Author Topic: Single key not working on new GH60 rev.C  (Read 1162 times)

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Offline shekki

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Single key not working on new GH60 rev.C
« on: Thu, 20 July 2017, 15:28:02 »
Hey guys, I just recently bought a new GH60 rev.C from the group buy from someone and one of the keys isn't registering. I tested it as soon as I opened the package with fine metal tweezers on, and noticed that every key registered except the pipe key (shown here: I asked some people and they suggested it might due to a previously flashed ISO layout so I reprogrammed that key to be backspace (as I am going for split backspace) using EasyAVR and Flip. After flashing it again, it still doesn't register anything, doesn't backspace, and every other key still works as normal. Is there anything else I can try to get that key to work? Could it just be a defective PCB?

Offline shekki

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Re: Single key not working on new GH60 rev.C
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 20 July 2017, 15:44:59 »
Upon looking further I noticed that the little black thing in the box labeled D67 on the back side is chipped! Is that the diode? Every other one on the PCB is quite square and not chipped looking. Could this be the problem, and is there a way to easily replace this diode?