Author Topic: RoyalKludge rk61v2 has permanent arrows on the main layer-locks out the "/?" key  (Read 9872 times)

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Offline iamSammTheMan

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The RK61 60% keyboard has arrow keys on the "/?", right alt and control keys, but for some reason it's on the main layer. Good idea, but the problem is that they rebinded the /? characters to the function layer. Needless to say, this is infuriating when trying to type questions or using the forward slash. Is there a scripting tool that I can use and learn to rebind this key? the keyboard is perfect otherwise. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Offline UsualSuspectXXX

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Without the /? key how would I write
Code: [Select]
What the ****???
What you're looking for is AutoHotKey, assuming your using windows. Crazy amount of functionality, I have it installed on all of my computers, not just for key remapping and function layers, but macros and system commands (launch programs, etc.). Seems like pretty good support on the forums too.

Offline iamSammTheMan

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you know what's even more ****ed up? Say you just finished typing in a long response in a text box and you're ending your response in a question. Normally, your left pinky is holding down shift, right pinky hits the ? key and instinctively press spacebar...right? With this layout, since you are technically hitting SHIFT + UP, you're actually highlighting all the text you just wrote. Guess what pressing that space does? It erases everything you just typed out in that text box. In the 3 hours I've had this keyboard, I've had to retype nearly everything atleast twice. I REALLY trying to like this keyboard... but what a PITA

Offline UsualSuspectXXX

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Won't ctrl + z just under that though?

Also, seriously, check out AHK. You won't be able to remap the Fn layer since that's a hardware thing, but you can definitely remap ↑ to /?.

There really aren't dip switches for that sort of thing?

Offline iamSammTheMan

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I'll be plugging this keyboard into a gaming laptop and desktop, so I'm assuming this is a program I'll have to have running in the background on both instances? also, I have an anne pro and a pok3r is on the way. If i'm hot swapping these three keyboards around, will the AHK differentiate between the RK61, anne pro, and pok3r?

Offline UsualSuspectXXX

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No, it will not. But it shows up in the task tray and it's easy to suspend AHK quickly (2 clicks).

I'm going to assume that you're going to enjoy the Anne pro and Poker 3 much more, given the layout of the rk61 and the build quality of the other two. Haven't had any of the 3, but I believe, even the Pok3r has is better quality build.

Offline iamSammTheMan

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no question side by side, the anne pro is solid. The RK61 came wobbly, like as if the plastic case was warped. took the case off and spent some time twisting it till it was flat. The battery on the inside was loose so I velcro'ed it down. But these are my first blues and the harder actuation force over my cherry and gateron browns makes playing Rainbow Six and csgo alittle nicer... like the feedback makes peeks alittle quicker.