Hi folks, My name is Eat_the_food and I'm in love with this hobby.
Though I've always been a fan of quality input devices. I'd say that I didn't really get into keyboards with real seriousness until around September/November of last year. About that time there were quite a few exciting artisan raffles happening so I decided to join a few. Didn't win anything. Decided to enter a few more over the next several weeks. No luck. Gave it another chance right around Xmas/new years and still nothing. -sadface-
Hmm.. Maybe I should try making some caps instead...
So I spent a few days intensively researching what I could find on resin casting. Binge thread, Booper thread, Resinaddicts forum, etc, etc, etc. Looked fun and not overly intimidating to get into so I decided to give it a shot. Silicone, resin, colors check. Vacuum chamber, pump check. Pressure pot check. Let's do it.
After a few tries the straight cast blanks started turning out well.
A few days and a million tries later, bubbles in the casts were mostly eliminated (pressurepot is your friend). Thicker R4 blanks were starting to come out well too.
KeyKollectiv are one of my favorite maker teams and I've always been fascinated by thier design for Furt. Embedding things into resin looks awesome so gave it a try with the Gelatinous Cube cap. Once I figured out the proper timing for the multiple layers of resin, they coming out as intended.
Multi-part cap experiment. Perhaps a stupid idea.
****ups jar. Mostly contain caps that were the victim of Bubble-boy but occasionally there's a cap that has a paintbrush hair or some other intended particulate encapsulated into it.
Four-at-a-time molds
Build up dat inventory and maybe do a sale?
Well, that's my personal cap making journey in pics for the month of January 2016. Had a ton of fun making these. As a closing note, since I mostly make these at night and also often enjoy a drink before bed I've decided to title my efforts Nightcaps. I hope you like it!