Author Topic: Booper Makes Keycaps! - HACK'D BOOPS!  (Read 4164085 times)

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Offline Carlobv

  • Posts: 51
« Reply #5350 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:21:28 »
I didn't partake.  I never do.  I want to, but I'm too paranoid that I'll be caught and lose my job.   Maybe they should just legalize this everywhere so we're all the same.

Offline Corgi Butts

  • Posts: 332
« Reply #5351 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:21:45 »
Busted out the laptop to write this one out cause the phone wasn't going to cut it.  Since I can't partake due to my job, here's a retelling of my wildest trip ever, here we go.

Ok, went to a $5 DJ Aphrodite show in Atlanta back in 2000.  It was amazing.  I took a hit of liquid and 2 green gel tabs as Aphrodite took the stage.  3 hours later, nothing happened.  Figured I got ripped off on the acid and ate the other two gels and said **** it.  20 minutes later, my friends face smeared like a water color painting and I took off to Wonderland.  The show was awesome, Aphrodite played till they turned on the lights, and then kept going till they cut off his power.  At this point I went outside, met some guys in the parking lot looking for a smoke spot, invited them into my car and we hot boxed the **** out of it.  We hung out and talked for a bit then everyone started to disperse.  I'm way too ****ed up to drive, and the cops start showing up, so I start freaking on how I'm going to get back to my dorm.  In a serendipitous moment of fate, a guy in my dorm shows up asking for a ride.  I toss him the keys and we hit the road.

As we flew down the highway, Oakenfold's "Tranceport" in my CD player, it felt like I was floating in a bubble of sound, at one with the energy around me.  Sound simply was, and I borne inside it.  We stopped into a gas station for drinks and smokes, and as I walked toward the drink cooler the Lancelot scene from Holy Grail plays out.  I keep walking to the cooler but I'm not getting any closer.  Over and over, I can't seem to make it to the cooler.  Suddenly, BOOM! I have a drink in my hand and I'm at the register.  WTF?  Why is this cop staring at me?  ****it, I grab my smokes, swipe my card, hit the car and we are off again!

I get back to the dorm, grab my big back of goldfish, and head outside to the courtyard as the sun is coming up.  I lay on a picnic table in the middle, looking up and staring into the branches of a massive tree, watching the sun shine down thru the leaves.  I look and I can see every vein in every leaf, the water coursing thru them like blood.  I can see the pulse of nature.  I look at my cigarette and I'm transported into the burning embers at the end, seeing the molecules of tobacco as they combust.  I inhale and I can feel the smoke as it enters each aioli in my lungs. 

I get up and move to a bench at the edge of the courtyard, eating my goldfish.  At this point a mom cat and three kittens walk out from the bushes near my bench.  The mother cat walks off to find food and the kittens all sit down and look at me.  They stare into my soul.  Then, from all around the courtyard, dozens of cats walk out of the bushes, sit on the sidewalk, and stare their golden eyes at me.  We commune, I am the god Bast and the cats are my worshipers.  I bid them good day and go inside.

I stare at myself in the mirror for 45 minutes.  My face is clay.  I mold many new faces.  I am the Many-Faced God.  I go back to my room, turn on HBO, and watch the scariest rendition of Hamlet I have ever seen, with crazy puppets murdering each other.  I can't take this, and change the channel until I find cartoons.  I laugh till I can't breath.  I turn off the TV, lay in my bed, close my eyes, and watch the shifting kaleidoscope of colors behind my lids as I hear the thumping rhythm of the music from in my head as I finally fall asleep around 10am.

I woke at 11pm that night.  I went to waffle house and ate a ****ing waffle and it was amazing.
« Last Edit: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:28:48 by Bastimret »

Offline bjayswift

  • Posts: 30
« Reply #5352 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:22:41 »
I took the day off from work and spent it working on side projects and watching for raffles.  I ended up at my neighbors that night where we built a home made gravity bong. We used a glass bowl and a construction road cone and his pool to fill the chamber. 

A chance to be creative with friends and good green make a nice 420.  

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk


Offline inosint

  • Posts: 74
« Reply #5353 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:22:53 »
Was in Vegas, ate a cookie that was handed to me...little did I know, nor was I informed, said cookie was potent enough to get a team of horses high. Threw up voilently before winning 200$ playing craps.  All in all, made for a fun and memorable weekend.

GL everyone and thanks for the sale boop!

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

Offline Cavemann6

  • Posts: 175
« Reply #5354 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:22:55 »
I wasn’t able to celebrate 4/20 this year, so instead I’ll share a story on how I got my nickname.

About 8 years ago me, and a few friends were smoking on my couch one random weekend night. We kept doing the cliché puff-puff-pass method for a while now – long enough where I couldn’t remember how long we did it for. I didn’t realize how high I got until I tried to stand up to get food. When I tried to stand up I could not get myself to stand up. After a few attempts I said **** it and gave up and just sat there, watching some TV quietly. Then after 30 minutes or so my friends and I got the munchies, so my buddies got up to get some food then came back to the couch. Somehow, I got so high to the point where I completely forgot the English language. Whenever I tried to ask for some food I made incoherent noises saying, “ahh hoo huhhh haaaanngg” while pointing at their food (in my head I was asking them to pass me the chips). My buddies were laughing at me and had no idea what I was saying so they asked me to repeat myself. I repeated myself, focusing really hard on what I want to say, exclaiming, “ahh hoo uuhhhh hnnngg!” My friends still had no clue what I was saying and asked me “What does the caveman want.” From that night they call me caveman and has stuck with me ever since then.

So that’s how I got my nickname 

Offline Enoch__Xu

  • Posts: 11
« Reply #5355 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:23:10 »
First of all, I do not smoke. In that way, maybe 420 is not a special day for me. However, as a student in Durham university, I have to spend the whole week for my essay. Fortunately, I finished it before the ddl.  and I also attend some of the 420 sales with my friends. Although I do not win any keycaps during the 420 sales, my friends got one that he really loves. Good luck everyone! Enjoy this event!

Offline ricrackem

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« Reply #5356 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:23:22 »
I'm at a point in life where I can't celebrate 420 the same way I used to but it used to be a big part of my life, especially in high school.

My senior year 4/20 was probably my most memorable. My group of friends and I bailed on school that day, picked up enough herb to last us the day, and went tubing down the Farmington River. We were passing blunts from tube to tube, taking short breaks so we could roll our own personal joints and afterwards we went to a Food Truck festival and ate delicious fried foods until it got dark out. Then of course, we smoked some more.

It's a memory I hold very close to my heart, the day was full of laughter and good vibes. After high school a lot of people went to college out of state and just generally drifted apart. But whenever we get together, we can still laugh and reminisce about the old memories like that day, it still feels like it was yesterday.

Hope everyone had a great 420, and thanks for the giveaway boop :D

Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk

Offline eagerzero

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« Reply #5357 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:23:47 »
I was at work all day but afterwards I relaxed at home, smoked a bit and had dinner and played some video games. So not all the different from any other day  ;D

Offline the_fascist

  • Posts: 14
« Reply #5358 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:24:20 »
I uh, I got high.  I entered some raffles.  I lost most, won a few.  I apparently ordered 5 pounds of jolly ranchers shipped next day, so that was a nice surprise Saturday morning.

The raffles continued, therefore so did 4/20.  I spent all of the money.  I then spent Saturday evening recouping my losses by selling all of my low effort artisans at half price.  They were going to waste anyway, so it all worked out.

Then I wake up this morning AND I WON A CLACK ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? So I haven't even smoked yet but I'm already high as ****.

Thanks for the giveaway, this weekend has been absolutely unforgettable.
« Last Edit: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:26:40 by the_fascist »

Offline Plata

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« Reply #5359 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:24:53 »
I uh... I was having sex with a tinder match... Yeah that's about it. Probably would've smoked or eaten something if we had anything but we didn't and we too busy to go get some. But I feel like it's a decent enough reason to miss 4/20. Also this is my first ever GH post which is kinda weird...but it's /u/platabear on reddit, I just never use GH.

Offline kmba

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« Reply #5360 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:25:27 »
Ate a big ass sandwich, went to an nba playoff game and got drunk.   :thumb:

Offline pr0ximity

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« Reply #5361 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:25:40 »
Went to my favorite brewery in town to pick up their newest cans, then headed up to a camp on a lake for a couple of days with the gf, did some hiking, ate some brownies, caught up on reading.

All in all a wholesome weekend.
« Last Edit: Sun, 22 April 2018, 22:46:11 by pr0ximity »
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Offline anatworkaccount

  • Posts: 105
« Reply #5362 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:26:03 »
4/20 back in high school. About 12 of us riding around in a GMC Yukon, bodies everywhere. Baked as ****, some people baked for the first time. We stop at Hardee's to get food. We drive away, everything is normal, one kid, high for the first time, starts groaning loudly and then says "I can feel the cholesterol going straight to my heart, take me to the hospital".


  • Posts: 207
« Reply #5363 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:26:03 »
I woke up very early on 420.

Then went out to buy some soya bean milk and bread for Sasa and myself. After having breakfast I drove Sasa to the school and it was the final exam for her master degree. She had been preparing for the exam for quite a while.

After the exam she told me she was doing not bad, haha so we were very happy and went to celebrate together! We went to movie, shopping and had a superb dinner!

At last we went to a bar to have some drinks, there was a singer there we both liked very much. We got high and Sasa couldn't stop laughing haha.

A very nice day!!! ;)

Offline roostrc0gburn

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« Reply #5364 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:26:16 »
had to go to work in the morning to finish some things up, but I was able to leave early and come home for a nice evening with the Mrs. we just hung out and chatted and watched a show together. it was actually everything I needed it to be - just a nice, slow relaxing evening. nothing crazy like my younger days  :p we did purchase some Jack Herer and White Tahoe Cookies for the occasion ;)

Offline soveryscary

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« Reply #5365 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:26:28 »
Okay, probably the most memorable time I got stoned was in high school. It was probably the third time ever smoking weed, and It still was a new and intense experience for me. Anyway, I tell my mom that that I’m spending the night at a friends house and she says have fun. It’s a Friday night and it’s just me and one of my buddies. We were gonna smoke this little jay he rolled and play some video games and eat snacks. Nothing too crazy. So we go into his back yard and wait for the coast to clear before light up the joint. Apparently, his uncle saw what we were doing, but didn’t let us know he saw what we were doing. After we smoke, we head inside and quickly go to his room so his mom wouldn’t see or smell us. We sit on the couch in his room and start playing some games. I start hearing scratches on the window, so I run over to look. It was dark, but there was nothing there. I just thought I was hearing things. A little while later we hear it again, but louder. We run over, still nothing. I’m a little spooked, but I’m not going to tell my friend that I’m scared. We continue to play games, until we hear it again. This time my friend wants to go out in the dark and see what is making that noise. I really didn’t want to, but I agreed. Mind you I’m high as ****, and paranoid. So we go outside, into the dark, and look around. We see nothing. BUT I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see a ****ing demon standing behind me. It was a man with the head of a bat reaching out to grab me. I never have been so scared in my life. I let out a yelp (super embarassing), and turned to run away but tripped and fell into my friends mom’s flowerbed crushing all her newly planted flowers. By this time, all I can hear is laughter. I am so confused, and high, and hurt that I just want to die. It was my friends uncle in the stupid mask. Who saw us getting high and planned on scaring us. He didn’t care, but it was really awkward explaining to his mom the next morning how I accidentally tripped into her flowerbed looking for my glasses and killed her flowers. (Sorry about punctuation, on mobile and have a headache)
All the lights went out

Offline RyuDragoon

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« Reply #5366 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:26:48 »
Drugs are illegal in my state. I spent this weekend hiking with my friends at our local park and entering in the very many raffles that happened!

Offline romevi

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« Reply #5367 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:27:52 »
I've never done marihuana but really want to give it a try. My wife and I were talking about it and her brother mentioned giving us some cookies. He's yet to deliver on his offer...

Man, I've had so many opportunities to try. Even in Amsterdam, when I traveled with my friend while he visited every coffee shop and partook at every possible chance, I just sat there drinking terrible orange juice. I probably made him feel super awkward, and to this day I still try finding him on Facebook (lost his number long ago) to apologize and that we should totally meet up and hit it.
But I did do absinthe there! That was when it still was illegal here in the States (I think). I didn't see what the big deal was; had two shots and didn't feel a thing.

But yesterday... Hmm... I stayed in as some of my family was sick, but my lovely spouse and I did get margaritas later. So I guess that was our "high" for the day.  :))

Offline Puss

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« Reply #5368 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:28:37 »
pretty sure i went through like 240 pizza rolls this weekend... sorta like 420????

Offline aspenc4

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« Reply #5369 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:29:35 »
Worked most of the day on Friday, then spent the evening entering all of the awesome raffles and sharing the joy of friends winning some beautiful caps here and there.  My wife was on a 24 at the hospital on Saturday, so I knocked out some things at the house, then a buddy came over that night and we worked on building color match grab bags for a few of our artisan maker friends - 

Spent the majority of the day today working on packing up some shipments I need to ship to buddies, and working on a build for someone.  All things considered, it was a wonderful weekend full of my favorite pastime.  :)

Offline Jackgrant31

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« Reply #5370 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:29:35 »
I have a job coming up (drug test :( no 4/20) but a couple weeks ago I left a coding competition to go smoke with some friends at the University was at and I got so high that I constantly felt like I was pissing myself. Not that I had to pee really badly but the feeling of hot water going down my quads (and cold at some points idk it was weird) but I kept freaking out and kept going to the bathroom spending hours there and never actually peeing

Offline shuangmu

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« Reply #5371 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:30:29 »
On the day of 4/20, I opened all the GH of the producer that I love. Then I go to bed. In the morning, I went out with my baby and my wife to eat some very good foods, such as Hot pot and beer. This day is a very good day, because I spent my time to my hobby and my family.

Thank you for the giveaway!  very nice color ! :thumb:
« Last Edit: Sun, 22 April 2018, 22:23:47 by shuangmu »
                                                                           Love Artisan<3
                                                                                                                                       Love geekhack                     

Offline DangerNoodle

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« Reply #5372 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:32:04 »
I had to work on Friday, for 13 hours and it was pretty ****ty. So I'll post about the first time I smoked back in high school.

A large group of friends and I went camping outside Goblin Valley. I'd never smoked before but decided to try it. 3 or 4 mediocre hits on the pipe later and nothing... I gave it like half an hour to kick on and... nothing. Dejected, I walked up a little hill to chill with one of my friends who was feeling it.

Sitting there I noticed a shadow that was kind of moving in a circle. When I looked up, what looked like a flying saucer was spinning above the cliffs around camp. I'm taking like 100' cliffs! I thought the weeds were just playing tricks on me so I put my head down and closed my eyes. A few moments later I stood up and looked up at the same time (bad idea btw, I got super spinny for a second) and saw it still there, spinning.

I smacked my friend and said, "are you seeing this ****??"

"What the ****...?!?" he whispered.

I yelled to the rest of camp and pointed "What the **** is that!?!" legitimately terrified! I seriously thought aliens were coming to get us or something. This all took place over maybe 10 or 15 seconds up until this point.

It started spinning faster, moved away from us, and started to approach the ground. We all ran toward it and as people began to approach it, I could hear laughter in the distance.

My buddy Todd didn't stake his tent out. The flying saucer was a god damned 2 person dome tent, flying upside down because the wind caught it! When it landed it broke two of the three poles. He tried to sleep in it the rest of the trip but another drunk friend ended up lighting it on fire. I really don't know how we didn't get arrested that trip or killed.

Offline MajorclaM

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« Reply #5373 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:32:22 »
Nothing supremely special this weekend, I'm in the middle of a job hunt and never really felt the need to partake in the festivities. Besides that my 4/20 was spent in the /r/mk discord with the artisan channel people. Yesterday I spent with my parent's and extended family at my uncle's 75th birthday. The spread of food there was unreal. Salmon lox for days, a gazillion of different dishes and 3 cakes; two that were practically butter and chocolate with the third being frozen, boozy whipped cream. Today's been spent doing prepping for my grad party next week 70! people have rsvp'd. Made some dank carolina pulled pork.

All in all it's been a great weekend. Loved the community (especially for that clack 4/20). This has really been something reading this thread at all the crazy and fun stories people have been posting. Thanks for running this and the caps look good as always. Fingers crossed to see some Amelia's in my future.

P.S. Here's the pork

Offline mangoes

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« Reply #5374 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:32:27 »
Busted out the laptop to write this one out cause the phone wasn't going to cut it.  Since I can't partake due to my job, here's a retelling of my wildest trip ever, here we go.

Ok, went to a $5 DJ Aphrodite show in Atlanta back in 2000.  It was amazing.  I took a hit of liquid and 2 green gel tabs as Aphrodite took the stage.  3 hours later, nothing happened.  Figured I got ripped off on the acid and ate the other two gels and said **** it.  20 minutes later, my friends face smeared like a water color painting and I took off to Wonderland.  The show was awesome, Aphrodite played till they turned on the lights, and then kept going till they cut off his power.  At this point I went outside, met some guys in the parking lot looking for a smoke spot, invited them into my car and we hot boxed the **** out of it.  We hung out and talked for a bit then everyone started to disperse.  I'm way too ****ed up to drive, and the cops start showing up, so I start freaking on how I'm going to get back to my dorm.  In a serendipitous moment of fate, a guy in my dorm shows up asking for a ride.  I toss him the keys and we hit the road.

As we flew down the highway, Oakenfold's "Tranceport" in my CD player, it felt like I was floating in a bubble of sound, at one with the energy around me.  Sound simply was, and I borne inside it.  We stopped into a gas station for drinks and smokes, and as I walked toward the drink cooler the Lancelot scene from Holy Grail plays out.  I keep walking to the cooler but I'm not getting any closer.  Over and over, I can't seem to make it to the cooler.  Suddenly, BOOM! I have a drink in my hand and I'm at the register.  WTF?  Why is this cop staring at me?  ****it, I grab my smokes, swipe my card, hit the car and we are off again!

I get back to the dorm, grab my big back of goldfish, and head outside to the courtyard as the sun is coming up.  I lay on a picnic table in the middle, looking up and staring into the branches of a massive tree, watching the sun shine down thru the leaves.  I look and I can see every vein in every leaf, the water coursing thru them like blood.  I can see the pulse of nature.  I look at my cigarette and I'm transported into the burning embers at the end, seeing the molecules of tobacco as they combust.  I inhale and I can feel the smoke as it enters each aioli in my lungs. 

I get up and move to a bench at the edge of the courtyard, eating my goldfish.  At this point a mom cat and three kittens walk out from the bushes near my bench.  The mother cat walks off to find food and the kittens all sit down and look at me.  They stare into my soul.  Then, from all around the courtyard, dozens of cats walk out of the bushes, sit on the sidewalk, and stare their golden eyes at me.  We commune, I am the god Bast and the cats are my worshipers.  I bid them good day and go inside.

I stare at myself in the mirror for 45 minutes.  My face is clay.  I mold many new faces.  I am the Many-Faced God.  I go back to my room, turn on HBO, and watch the scariest rendition of Hamlet I have ever seen, with crazy puppets murdering each other.  I can't take this, and change the channel until I find cartoons.  I laugh till I can't breath.  I turn off the TV, lay in my bed, close my eyes, and watch the shifting kaleidoscope of colors behind my lids as I hear the thumping rhythm of the music from in my head as I finally fall asleep around 10am.

I woke at 11pm that night.  I went to waffle house and ate a ****ing waffle and it was amazing.

Now this is a ****ing story, wow

Offline scud80

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« Reply #5375 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:34:23 »
Ok, this 4/20 was basically spent losing raffles all day.  Weed isn't really my thing.  The first time I tried it was pretty memorable though.  Friends and I decided we wanted to try it, but none of us was a smoker so we resolved to make brownies.  Don't remember how much we put into them, but we were not aware that edibles take like 45mins to kick in.  So, we just kept eating them.  About an hour after starting we were all catatonic on the couch/in chairs.  No idea how long but it felt like we were just sitting there for hours.  I remember at one point my friend next to me said something like "I have to keep my knee touching yours or I'll float away forever".  Even the next day my roommate and I still had paranoia effects ... I asked him if he felt like somebody might just walk in the door and he demanded I lock it immediately.

Anyways, I've only really had 1 positive experience with weed, and the rest of the times it either makes me sleepy or does really strange unpleasant things.

Offline sony

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« Reply #5376 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:34:44 »
I prepared to host a meetup while trying to do my homework.

Offline tephwn

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« Reply #5377 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:35:44 »
Worked from home expecting to have a nice and relaxing day. Started by making bacon and eggs. Unfortunately things happened and I became swamped by work. Fortunately rallied and got as much done as possible during work hours, had a buddy come over, and celebrated 420 the rest of the night. Maybe a little bit too much because I greened out and slept really early :P

Offline wikkiwikki420

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« Reply #5378 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:35:59 »
so I requested and took a three day weekend, just to get high and enter raffles. I have moved over to vaping oil through the carts. I enjoy it sooo much more since the smell is almost eliminated. I had ordered dominos pizza friday afternoon at one after waiting and waiting for keyforge. I got a great introduction to the Discord and the crew there. I love them. Great day and I kinda didn't win any raffles... But I did walk away a winner having talked to all the great people of the community. I woke up saturday at like..... 5am and mowed the yard at 8am.. Then I sat in Discord, smelly of sweat and fresh cut grass.. Really I was a hot mess but I needed a Shishi.. I failed to win any KF raffles but I still left a winner after having hung out with the crew again all day yesterday.

Love the Wok. Would be a dream.. =)

Oh... And I FAILED/Jumped the gun on Clack Keys raffle. Sad days.
GMK Terror and GMK Slasher damn it.

Offline Vadurr

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« Reply #5379 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:36:29 »
Unfortunately I spent most of my day at work this year, but after an 11 hour shift I was able to sit back and relax with some close friends and even closer munchies til late night :)

Offline Randalljai

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« Reply #5380 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:36:55 »
4/20 this year...

Worked from home. The past month has been crazy busy, skipping lunch just to get through items; luckily this Friday was a nice and relaxing day was a great day to participate! Nothing crazy, just a relaxing day of browsing GH and reddit (didn't want to enter into any raffles). Later that night, friends decided to go on a hike the next day. During the hike, one of my friends said that he wanted to participate on 4/20 but had to back to back meetings all day. Luckily for him, I had brought my vape pen with me so we all smoked on our hike and enjoyed the great scenery that was presented to us!

Offline p_blaze

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« Reply #5381 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:39:48 »
This 420 I went to school and had a party with my bros afterwards with a lot of good food
good times all around
« Last Edit: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:46:32 by p_blaze »

Offline TelFiRE

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« Reply #5382 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:40:12 »
I spent 4-20 glued to my screen! There were so many awesome sales! I dared leave my seat only long enough to stretch, eat, and of course, DAB!!!
KBD75 GMK Terminal          XD84 DSA Black on GSF + Hana Matcha + Serum

Offline ReverbSlush

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« Reply #5383 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:41:38 »
I have a lot of friends who have birthday's on 4/20 so I wished them a happy bday.

Offline romevi

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« Reply #5384 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:42:27 »
I uh... I was having sex with a tinder match... Yeah that's about it. Probably would've smoked or eaten something if we had anything but we didn't and we too busy to go get some. But I feel like it's a decent enough reason to miss 4/20. Also this is my first ever GH post which is kinda weird...but it's /u/platabear on reddit, I just never use GH.


Offline kconfire

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« Reply #5385 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:44:04 »
I don't smoke, but the colorways of 4/20 caps are fire!
My nickname says otherwise, but that's that...  :))

I pretty much stayed in front of my computer most of the day following raffles and flash raffles going on and off.
4/20 raffles/flash raffles made me realize I CAN get high off of just entering raffles in time hahah

It's like scratching a lotto every time I enter a raffle, the feeling of anxiety and excitement both coming together if you know what I mean. :)
Thanks for the give away, and I hope everyone had a nice weekend!  :thumb:
[Collection] Monokei Kei SE, Realforce R2 TKL, Leopold FC660C
[Soon TM] Monokei Tomo SE, GSKT-00

Offline bunraku

  • Posts: 12
« Reply #5386 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:44:09 »
For 4/20 I spend this time for work. Nothing sepcial for me except a lot of artisans sale that day. Unfortunately, I miss it all. Hahaha

Sent from my VIE-L29 using Tapatalk

Offline Waateva

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« Reply #5387 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:46:06 »
Smoked, worked, did **** outside,  drank some good beers, won a few raffles, and slept in.  All in all a great weekend!
Duck Blackbird - Gaterstotles /// O'Mira - V Blacks /// LZ GH v2 - V Clears /// Leopold FC980C /// TGR Jane CE v2 (unbuilt) /// Lin Dolphin 2021 (unbuilt)

Offline OneNightFriend

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« Reply #5388 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:46:24 »
This 420 was a work from home, taking pictures of caps, and entering raffles kind of day! I don't smoke but those blanks are awesome! Thanks for the giveaway :)

Offline slk

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« Reply #5389 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:47:30 »
I spent all of 420 weekend working so getting high was a big no no since I work at a hospital.

One of my favorite memories getting high when was when I just got the chance to relax and get lit. I got so high I got stuck to my computer chair. It was a wonderful experience to just sit there and relax and ignore all the no good outside noise.

Offline kustom3

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« Reply #5390 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:48:33 »
I don't have a beautiful story to tell. Instead I'm just gonna list a few sensory memories about last Friday. Imagination is a beautiful thing.

  • Birds chirping
  • Green tea
  • Clear sky
  • Turquoise blue sea
  • First time feeling the heat of the sun on the skin in months
  • Chilled Rosé
  • Good tunes
  • The fruity smell of CX5

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Offline audax989

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« Reply #5391 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:49:30 »
4/20 this year was a bummer. I had class till like 11pm so I couldn't partake in any festivities.

My story tho dates back to uni days.

We were drinking at my friend's house like we always do. Also, a friend in the states came in so it was a little celebration. had dinner at like chilis or something.

So yeah. we went through all the alcohol and took a couple puffs from my friend and didn't start feeling it towards the end. So we went out to the corner store and found some of the cheapest vodka we could find and started drinking that. It was one of the worst vodka we had ever tasted.

This was us contemplating wtf was in that ****.

Yeah that dude in the arrow is me. drunk af at that time.

So my friends got bored and guess what they did.


they started ganging up on me and taped the **** out of my hands and feet so that I couldn't go anywhere.

and yeah that was me on the floor. couldn't do anything I was so faded I lost all my strength.

my friend who was like 300lbs decided to sit on me and I kept screaming that he was too heavy he just laughed it off.

they didn't end at that they started strapping **** on me like empty soda bottles.

this was the aftermath.

my other friend suffered the same fate. he got strapped to the couch. didn't find pics of that but he was asleep the whole time.

So this concludes my story. fun times. I hope this story brings you guys laughs because, I did.
« Last Edit: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:54:06 by audax989 »

Offline godinjointform

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« Reply #5392 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:50:32 »
« Last Edit: Tue, 18 September 2018, 07:39:09 by godinjointform »

Offline the-slunk

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« Reply #5393 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:52:54 »
This year I worked all day and I don't really smoke much anymore, so I'll share one of my fondest stoned memories.

Back when my best friend lived in town, he invited me to go hang out with his ex and her friends in the next town over. They went to college together and wanted to smoke, so I figured I'd tag along and bring a baggy to share. They went to the university of Tampa and the entire day from beginning to end was just enjoyable.

Before we set off, we smoked a little and grabbed lunch. On the way to Tampa, I got to share some decent music and general lols with my buddy which made the 45 minute drive much more pleasant. In their dorm, my buddy and Co were talking behind me while I was breaking up some weed on their desk. They grabbed my attention, And apparently the way I looked when I turned around reminded them of tom from myspaces profile picture (should tell you how long ago this was).

I remember being paranoid about where we were gonna smoke as we crossed the schools courtyard, and seeing a couple openly walk by us blazing it up. We ended up sitting right by the water and baking ourselves, it was quite a pretty scene. Then we were back off to the dorm for some South Park and more lols.

My favorite part of the night was the drive home. After my friend and I spent like $20 on McDonald's between the two of us, we joked that his mom was gonna see his bank statement and know how high we were. Shortly after, I went quiet for a little while, and my buddy asked if everything was ok. I told him yeah but I was trying to figure out what the lisence plate in front of us said. A few more moments of silence passed, and he replied "dude... I don't think that's a vanity plate..." And he was correct unfortunately.

It was a very insignificant day overall, but said friend now lives 2500 miles away so it's still one of my fondest "spend all day stoned" stories.

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Offline nonpolar

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« Reply #5394 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:53:34 »
Had to study for my step 1 (Medical school) exam coming up. Of course I smoked some weed afterwards to relax :-)

Offline NAV

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« Reply #5395 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:53:44 »
Worked from home 9-5, brought a special pb cup to my coworkers karaoke party and spent a good 5 hours belting out songs while orbiting saturn lmaoooo

Offline sublyme

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« Reply #5396 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:56:58 »
The first part of the day was spent at work because many of my co-workers were.. "sick". While juggling work with the raffles that were going, I went ahead ate a cookie I had prepped towards the end of the day. Stopped by the liquor store on the way home to pickup some craft beer. Often a friday ritual. Cookie started to set in.. Got to the house and wife and I had super good takeout *still trying to get into ETF raffles and doing a bad job lol. Couple friends stopped by for a bit to celebrate. Wife and I both ate cookie #2. There was some vape action while on FarCry5 later.. Gets blurry from here but can recall having to charge vape super zooted.. Could not manage to set alarm code because was not entering code in fast enough. Got a little too lifted and there was about a 2 hour window of watching random TV. Definitely cannot recall the entire night, but it was a very good 420!!
« Last Edit: Sun, 22 April 2018, 20:59:41 by sublyme »

Offline carnagex9

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« Reply #5397 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 21:01:55 »
I cannot partake in 4/20 anymore. I think my favorite 4/20 memory though was eating a few hash oil lollipops we made and then setting a tent up in the living room and hot boxing it out!

Offline dollartacos

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« Reply #5398 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 21:02:58 »
my 420 this year was spent working and entering raffles. all of the raffles were a nice distraction, and in spite of ****loads of work it was a fun day. to top it off, clack came back.

one of the very first times i got high i was with my best friend and creative partner. we felt so inspired and spent the night making art and music. i'm sure it was all ****ty, haha. but it was amazing and important to us at the time. he's still my best friend all of these years later and most of our relationship has been focused around making art and music. i'm not saying it's all owed to that time we got stoned, but i think it was an important experience at a young age and as developing artists.

this really felt like a 420 weekend. thank you for the giveaway. a perfect way to cap it off.

Offline Zanduby

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« Reply #5399 on: Sun, 22 April 2018, 21:11:41 »
Hey Kate,

I spent time with my kids on 420, and then I went play some God of War with a buddy of mine. Unfortunately his tiny little kitty who is like 15, has asthma really bad. So to keep her alive another day, we decided not to smoke around Nora. Saturday i was busy doing yard work. But TODAY! i've spent most of it playing Ni No Kuni 2, playing with my dog at a nice 7/10. Beautiful art boop, your leaf blanks are so awesome. Hope you've been well!!!

« Last Edit: Sun, 22 April 2018, 21:26:43 by Zanduby »