interactions with the people on this list in one way or the other . In most cases multiple positive interactions 8) thanks every one for making this forum my home 8) you guys and gals are the best !

Edit: CaptnBadass I feel so horrible I haven't sent your book out you are so giving of yourself but rest assured I will make it worth your while not to mention the books a damn good read  :p

So this year I got Booper as my Secret Santa. It was my first year participating in this so I had no clue what to expect and I was pretty blown away when my package showed up. I'm going to link from the summer Santa page. I don't even know what I wrote in my likes and interests but this girlie had me pegged  :eek:
It was super emotional for me and 2 chains now adorns the wall of my office benevolently looking down at my desk. Thanks Booper I will never forget this  :thumb:

My secret Santa went above and beyond! Everything was so purrrfect ! From capturing the essence of 2 chains figuratively and literally in a super original paint and stencil masterpiece to an amazing pink cable in which the USB housings were actually cast by her royal Boopness. 7 amazing Booper originals(these are flawless folks amazing texture no bubbles rich color freaking flawless I have a new favorite artisan ) and the rare brown Bro stumpy <3 :eek: :eek: :eek: <3  Stump LYFE and last but not least a super cute owl necklace (I already got compliments on) and some bracelets. This has been the most amazing and nicest present I have received in recent memory and just thinking about it chokes me up :) thank you so much Booper muah you are amazing

here's the the real pic for reference as you can see she killed it 8)
« Last Edit: Sun, 05 July 2015, 14:03:15 by Sed8op8 »
Looking for Black KMAC 2 or KMAC LE Preferably unbuilt kit but will consider an assembled board with clears Please PM me if you can help 8) Always on the lookout for KBK/KWK Bro Reapers,V2s and Clack factory skulls have lots of caps for trade

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #101 on: Sat, 04 July 2015, 17:52:56 »
This should be easy, short and sweet. Once upon a time a magical meatbro helped out a noob Sifo by modding his Filco. It got lost in the mail on the way back to me so I bought a new Filco and sir bro caps redid everything and sent me another, covering all parts and labour. Probably my most memorable interaction.

What about when you threw up in my bathroom? Wtf, I thought we were bros

Offline n0rvig

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #102 on: Sat, 04 July 2015, 18:08:25 »

This should be easy, short and sweet. Once upon a time a magical meatbro helped out a noob Sifo by modding his Filco. It got lost in the mail on the way back to me so I bought a new Filco and sir bro caps redid everything and sent me another, covering all parts and labour. Probably my most memorable interaction.

What about when you threw up in my bathroom? Wtf, I thought we were bros

Betcha he has a hard time remembering most of that!

Offline maxpegasus

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #103 on: Sat, 04 July 2015, 18:15:53 »
So I am relatively new to this mechanical keyboard hobby (Bought my first one this past February). But not soon after I started browsing r/mk and geekhack I discovered artisans. I first fell in love with HKP gasmasks. I still vividly remember the thrill of acquiring my first one via GRSimon's ebay auction  ;D
Anyway, fast forward a month or so and my collection of gasmasks had expanded to... 2  :( Turns out acquiring artisans aftermarket was harder than I thought. That's when 64rky posted his massive 23 gasmask collection for sale on mechmarket for $550! I was instantly conflicted. I LOVE gasmasks... but that seemed like WAY too big of a commitment for a college student. However, I saw that other people like Imdabaron and hjc1710 were also interested in buying these keycaps separately. Also, one of my close friends promised to split the costs with me in exchange for a couple caps, kinda like an insurance policy. So I took a leap of faith and bought the whole collection!
Though I was afraid I might end up taking a massive loss, the mech community really pulled through. I managed to sell all the gasmasks that didn't fit my color schemes and all in all it ended up being TOTALLY worth it! I made a very respectable chunk of that $550 back and I got to set up my own little secondhand gasmask emporium for a couple weeks  :p
Anyway, that's my story and I owe it all to the mech community! Thanks for reading and thanks Bro for the giveaway!  :thumb:
« Last Edit: Sun, 05 July 2015, 07:58:07 by maxpegasus »

Offline cmadrid

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #104 on: Sat, 04 July 2015, 21:03:10 »
Getting to know the community at Geekhack has been very humbling.. so many awesome people call Geekhack home, it is hard to pick out just one person!  I think I would have to say Nubbinator has been one of the most stand out guys I've personally dealt with.  He has done everything from generously hooking me up with keycaps, donating to me when I was selling a blue alps board to cover some unexpected medical bills, to just listening to me vent in PMs once or twice.  I can't think of any time he hasn't been a stand up guy.

Offline Koobs

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #105 on: Sat, 04 July 2015, 23:01:54 »
I remember who got me into this crazy artisan game. It was hjc1710. He is a hell of a guy, always so helpful and and just all around very very friendly. Story goes I bought some fallout caps he had extras of, and at this time I didnt have any artisans, so after I pay him for the caps and whatnot I ask him, "hey man you selling any artisans by chance?". He responds back "no sorry, I just have my collection, not selling any atm". So I thank him and wait for the mailman to bring my package. Fast forward a few days an my package arrives, and I tear that thing open and to my surprise I find a beautiful yellow warmaster and a binge sticker. My jaw dropped, I could not believe it. Now remember this is when I first started getting into the whole keyboard, caps and artisan thing. I read the note and he says he has given me these because the community is so great to him and he feels the need to give back to a new user. To this day I still have that cap and I always will, even if im not into keyboards any longer. Its the thought that there are good people in this world and that means a lot. Hjc if you are reading this (and I know you will) thank you again for getting me into this wild journey!

Offline Darkside

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #106 on: Sat, 04 July 2015, 23:58:22 »
Gosh, these are all such nice stories, I kinda wish I spent less time lurking and more time posting now. :'(

July 8th will be my 1st GeekHack birthday! Because I haven't really interacted with anyone much, instead I'll post a few things I've learned in my one year lurking GH:

1. demik is one of my favorite posters. I love me a thread with lots of demik in it. :D

2. Hoff is a really nice person!

3. THERE ARE SO MANY GIVEAWAYS! Lots of really generous people here

4. Beards


6. When the chips are down, many users are willing to do their part and make things right. Whether it's a deal gone wrong or a personal issue, there's always someone there to offer their help.

7. Everyone and their mother has a DSLR setup

8. Ya'll have cool keyboards

I'm sure there's stuff I missed but that's all I can think of right now. Happy 4th of July!  :thumb:

Offline Belfong

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #107 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 00:07:12 »
tp4 threads! I love them too because they have been very insightful!

Offline ImpendingxDoom

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #108 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 03:47:21 »

ImpendingxDoom got me my first clack. What a great guy to deal with, and I wanna see more of your keycaps. (candy corn that eventually landed with alienman82)

I don't wanna spam this thread up very much, but you just made me so happy. You are a great guy as well!

Offline meow a cat

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #109 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 05:46:27 »
Thanks for the great giveaway Bro, it's really cool to read about all the positivity that happens around here; this community is definitely the friendliest I've ever been a part of, and I'm glad I've had the opportunity to meet really great people! I've received tons of help and kindness during my time here, you guys are all great!  ;D

This past Christmas, I posted in the Ctrl Alt advent giveaway when a JD40 kit came up as the days prize. In my post, I mentioned that had I won I would build the kit myself and give the board to my girlfriend as a Christmas present. I didn't win, but a few days later I received a PM from JDCarpe, who offered to build a JD40 and send it to me to give to my girlfriend. Some time passed, and a few weeks before Valentines Day, I received another PM from JD saying a JD40 was on its way to me.

It arrived a few days before Valentines day, and I gave it to Brandi after we went out for dinner. She was ecstatic to say the least, as she had been wanting a mech for her PC gaming. It's a really beautiful board, expertly built by JD with MX reds, and some really awesome sandblasting on the bottom plate! She uses it all the time for WoW, Dishonored, Dragon Age, and her other favourite games. I've been trying to convince her to take a picture of us with the board to post here as a thank you, but she's shy.  :))

JDs generosity was really inspiring, and it was a great example of Christmas spirit, and the general spirit of the community here at GH.

If you read this JD, thanks again from Brandi & Dakota!  ;D

I'd also like to thank Naasfu, and Zeal, for helping me out when I have questions, and helping me find things!

And thanks to Hoff for gifting me my first and only Bingecap! It's a beauty.  :-*

Some other memorable things have been chatting with Naasfu, Sed8op8, Taylordcraig, hanging out on the GH IRC channel, and seeing all of the awesome community giveaways and events.

It was also awesome playing GTA V with the GH crew.

Last but not least, thank you GeekHack! My time here has been wonderful. Who knew keyboards could be the source of so much positivity?  :thumb:

Silver 84-key KMAC LE, 62g lubed & stickered ergo-clears, GON NerD PCB, polycarbonate plate,MX lock/Phosphorglow IBM Model M SSK 1391472/White HHKB Pro 2, Hasu controller/WKL Phantom, 50g vintage blacks, MX lock
Leeku G80-1800 (build in progress)

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #110 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 06:17:32 »
So this might be stupid, but it's one of the things that got me interested in the community.

Once upon a time I posted a thread or comment looking to buy a loose switch or two (I think it was on reddit) and I can't remember why, but I remember I needed it for something. One person said they had a couple and asked me for my address. I offered to pay them, but they refused, even for the postage. A few days later I received about 4 or 5 switches (clears!) in an envelope, sent to me from the other side of the country. Just like that. The person didn't know me, we were likely never going to talk again, but this person went out of their way to grab a few bucks worth of switches, throw it in an envelope, write my name and address on there, and walk/drive over to a mailbox and send it to me.

It sounds really silly, but it was something that made me fall in love with the community. I ended up doing the same, and I've "passed it on" in the form of giving away about $50 worth of stuff to people I don't know, can't remember, and will probably never speak to again. It's an actual hobbyist community in which the overwhelming majority of people are involved in it out of love for the hobby and community, and I love that.
--------->[WTB] Radeon HD 7950 or better<---------


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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #111 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 07:32:14 »
People on this forum go above and beyond. There's such a wealth of knowledge and information, not just concerning keyboards. Just a few things I'll mention, keeping them short and sweet.

Massive respect to Asininity for giving away Steam codes like there's no tomorrow. He asks for nothing in return and that's great. Also CPTBadAss who was kind enough to send me a dozen-or-so assorted keys, back in the days of yonder when I was lurking.

Likewise, kudos to the entire #geekhack IRC for spending the last few days tolerating my ignorance and helping me along with a few things I'm trying to set up for the UK MK'ers amongst us! Particular praise to j`ey and Saimeidae.

Offline Latin00032

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #112 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 08:50:42 »
I had a good experience dealing with Signature.

I was thinking of selling my silver Hammer case. So, I posted on GH for a price check.

He saw the post and pm'ed me saying he wanted to buy it.

I agreed and we started the process. I wanted to sell it for what I paid for it (cost) but I needed to add shipping.

I never sent anything that big or heavy to Europe. I was double and triple checking the shipping quotes. I didn't want it to get lost considering how far the package would go.

During the process I had a family member who got hurt pretty bad. It made it take a lot longer to get Signature the shipping info.

He kept pm'ing for status updates but I had a hard time squeezing it in. I wanted to make sure I properly took size, weight, and location into account. I kept telling him that I needed more time. I didn't want to overcharge him.

Finally, I was able to get an accurate quote. Even though the process took a little more than two weeks.

He sent the money to my PayPal fast.

It then took me another week or so to get it sent out. I kept sending messages to let him know I didnt forget.

I was helping my relative since it was hard for them to do certain things with his injury.

Signature was very patient through this.

Finally, when I had an opening, I got to finishing the package. I took pictures of the process to let him know I wasent lying or trying to screw him over. I also wanted him to see that the case was being packaged well.

When I shipped it, I sent him a picture of the tracking receipt.

I was nervous that it would not make it there and that he would think I was playing games with him.

It got there a week or so later. He sent me pics showing it with his own poker pcb installed since I ask that he send me them to make sure he didnt get a banged up case in the mail.

Im happy he was patient. He could have been a little more upset considering how long it took. I didnt tell him about the family issue at the time. (Maybe I should have.)

FYI. Signature ended up pm'ing later asking for permission to resell the case to another person. He wanted to sell it for a little more money. I think he was selling it for more just to recoup the shipping costs. He wasent trying to profit necessarily. I thought it was nice of him to ask. Of course, he really didn't need to ask me. I told him that it was his to sell it for whatever he wanted.

Offline pr0ximity

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #113 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 09:05:06 »
I went back and forth for a while about what my most memorable interaction with a fellow Geekhack'er was. Was it a person whom had offered me a great cap at a great price? Was it the person who generously thought of me when given the opportunity to collect another rare piece for their collection? Was it one of the many people who I had interacted with in various trade or info-seeking quests?

I'm not sure, they've all been great! (Shoutouts to Halverson, Bunny, Photekq, and Margo, you all rock and the community is very, very lucky to have people like you in it. And props to Bro for continuing to use his position in the community for good, continually throwing positivity around like it's going out of style, and standing up for what's right)

But there is one person that I think I'd like to highlight specifically. The person with perhaps the lowest sodium levels on Geekhack: Sed8op8. When I was on my search for a particular cap near and dear to my heart, I had a lengthy trade discussion with a member trying to find a mutual agreement. After determining that no agreement was likely to be reached, I messaged Sed8op8 with an inquiry and trade offer for another gorgeous cap. She was interested, but one of the caps being traded was still on its way to me, so we were in limbo for about a week. Right when the cap was about to be delivered to me, I received a message from the user with my personal holy grail, letting me know they'd decided to agree to trade! But unfortunately they had agreed on trading for the cap that I had offered Sed8op8. You can imagine my heartbreak. Do I take the cap I've been looking for for so long, or back out on Sed8op8?

Well I decided to do just that. Against my better judgement, I told her I wouldn't be able to trade after all. I'm not sure if what I did was right, and I still think about it today. I knew Sed8op8 would be pretty frustrated (to make matters worse, I think it was to be her first Clack... eek...) and I braced for the impact of my immoral decision. But instead, I received a low-salt dose of niceness to my dome (which I probably did not deserve). She replied to let me know it wasn't a problem, and that she was happy for me. But I still felt pretty sour about the way things had happened, until I received another nice message from her out of the blue on reddit, restating that it was water under the bridge, and had a nice discussion about collecting and our excitement for the upcoming Cosmos sale.

It's actions like hers that really make me feel great being a part of this community. It's not often on that you meet people on the Internet who are willing to forgive and still be friends these days, but I think Geekhack is and continues to be a bastion for good people to come and talk about keyboards, and I'm proud to be a part of it.
| Flickr | KMAC 1.2 | Koala | GSKT-00-Z | GSKT-00-AEK | GON NerD60 | Jane V2 CE | Whale | J80S | Ibis | Pro2 | Pro1 | 356mini | 356CL DGE | G80-5000 HAMDE | IBM 1390120 | IBM F AT | IBM F122 | IBM 3101 | Zenith Z-150

Offline rawkus

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #114 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 13:12:52 »
While I can't say I've had a lot of interaction with the community in my short time here, I have gotten a great sense of the camaraderie.  GH members are very quick to help each other out, especially when it comes to a good cause.  I was able to participate in Nubbinator's raffle recently for charity, and the fact that he left it relatively open to where we wanted to donate, I thought that was a great idea.

Other than that, I haven't had any other personal interaction with members other than the Bro himself.  During the last email sale, my package happened to get lost and never arrived.  We exchanged emails back and forth over the period of a few weeks to make sure the package really was lost...Time went by and I forgot about the package, but Bro emailed me to remind me, and was quick to offer solutions to resolve the issue!  Even though it was not the original cap that I wanted, he sent me the beautiful Blood Orange V2, and thus I have my first and only BroCap!  While this was only a minor interaction, I really respect Bro for always keeping me in the loop and making sure that I got the cap that I needed to get.

Thanks Bro for being a human.

« Last Edit: Sun, 05 July 2015, 13:30:58 by rawkus »

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #115 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 14:13:21 »
My favorite interaction gotta be either :
- our meets with Ngt, we started the keyboard hobby at about the same time, would often meet to show off our new purchase or give the other the opportunity to try out things we hadn't. Damn I'll miss it know that I'm not gonna be so often in your town Ngt :/

- the banter on skype with le squad :
   * clacktalk :  what are u wearing ?
   * billnye : troll on forum but always help, very good friend to have
   * Photekq : one day you'll live in murica
   * meiosis : I envy your collection
   * Hwood : Nicer laziest mofo I had the opportunity to talk to
   * Vesper : Take the Raptor Azerty off the shelf
   * SethK : come back to Europe with daddy Azhdar you'll love it
   * Zeal : baked cake rip lmao

- Every person I traded with or buy to, shoutout to DanielT (man I still feel like I stole you, I owe you one my romanian friend), Epzy the king and the other I'm forgetting atm

- Even if I post less there, I still sometimes go to the Reddit daily questions, and It feels good to help out newcomers not making mistakes by rushing too quick in buying terrible boards.

- The little french squad on Deskthority, I really want to meet them one day.

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #116 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 14:34:56 »
My best experiences in GH have been in the Making Stuff Together forum. Some of the projects people come up with are fantastic, and it's always thrilling to watch them come together. Seeing people with different areas of expertise come together to produce a final product that is more than the sum of the contributions is fantastic. In the few times I've been able to make a contribution myself, it's been a great feeling to help someone else get something they're passionate about working as best as possible.

Everyone I've dealt with either in classifieds or privately has always been polite, and more than willing to put up with my vanishing for days due to real life stuff. I'll be going to the Matias tour on the 11th, and I'm really excited to get to meet some people and chat about boards.
Please PM me if you are waiting on classifieds approval or have a question about the classifieds rules. | geekhack Terms of Service

Max Nighthawk x8 (MX Brown) | CM QFR (MX Blue) | CM QFR (MX Clear) | RK-9000 (MX Red) | Model M 1391401 | Model M SSK 1370475 | CM Novatouch | G80-8113 (MX Clear) | 60% (85g MX Blue) | Whitefox Aria (MX Clear) | CL-LX (MX Clear) | Mira SE (MX Clear)
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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #117 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 15:09:27 »
This has been posted before, but it is definitely my best GH experience:

 At Keycon 2015 I bet Binge and we had a great discussion about making keys, sharing opinions and strategies, and learning from our failures. We ended up talking almost all day about some new ideas and our ability to rapidly prototype them. He even gave a small talk about the trial and error he went through and how we should share our information and bring our own unique flare to this niche hobby of ours. At the end of the day I figured I would try to support him as much as I could. I bought a few of his caps and he gave me a few sets of blanks for me to sculpt on/destroy. I was absolutely ecstatic. Then he hands me this:

As I stared at him in disbelief, he said: "You are now in the exciting time of rapid prototyping. This is from when Bro was doing some rapid prototyping. You can see it has some obvious defects, because hey, everyone's got to start somewhere."

I am so glad I can say I am a part of this community.

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #118 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 15:25:40 »
I had a good experience dealing with Signature.

I was thinking of selling my silver Hammer case. So, I posted on GH for a price check.

He saw the post and pm'ed me saying he wanted to buy it.

I agreed and we started the process. I wanted to sell it for what I paid for it (cost) but I needed to add shipping.

I never sent anything that big or heavy to Europe. I was double and triple checking the shipping quotes. I didn't want it to get lost considering how far the package would go.

During the process I had a family member who got hurt pretty bad. It made it take a lot longer to get Signature the shipping info.

He kept pm'ing for status updates but I had a hard time squeezing it in. I wanted to make sure I properly took size, weight, and location into account. I kept telling him that I needed more time. I didn't want to overcharge him.

Finally, I was able to get an accurate quote. Even though the process took a little more than two weeks.

He sent the money to my PayPal fast.

It then took me another week or so to get it sent out. I kept sending messages to let him know I didnt forget.

I was helping my relative since it was hard for them to do certain things with his injury.

Signature was very patient through this.

Finally, when I had an opening, I got to finishing the package. I took pictures of the process to let him know I wasent lying or trying to screw him over. I also wanted him to see that the case was being packaged well.

When I shipped it, I sent him a picture of the tracking receipt.

I was nervous that it would not make it there and that he would think I was playing games with him.

It got there a week or so later. He sent me pics showing it with his own poker pcb installed since I ask that he send me them to make sure he didnt get a banged up case in the mail.

Im happy he was patient. He could have been a little more upset considering how long it took. I didnt tell him about the family issue at the time. (Maybe I should have.)

FYI. Signature ended up pm'ing later asking for permission to resell the case to another person. He wanted to sell it for a little more money. I think he was selling it for more just to recoup the shipping costs. He wasent trying to profit necessarily. I thought it was nice of him to ask. Of course, he really didn't need to ask me. I told him that it was his to sell it for whatever he wanted.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I think you have had the best packaging of all members I've dealt with so far on GH. Sadly I don't see you as much around, may just be from my slight inactivity.
Very busy with studies atm.

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #119 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 16:16:12 »
I'm still a bit new to the keyboard community (didn't really get involved until Feb 2015), but like many have said geekhack is chock full of great members. So far, Binge has been my biggest source of motivation to be positive to all (not just here and r/mk) on the web. I caught wind of Binge's stickers available for sale on his site - the only way I knew to easily get one was to order a keycap from him. So I place an order for a GMK key and 3 stickers. They arrived, and I got this along with my order  :D

Yes, it's a very small gesture, but it meant a lot to me. Immediately hung up on my wall, so it can serve as a reminder whenever I'm online that people do care.

Since I got that letter, I've started writing my own letters to other users, mostly on reddit, since I haven't dealt with too many of you yet. One person I did a trade over on reddit with enjoyed my letter enough he agreed to send me a surprise in the return package...I've been given a hint, but it's too broad for me to narrow anything down. Exciting  :D

Just recently, I lent a hand to the person running RoastPotatoes. He has started making his own artisan keycaps, and expressed interest in making some more, but was still in the very early stages of crafting BS artisans. I told him to PM me, and I shipped out 5 BS caps, along with 2 surprise MX caps free of charge, just because (hope you like Sadster and Windows 95 keys!). I also sent him a letter, why not. Then I got this message...

Never thought I would be actually making someone's day, even better, I didn't think it would make me feel good... :) . I'm sure when he gets his package it'll make his week  :D

This so called "being nice" infection I have caught has even spread to my non-online friends. I helped pick out someone's first mechanical keyboard, and also gave him a key. He really liked the gesture, and I could picture him getting into artisans one day  :)

Maybe one day he will join GH. I hope so, it might mean he won't have to listen to me tell him everything about keyboards, he can just read up here  ;)

And Binge, it's all thanks to that letter! I think the main thing I've realized from Binge's simple gesture is this; positive people make the world a better place - negative people make it suck. The animosity (or as we call it, salt), just isn't needed. Maybe Geekhack can help me become a better person in general?  :eek:

Here's to getting more involved, and to good vibes :thumb: . We should all be positive influences, it's a little sad that there will always be people complaining. But what can ya do. Give for the act of giving, not for recognition.

Offline RoastPotatoes

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #120 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 17:34:36 »
Well I had a great interaction with jerue see above :)

And I like to think I helped encourage zorberema_ to buy materials and make their own keycaps. I hope they succeed as I saw some very nice designs.

It's been a nice week.

Offline joey

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #121 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 18:21:26 »
I think the best part of the forum for me is the Making Stuff Together forum, and while most of my posts might be "Looks great!", I know that reading that from others is a great feeling. I'm looking forward to when I can show others my project, and hopefully get some good feedback  :thumb:

I'm actually more active on IRC than on the forums, and enjoy helping out with the hardware/software side of things.

So, no one moment really sticks out. Just another great community that I'm glad to be a small part of  :cool:

Particular praise to j`ey and Saimeidae.

Offline MrexD

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #122 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 18:22:20 »
During Bunny's christmas event, I donated a Trans Pink v1 bro and it found a new home which was cool!
Bunny also helped me join the recent Gateron GB which was also very cool.

It's nice to know that giving and receiving can happen so mutually in this place.

Keyboards, eh? Got to love 'em...
Pok3r MX CLears

Offline Sed8op8

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #123 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 19:01:17 »
This has been posted before, but it is definitely my best GH experience:

 At Keycon 2015 I bet Binge and we had a great discussion about making keys, sharing opinions and strategies, and learning from our failures. We ended up talking almost all day about some new ideas and our ability to rapidly prototype them. He even gave a small talk about the trial and error he went through and how we should share our information and bring our own unique flare to this niche hobby of ours. At the end of the day I figured I would try to support him as much as I could. I bought a few of his caps and he gave me a few sets of blanks for me to sculpt on/destroy. I was absolutely ecstatic. Then he hands me this:
Show Image

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As I stared at him in disbelief, he said: "You are now in the exciting time of rapid prototyping. This is from when Bro was doing some rapid prototyping. You can see it has some obvious defects, because hey, everyone's got to start somewhere."

I am so glad I can say I am a part of this community.
i thought this was amazing the first time I read this ! Reading it the second time still gave me goosebumps of the awesomesauce variety 8) such an amazing interaction I love this ****  :thumb:
Looking for Black KMAC 2 or KMAC LE Preferably unbuilt kit but will consider an assembled board with clears Please PM me if you can help 8) Always on the lookout for KBK/KWK Bro Reapers,V2s and Clack factory skulls have lots of caps for trade

Offline trizkut

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #124 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 19:28:39 »
I think I have been fairly quiet around here, but I have still run into a number of awesome people.

nubbinator - the guy does so much around here to remind us that we're a community.  From running niche mini-buys, to helping out user projects, to just helping users get their first artisan cap, this guy is awesome.  I haven't had too many interactions with him, but since I've been here, he has done a lot to help out in my opinion.

billnye - first talked to him when our EK clacks were taking weeks to arrive from the west coast.  We bonded over our saltiness and he helped me hunt down an easter v2 set, a dream set of mine!

Bunnylake - this man has an unbelievable amount of patience for all the buys he helps run and all the **** he gets for things outside of his control, yet he's always looking to hook someone up.  While ultimately futile, I had a good time trying to camp out overnight for that vinyl on RSD for ya Bunny!  :))

sed8op8 - seems like one of the most genuine and passionate new members here.  You can really tell she appreciates not only both keyboards and keycaps but also the processes involved in creating them.  good person to chat with, too.  :thumb:

I've also had a number of positive trade and GB transactions.  thank you to everyone in the community for helping to make this happen =]

Offline Mad_Maxx

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #125 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 20:19:12 »
I haven't had a lot of interaction on either site, but I love that the community is so ready to help anyone with anything.

The best experiences that i've had have actually been irl. One of my residents was in to mechs and frequented r/mk, and that was a great way to start interaction with him and some other members of the hall. A girl that lived in my building was the only person that ever came into my room that knew what that "wierd little old lookin keyboard" on my desk was (HHKB), and apparently shes an avid r/mk'er. I also got to meet a geekhacker (joey quinn i believe, now that ive been here a bit), which was awesome to talk to someone that was really involved in the community.

I love mechs, but how awesome the community is really makes this hobby something special.
Bad switches is the only thing that I like

Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #126 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 22:08:00 »
On reddit kudos_and_godspeed sold the remainder of the Meowcaps. I didn't get in initially and I was kind of bummed out since I've never won an email sale before and he pm'd me and sent me a secret menu of caps that I could order off of!! So nice of him ^_^

Offline slickmamba

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #127 on: Sun, 05 July 2015, 23:22:36 »
2 weeks ago I had the opportunity to meet a bunch of our GH(meiosis, clacktalk, radio_killah, yicaoyimu, and the amazing leeku) friends before my back surgery.  Was hoping to catch naasfu and a few others, but they were busy.

The trip started out with me picking up meiosis in LA, eating dinner with another new friend for two hours, and then immediately driving 6 hours with someone I had just met to San Jose.  The next day, meiosis and I put on a steak lunch with some nice IPAs, and *****in sauce for our amazing hosts.   We then pick up and meet yicaoyimu at his workplace, and drove immediately to meet up with radio_killah in downtown mountain view.  Got a cool tour from some locals and had some good drinks.

After some delays, we were able to meet with  Leeku for some korean food and learn about his process, commission, got to see some new pcbs coming, and cute pics of his kids.   We then spent the next 2-3 hours hanging out at yicaos place, checking out his CCs, and korean custom boards.  We ended with this awesome pic of all of us  ;D

PC to the CC wiki

And the most epic beater board ever (thanks to khangaroo)

Ended the trip with some bomb ass food, exploring the southbay, heading back to my home in Berkeley, and doing a pop up mural in Oakland with Meiosis. 

Was a great week playing with, working on, admiring, and discussing keyboards along with random ****s and giggles.  Not to mention 24 hour banter and giggles on skype + steam + snapchat with so many of you on here.  Look forward to meeting many more of you throughout the years :)

-GH love
« Last Edit: Sun, 05 July 2015, 23:41:21 by slickmamba »
Hi :)

Offline 1swt2gs

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #128 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 04:12:01 »
Being brand new to mechanical keyboards, specifically artisans, I just acquired my first artisan about 2 weeks ago. I have always been a lurker on geekhack and mainly post on reddit. /u/livingspeedbump on reddit (I'm sure he's on here too) gave me such a warm welcome to mechs and we chatted away on PM about how I got into mechanical keyboards, my favorite board, what type of keysets I like, whats my grail etc. I met him through him selling his artisans WAYYY below face value or even what he got them for. When I asked him why it was so cheap, he simply stated that he wanted to give back to the mechanical keyboard community. He is constantly selling stuff for way below value or doing giveaways, just because!

Such artisan, many caps, very keyboard.

Always searching for Bro caps! 

1swt2gs classifieds!

Offline effectiveduck

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #129 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 06:00:23 »
While not exactly a positive interaction (not that it's negative), this is probably the most memorable interaction I've had.

Around Feb-March I was selling a whole bunch of stuff on /r/mechmarket, I was trying to recoup some of the money I'd spent after getting my first job (I went a little crazy, spent WAY too much). I get a message from someone interested in one of the keycap sets I was selling (I think it was Tai-Hao's Miami) and asks if pick up possible seeing as we're both in Melbourne. Of course that was fine with me, so I asked if he wanted to meet somewhere the following day. At this point It's about 10-11 at night, when he responds "Can I come and pick it up now?" At the time I'd been staying up until about 3-4am each night so I figured, I'm gonna be up for a while anyway, why not. He suggests we meet at the train station closest to my house, I let him know which station and he says he'll be there in 45 minutes to an hour. Got to the train station around 11:30, train isn't going to be here for 10 minutes. So I'm just wandering up and down the train station, keycaps in hand, only got a few weird looks. The train finally came after what felt like an eternity, but I'm still bored so I start making bets on whose coming to buy the caps. There's a surprisingly high amount of people riding the train so close to midnight, but my first guess was an "IT guy" looking fella, nope. Just behind him was a pretty cute girl that i thought might (pls) be the buyer, nope. After a few more guesses a young guy comes up to me and asks if I'm the guy selling the keycaps, I show them to him and he starts to get the money out. It's at this point I realize that this must look like some seedy drug deal or something, so i start looking around to see if anyone is even watching, there's a few people but none of them paying attention to us. He pays me, I give him the caps and head off. Spent the whole time walking home feeling like Jesse from Breaking Bad.

Offline Invaderevan

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #130 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 08:40:03 »
My best experience with a fellow GHer so far was with Sed8op8. She noticed that I was collecting parts for my LSv1 and when I needed a set of clears, she offered me a really good deal to get the project going! She was super nice and great to work with, and it really made me feel good that she noticed the project I was working on and wanted to help.

Thanks Sed8op8!

WTTF Ribbits, Ashen V2 MX, Bronins

Offline onemegamanfan

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #131 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 08:51:37 »
I firsts started looking at mechanical keyboards over on reddit and knew right away I wanted one but being a broke guy at the time buying one would just have to wait.  After a month of looking at boards on there /u/gianhut posted that he was giving away a Mono Price board.  Was was the lucky one and have been enjoying it ever since then. 

Offline Sed8op8

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #132 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 09:16:28 »
My best experience with a fellow GHer so far was with Sed8op8. She noticed that I was collecting parts for my LSv1 and when I needed a set of clears, she offered me a really good deal to get the project going! She was super nice and great to work with, and it really made me feel good that she noticed the project I was working on and wanted to help.

Thanks Sed8op8!

I can't wait to see that board  :eek:
Looking for Black KMAC 2 or KMAC LE Preferably unbuilt kit but will consider an assembled board with clears Please PM me if you can help 8) Always on the lookout for KBK/KWK Bro Reapers,V2s and Clack factory skulls have lots of caps for trade

Offline willidiots

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #133 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 11:06:19 »
I wish I had a great story about GH!  I've been on the scene for a relatively short time so have yet to secure anything anybody wants to trade :(

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #134 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 11:25:31 »
Lots of great stories in here!

I don't really know where to begin with mine but thanks to everyone for not lynching me as a mod. :))

A big thanks to Bro for running this giveaway!

Also, special thanks to Shadovved, HendyZone, and CPTBadAss for participating in SnackHack.

== == == == ==

This is probably the most surprising thing that has happened to me for using GH. I posted a thread in the keyboard section, and after around 30 minutes, someone sent me a pm. The username is naokira and he's asking if there are any other mkb enthusiasts in the Philippines. It made me wonder on how he found out that I'm from the PH, I then remembered that it's on my profile  :)). I told him that we have a Facebook group for mkb owners in the PH, and asked him to join. The local community's response is always a warm welcome. He(naokira) was surprised that there was a Facebook group, and suggested for a meetup to also try boards from other members. /u/keikun17 gave it a go and did an interest check in the group for the meetup date and location. At the meetup - naokira told me that infiniti is also from PH, but is a busy person and laid low from local mkb community forums. We all had a great time and it's the first time that we met each other in physical form.  :D

The meetup was a success and we're looking forward into joining/organizing local mkb meetups in the future. :)

Photo from the meetup, /u/keikun17 is the one holding the potato camera  :p
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Image courtesy of /u/keikun17
Full album

While I am busy, I have more freedom over my time these days.  Man...I really should check facebook more often!

== == == == ==

Back when we didn't know much about Gaterons keycaps infiniti got a few sets off TaoBao I assume, and to find out more information like the thickness, color comparisons to other manufacturers, spacebar compatibility ect he gave away keys from the sets to people to test for those things. He gave a few keys (and some bonus candies) to me of the various colors to test their thickness and smoothness, paying for their shipping to me.

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This was very generous to send caps around the world and splitting up parts his sets to the community for testing so we can gain more information.

I split up my sets as a commitment to TKL and 60%! :cool: And as an excuse to get a dedicated numpad in the future.

Offline arcvile

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #135 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 11:50:00 »
I stumbled my way through Reddit and ultimately here and just completely blown away at how passionate and welcoming the community is. From general chit chats, IC and GB how everything is so community based. Anyways I found myself entirely engrossed with key caps and nothing sums it up better then "Gotta Catch them All!"

Special mention, I've never seen such a response as I seen here when Destiny( ) Thread came up and was blown away by how many onions were cut that day.

Offline btctopre

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #136 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 12:02:59 »
just wanted to hop in and say thank you folk that mentioned me for the kind words. as a "tryer outer", i've wound up being involved in probably close to 100 transactions in the past 9 months or so, and have had pleasant experiences in pretty much all of them. i've learned a whole lot throughout that time (in the beginning, i had no idea how to even properly ship things even though i'm closing in on 30), especially how adding little unexpected things to sales/trades can make people just as happy as the item they originally intended on receiving makes them. since i tend to sell most things ultimately at a loss (out of choice), this "added value" for the other person feels like added value for me as well, so it makes me feel like, in the end, i'm not really "losing" in the transaction. kind of a selfish unselfish deed, but better than jacking up prices i suppose :P

anyway, in the same spirit as the above, one of the more memorable experiences i've had was when i made a trade with xowie a few weeks back. i had been trying to acquire a forgotten red clack for a few weeks, and, long story short, xowie at one point had a forgotten red clack and (unbeknownst to me) had dyed a set of modifiers to match it. he quietly included one of these dyed keys (the fn key!) with the item he traded with me, ultimately saving me quite a bit of time/money because i was able to compare the color to my set without needing to continue my hunt for an overpriced clack. it was a small thing, but as that "tryer outer", it meant a lot to me.

Offline Psybin

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #137 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 12:09:58 »
In January 15 during the Clackvent event I had temporarily lost my wedding ring at the gym.
I came back to my office and noticed it was missing, went back to the gym, search, came back and tore my office apart, then back to the gym again, then dug through my office again.

During this time I missed a clackvent, which I had been watching all day.

I posted in Clack Therapy to vent about it and six people responded wishing me good luck then Signature responded with a link, he put up a BBv2 up for auction to help me fund a new ring.

I ended up finding the ring on my third trip to search the gym; it had fallen into some channels in the cubby lockers and ended up three spots down and nearly invisible. I let Signature know right away and offered to send him a BBv2 to replace the one on auction. He took down the auction before it was sold, so no harm no foul.

I was very touched at the generosity and just plain "good guy" move by Signature. By far the nicest thing a stranger has done for me (that I know of).  He never let me send him a BBv2 in thank you.

Offline Michael

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #138 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 13:17:32 »

Offline Synjin

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #139 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 13:27:26 »
Not a submission since it is already closed for entries though I still would like to share this.

First most memorable moment would be when I won my very first bro cap ever. I was so amazed when I got it in the mail as it was a surprise. I woke up to a White Walker V2

Second most memorable moment was during keycon standing in front of binge and right beside ImpendingDoom. Binge sama was nice enough to give me this amazingly gorgeous cap free of charge and he also gave me a chance at obtaining some of his wonderful caps during the KeyCon.  This doesn't happen often to me as most people I have met are always selling their caps at high premiums aside for 4 people I've dealt in the past who let me purchase a their cap at either retail or cost.

Offline Sed8op8

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #140 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 13:28:03 »

Am I invited to the OMG WTF Barbecue  :p

Thanks Bro and and everyone for the awesome stories !
Looking for Black KMAC 2 or KMAC LE Preferably unbuilt kit but will consider an assembled board with clears Please PM me if you can help 8) Always on the lookout for KBK/KWK Bro Reapers,V2s and Clack factory skulls have lots of caps for trade

Offline nathanrosspowell

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #141 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 13:49:19 »

Just when I think you're as solid as a bro can get, you raise the very definition of brodom to new heights. You're like a brogle, soaring to the farthest reaches of the atbrosphere. Seriously. If it weren't for you and your extreme brobility to hook a bro up when it is most croosh, I'd have been stuck with lame-ass keycaps, some lame-ass typing experience, bro. But you stepped up. You brovercame all obstacles to help a bro out. This is the kind of **** that makes bros for life.

You are the king of all bros. Brotankhamen. You are the Ayatollah Bromeini. You are Broseidon, lord of the brocean.

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #142 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 14:15:54 »
Post said 1PM PST as the deadline for entries ( so i'll just go ahead and post my story. If it's not valid since the time was changed, bummer, but that's fine because I spent the weekend thinking about it and I'd like to share. (Doesnt help writing this took a while since i couldnt remember and had to hunt stuff down, so now i'm probably late anyway  :p )

I've had multiple positive interactions here on GeekHack and on /r/MK.
A lot of smooth trades, positive conversations receiving and giving advice on things someone might need help on, and a lot of smooth purchases and sales.

I only want to mention a few of these events because I feel like every interaction i've had with someone has been positive. So if we've crossed paths, it's been good :)

A simple interaction is when TacticalStache didnt have any cash to pay for a ClickClack, which i believe was from the Clackvent, and i let him borrow some to pay it off. Was a simple thing i could do to help someone out which made me happy as well. I'm sure someone would have helped, but I didnt want to take the chance and have someone miss out on a Clack.

Next would probably be thanking those who have helped me gather up BroBots and ClickClacks for my girlfriend. My girlfriend (sarahnicole here on GH [she isnt active on her own account but asks me to do stuff for her]) is the main reason i'm on GeekHack and have what I have. I quickly converted her to the mechanical keyboard side and to repay her for helping me with this hobby, I wanted to get her any BB or CC she really liked. Just so happens to be the more difficult ones to aquire  ;)
So i've made some transactions with Limitz, Psybin, and Badwrench and have a gotten what she wants. Badwrench has been the most helpful with this because he only really wanted to trade with me in order to help me out. WHO DOES THAT?? I just really appreciate that and I'm happy with all of my trades, not just these.

Last, Id like to mention the first time i remember helping someone.
Infiniti (you're doing great as a mod by the way) needed someone to proxy and order from SP. The only task was to place the order and have it shipped to his Forwarder in Burbank,CA, since they wouldnt accept his foreign PayPal. I grew up and can visit Burbank, so i figured if I couldnt directly get the order shipped to the Forwarder, I could just go and drop it off in person instead of charging Inviniti shipping cost to them. SP accepted the address so all I did was accept the money from Infiniti, place the order, and that's it. Everything went smooth and he received his package in the end.
Shortly after, Infiniti thanked and added me as a friend.
He is still my only friend added on GeekHack, and I always see that and am reminded of the time I helped him.

It wasnt the difficulty of the task, but the ability to help someone in need that made me happy and I truly felt I was in a community :)

With that being said, I gotta go help Sed8op8 with the whole "endgame" thing  ;)

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #143 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 14:53:45 »
Not joining, but I just want to say thank you to those that said such kind things about me ~

This thread was an absolute joy to read.

So much love, friendship, and happiness!

Awesome job, Bro. Thank you so much for this.

Ya'll did so good in here ~ !!!

Good luck to everyone!


The one thing that just top it all off; was when Nubb held a giveaway where you can nominate someone suitable to receive a particulate prize. That’s when I started to become friend with Vesper (where I nominated him and we won 2nd); and we’ve been saying hi from time to time ever since. To start with an admiration over his collection and photos to become an interaction is amazing when you think of it.

jokrik, you are so freaking awesome. You were one of the first people to be so personable to me when providing feedback. You always went out of your way to remember what I had posted before and responded in context, and you were always sincere. I didn't even know you had nominated me for Nubb's giveaway when it happened!!! I only found out when I had already won with you, and you PM'd me about it!!! That will definitely be one of the most memorable experiences on GH for me. My friends that were with me at the time I found out can vouch for it! I always enjoy our occasional PM's to each other. They're like penpal letters <3 Hehe. <3 You.

Second shoutout goes to vesperSAINT. He is great to talk to and was my first good friend on the forum. We play games together and chat about our mutual love of topre, every day.  :-*

You and I talk so much about so many things, all the time, and it never gets boring. Heck, we played games last night and I look forward to playing games together tonight!
4ever, bb <3
My love for Topre < My love for you.
You of all people know that's saying a lot. LOL!


This buddy here offered to gift me a KWK Wrapped BS because I had just recently acquired an SSK!
A kind heart, a nice dood <3
We should talk more often, breh.


Good sir ~ You are always giving me such kind feedback, and you are always so generous to me ~
Your taste in themes is usually much different from me, but at the same time, I'm always drawn to your stuff. So good.
I will keep looking forward to your amazing posts and feedback. You're awesome!

VesperSaint: You broke me out of my shell, one of the first people I talked to when I joined, we talked about anime and kpop, and you helped introduce me to people who had common interests.

Ma bae ~ I still remember like it was yesterday when we first started to PM each other about IU, Girls' Generation, and anime. It's too bad your love for IU has withered away... We clicked immediately and continue to have too much fun with each other. HUE.
Sorry, I rage on you in CS:GO. LOL! I'm going to continue doing so every now an dthen ;)


We've only recently met, but you've always been such a joy to talk to on GH~! It's unfortunate I took a break for over a month just when we started to converse on GH :(
I look foward to your future posts ~

   * Vesper : Take the Raptor Azerty off the shelf

It's already happened, breh. Already happned too many times.

Offline aznairjordan

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #144 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 14:57:05 »

Thanks for the opportunity for more brocaps! I had a fun time reading through everyone's experiences, with being different than mine, but still with the underlying kindness of other members here on gh.
TGR Jane CE|FC660C|Orion V2
GMK Hyperfuse|GMK Olivetti|GMK Red Alert|Soulfree's Teal|GMK Cyan

Offline Michael

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #145 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 15:04:46 »
Post said 1PM PST as the deadline for entries ( so i'll just go ahead and post my story. If it's not valid since the time was changed, bummer, but that's fine because I spent the weekend thinking about it and I'd like to share. (Doesnt help writing this took a while since i couldnt remember and had to hunt stuff down, so now i'm probably late anyway  :p )

I've had multiple positive interactions here on GeekHack and on /r/MK.
A lot of smooth trades, positive conversations receiving and giving advice on things someone might need help on, and a lot of smooth purchases and sales.

I only want to mention a few of these events because I feel like every interaction i've had with someone has been positive. So if we've crossed paths, it's been good :)

A simple interaction is when TacticalStache didnt have any cash to pay for a ClickClack, which i believe was from the Clackvent, and i let him borrow some to pay it off. Was a simple thing i could do to help someone out which made me happy as well. I'm sure someone would have helped, but I didnt want to take the chance and have someone miss out on a Clack.

Next would probably be thanking those who have helped me gather up BroBots and ClickClacks for my girlfriend. My girlfriend (sarahnicole here on GH [she isnt active on her own account but asks me to do stuff for her]) is the main reason i'm on GeekHack and have what I have. I quickly converted her to the mechanical keyboard side and to repay her for helping me with this hobby, I wanted to get her any BB or CC she really liked. Just so happens to be the more difficult ones to aquire  ;)
So i've made some transactions with Limitz, Psybin, and Badwrench and have a gotten what she wants. Badwrench has been the most helpful with this because he only really wanted to trade with me in order to help me out. WHO DOES THAT?? I just really appreciate that and I'm happy with all of my trades, not just these.

Last, Id like to mention the first time i remember helping someone.
Infiniti (you're doing great as a mod by the way) needed someone to proxy and order from SP. The only task was to place the order and have it shipped to his Forwarder in Burbank,CA, since they wouldnt accept his foreign PayPal. I grew up and can visit Burbank, so i figured if I couldnt directly get the order shipped to the Forwarder, I could just go and drop it off in person instead of charging Inviniti shipping cost to them. SP accepted the address so all I did was accept the money from Infiniti, place the order, and that's it. Everything went smooth and he received his package in the end.
Shortly after, Infiniti thanked and added me as a friend.
He is still my only friend added on GeekHack, and I always see that and am reminded of the time I helped him.

It wasnt the difficulty of the task, but the ability to help someone in need that made me happy and I truly felt I was in a community :)

With that being said, I gotta go help Sed8op8 with the whole "endgame" thing  ;)

Offline ccarlitos2

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #146 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 15:12:09 »
Post said 1PM PST as the deadline for entries ( so i'll just go ahead and post my story. If it's not valid since the time was changed, bummer, but that's fine because I spent the weekend thinking about it and I'd like to share. (Doesnt help writing this took a while since i couldnt remember and had to hunt stuff down, so now i'm probably late anyway  :p )

I've had multiple positive interactions here on GeekHack and on /r/MK.
A lot of smooth trades, positive conversations receiving and giving advice on things someone might need help on, and a lot of smooth purchases and sales.

I only want to mention a few of these events because I feel like every interaction i've had with someone has been positive. So if we've crossed paths, it's been good :)

A simple interaction is when TacticalStache didnt have any cash to pay for a ClickClack, which i believe was from the Clackvent, and i let him borrow some to pay it off. Was a simple thing i could do to help someone out which made me happy as well. I'm sure someone would have helped, but I didnt want to take the chance and have someone miss out on a Clack.

Next would probably be thanking those who have helped me gather up BroBots and ClickClacks for my girlfriend. My girlfriend (sarahnicole here on GH [she isnt active on her own account but asks me to do stuff for her]) is the main reason i'm on GeekHack and have what I have. I quickly converted her to the mechanical keyboard side and to repay her for helping me with this hobby, I wanted to get her any BB or CC she really liked. Just so happens to be the more difficult ones to aquire  ;)
So i've made some transactions with Limitz, Psybin, and Badwrench and have a gotten what she wants. Badwrench has been the most helpful with this because he only really wanted to trade with me in order to help me out. WHO DOES THAT?? I just really appreciate that and I'm happy with all of my trades, not just these.

Last, Id like to mention the first time i remember helping someone.
Infiniti (you're doing great as a mod by the way) needed someone to proxy and order from SP. The only task was to place the order and have it shipped to his Forwarder in Burbank,CA, since they wouldnt accept his foreign PayPal. I grew up and can visit Burbank, so i figured if I couldnt directly get the order shipped to the Forwarder, I could just go and drop it off in person instead of charging Inviniti shipping cost to them. SP accepted the address so all I did was accept the money from Infiniti, place the order, and that's it. Everything went smooth and he received his package in the end.
Shortly after, Infiniti thanked and added me as a friend.
He is still my only friend added on GeekHack, and I always see that and am reminded of the time I helped him.

It wasnt the difficulty of the task, but the ability to help someone in need that made me happy and I truly felt I was in a community :)

With that being said, I gotta go help Sed8op8 with the whole "endgame" thing  ;)

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.gif game on point. Bro so kind :D
HHKB Pro 1| Poker 2(MX Browns)| Leopold FC200R (MX Blue)
"Yup, that tasted purple" -Lulu


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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #147 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 15:45:58 »
One of my favorite memories of GH is actually one that occurred rather recently, I traded a BBv2 for some silenced Topre plungers from btctopre. We weren't sure if the modifiers were silenced or not so we settled on just trading for the non-stablized keys. Like 3 months later btctopre figured out that the silenced Topre boards do in fact include silenced modifiers. Once he figured this out he messaged me right away and offered to send them to me for free. True to his word they showed up in one piece and I've been living in full-silenced heaven ever since. I was sincerely impressed at his honesty and the fact he wanted to send them to me. He could have just as easily forget I ever existed or decided it wasnt worth the hassle but he didn't. If you read this btctopre, thanks again!

Regardless of wether or not I win anything here I would like to suggest you give sincere consideration to giving something to btctopre for being a genuine and upstanding member of the community.

I missed this post somehow.

I can 100% concur with this. I also exchanged for some silent plungers, and I told him about how the Type-S silencing is different from the Realforce silencing. I also ended up doing the non-stabilized keys. Months later, this awesome man PM'd me that that I was indeed correct (he had opened up a Type-S to find out first hand), and then offered to ship me the stabilized silent plungers. Wouldn't even accept the shipping cost. WHAT A SOUL. He could've just settled at knowing the facts, but he went out of his way to remember me, and then offered to send me them free of charge.

I tip my fedora to you, btctopre. Bravo!

Offline btctopre

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #148 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 16:04:25 »
Another good experience I've had on GH is even when you mess something up in a trade, people are awesomely understanding HuehHHUEHUEHUhueUHEHUEEUHuhEUUE (I feel terrible about assuming the black sliders for the modifiers of Type-S Realforce boards meant non-silenced, thank you guys for not beating me up for it).

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Re: Welcome Back Geekhack Giveaways
« Reply #149 on: Mon, 06 July 2015, 16:21:25 »
Another time, Akimb0 was really kind and traded me my 45g HHKB domes for his 55g domes. I didn't expect anyone to ever to the trade with me, and he did!  :)