Author Topic: Winkeyless B.87 problem? [SOLVED]  (Read 2266 times)

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Offline Bartlebum

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Winkeyless B.87 problem? [SOLVED]
« on: Thu, 10 December 2015, 12:47:20 »
OK guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle here. So I just bought a Winkeyless keyboard and it arrived recently, the B.87 X2 104 key variant. I'm soldering the diodes on the board, and after every row I go and test them on EK Switch Hitter. Turns out all keys work fine, but keys 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the number row, as well as -, = and Num Lock, /, *, and - all end up sending ALL characters on that row when pressed. So for example, if I close the circuit on 1, it'll send 1, Q, A, Z, and left alt, as well as F1. Dafuq?? I don't have switches installed in yet, and I'm just using tweezers to simulate a closing of the circuit, but I'm completely stumped. I've tried disconnecting and reconnecting, I've tried resoldering the diodes... Weirdly, on the number row, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 all work fine!! And the Home, Insert, and Page up only send those specific keys, not the whole row.

Any ideas???? I'm at a loss.
« Last Edit: Mon, 14 December 2015, 01:30:48 by Bartlebum »

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Offline Bartlebum

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Re: Winkeyless B.87 problem?
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 14 December 2015, 01:30:31 »
After MUCH troubleshooting between myself and the wonderful Winkeyless guy, he realized if there's a short on the negative side of a diode in a specific column, that'll activate the whole row. So he gave me a few places to look at and turns out the most minute amount of solder can screw everything up.

In the red circle (I didn't get a before picture), you can see that just a minute amount of solder bridged the connection to the LED negative and just screwed everything up. Cleaned that bit of solder up and works like a charm.

Bonus finished pic:

Razer | HHKB | Pok3r | GON