Beautiful work guys. If I should note anything I would maybe say that Booper has already made a shark and HWS has made an owl, so maybe you should come up with your own designs of something else.
But really beautiful sculpting and casting work! Love it 
My opinion, shark and owl are good to work with as long as their designs are different. Just because someone made something similar before and others can't make it is too extreme
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Yeah that's what I was saying. They're really cool designs and the HWS Owl is insanely hard to find which makes it suck for people who really like owls or the design and won't be able to get their hands on any. The same with the Booper Bruce, it's a struggle for people who don't have good caps to trade to get their hands on such great caps and I think that every Artisan has their own sculpting style. Even with blanks, there aren't many that are identical from different makers and shows how unique each Artisan is.
I hope I don't come off as negative, because that is not my intention at all, I think this is great work and I really hope and encourage you guys to continue what you are doing, it's really great with new artisans and especially people who actually makes something that looks good! Let's just have a nice fun debate here 
Now, I think you are getting a few points wrong there.
First off, it is really not cool to make caps that are the same design as some of the OGs has made, and there's no reason to do so. I'm not saying that no one can make a skull cap because Clack did it, but something as unique as a shark or an owl is not okay imho. That owl looks way to much like HWS's Hoot. There are literally millions of things you can sculpt, so why pick something that a veteran has already made, and is a true gem to have in a collection.
That brings me to a second point I think you are getting up side down. The thing about artisans that makes them awesome is the fact that they are hand made, hard to get, collectibles. If you could go down to Wallmart and buy a Hoot keycap it would be worthless in a collectors community. If you start making caps that looks like other peoples designs you are undermining the very thing that the community love about keycaps. Originality and integrity is a key(get it?)stone here.
Look at the discussion that's going on in Binges right now. Someone posted a picture of a fake Keying keycap and Binge found out. It obviously hurt him and people did not like that at all. I've seen comments saying some really nasty stuff and there are a lot of people trying to find out who made it and where it came from.
That being said I absolutely love the work you've done, it looks like top quality and I can not wait to see what else you are going to make. I am really exited to see new people popping up making artisans, I think it's great for the community and I love all artisan makers here.
I was thinking yesterday, what is it that makes Binge, Bros and the like succesful?
I think one factor that drives some collectors are consistency. What I mean is that they have a handful of designs that they make in a variety of colors. That makes it very fun to collect and display. The Brobot V2, Skulthulu, Fugu and many others are a great testement to what people appreciate about it.
So my advice would be to figure out a sculpt that looks good with most other profiles (sa, dsa, gmk, ect) and find a way to make it a double shot/multi colored design. That way you will have endless possibilities of colorways and I think that's what the people want. You can always make new designs of course, and there's also the possibility of making a new design each sale, like KeyKollective has done, but it depends on what your goal of it is I suppose.