Author Topic: Atreus62 parts help  (Read 1275 times)

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Offline G_I_B_B_O_N

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Atreus62 parts help
« on: Thu, 26 April 2018, 15:59:29 »
Hi everyone,

I'm planning on either buying a pre-built Atreus62 or putting one together myself. It's all going to be decided by my chosen keycap/switch combo for it, but I'm having trouble figuring out what to go with.

For reference, I'm coming from a Deck Francium Pro (Cherry Reds) and a Pok3r (Cherry Blue). I don't dislike the reds at all, but I do prefer the tactile bump of Cherry Blue's. I'm kinda indifferent about their click though.

I'm leaning toward something with the same feel as blues (preferably no click):
zealios 62g/65g         (sound awesome, but unsure how they compare to blues and what weight I'd like)
gateron brown            (not sure how the feel is, barely touched cherry brown)
kailh bronze/copper   (not sure if they're well suited to the way I type)

I've haven't found much comparison of the feel of Zealios to Cherry Blues. People always just seem to compare them to browns or Matias. If they feel as good/better than blues with similar weight, that might be a winner. I'm a touch typist who doesn't bottom out blues, so I like the tactile bump and a little resistance after to prevent bottoming out. Nothing too heavy though. Blue is even a touch heavier than ideal.

Are Gateron Browns and Blues that much worse than Zealios?

Another problem, everyone seems to use DSA keycaps with Atreus. I'm a little paranoid I'm gonna hate the even height. Maybe someone could convince me otherwise. Would Cherry or DCS profile caps work well with this board? Maybe just get a couple DSA's for the two 1.5 caps.

Thanks for the help.

Offline nguyenhimself

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Re: Atreus62 parts help
« Reply #1 on: Fri, 27 April 2018, 08:10:43 »
I've haven't found much comparison of the feel of Zealios to Cherry Blues.

Clicky switches will always be more tactile than, heh, tactile switches, but in return you have to live with the loud high-pitched sound.
BTW 62g Zealio is practically linear. For the nice bump you should get the 65 or 67g.
Gateron brown is just Cherry brown but smoother. The bump will feel non-existent if you come from Blue or Zealio.

everyone seems to use DSA keycaps with Atreus.

Mostly it's because it's hard to maintain a consistently correct Cherry profile with a weird layout like that of Atreus, though I guess if you buy a big enough set that shouldn't be a problem.

Would Cherry or DCS profile caps work well with this board?

It's a personal preference thing really. Some people, like me, can' get into SA for ex.

Offline G_I_B_B_O_N

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Re: Atreus62 parts help
« Reply #2 on: Fri, 27 April 2018, 19:50:32 »

One more quick question. I haven't overlooked the possibility of the original Atreus either, which comes with Matias switches.

It sounds like I'd really like that setup, except that Matias switches seem impossible to avoid bottoming out on. Is there anyone who doesn't use Matias switches because they hate the lack of resistance at the bottom?