Author Topic: Succesfully desoldered a kailh switch on keycool 84. Now what?  (Read 1178 times)

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Offline Naweo

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  • Posts: 199
Hey guys!

Thanks to your help I was able to succesfully desolder a kailh switch and change a spring. I even tested the keyboard to make sure i didnt break anything, and everything works fine! and I feel prepared to desolder the entire board.

In this process, I am curious if there are any smart things I could do?

These are my questions:

1. Would I be able to buy kailh switches and assemble on any pcb/plate? For example, would I be able to replace all gateron switches/housings on a noppoo choc mini with kailh housings, or are some plates/pcbs specifically designed for some housings/switches?

2. Lubrication. I am already aware of stabilizer lubrication, and to some extend lubrictating the "top" of switches. (can prevent keys from falling off in some situations.) However, I have also seen lubrication for springs and the housings and stems of each switch. since I am to desolder the entire board, I am curious about optimizing every possible thing. What products and things would you guys recommend on this area?

3. Miscellaeneous stuff. Do you guys know of any other smart things you can do? Do you have experience with differently colored/branded stems having better/less friction in housings? In my experience, kailh housings are the best (for me) out of greetech/cherry/gateron/kailh. So this is why I want to use kailh linear switches (red switches) but change the springs according to my needs.

Thank you guys!