Author Topic: IBM Model F spring not buckling properly  (Read 1091 times)

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Offline joezhu16

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IBM Model F spring not buckling properly
« on: Fri, 16 February 2018, 15:47:40 »
Hi all,
I've recently encountered a problem with my Model F XT board since I took it apart and cleaned it. Every so often, a key won't buckle properly: After a key is pressed, the spring doesn't 'click' right away; there is a secondary 'click' that can be heard as the spring returns to the original position. If I continue to press the key repeatedly, the spring seems to lock up and won't register at all. Right now, it is the '3' key that isn't working; it was working just a couple hours earlier. I have tried putting the keycap back on with the board upside down and tilting the board hoping it will click... but the key won't.

Hoping that someone on this forum could help me out, I would really appreciate it!

Offline hking0036

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Re: IBM Model F spring not buckling properly
« Reply #1 on: Fri, 16 February 2018, 18:36:45 »
try popping the cap off, flipping the board over and putting the cap back on while it's upside down. The caps on Model M/Fs can be a little finicky sometimes.
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