Thanks. If I can pick your brain for another minute,
1. what keyboards did this set come on?
2. is the original space bar PBT?
3. what specifically do you mean by odd right shift?
Thanks for the info.
1. Russian set is a replica of the ESA-3000HASRO. There are other 'original Cherry dyesub' keyboards with cyrillic, such as the 3000SAV, with tiny differences in the legends too.
The Desko set is a replica of
this keyboard's keyset. This keyboard has doubleshot/dyesub keycaps. The regular black on beige keycaps are Cherry doubleshots. The ones with subtext are BSP dyesubs, as are the RGBs.
2. The spacebar on all 'original Cherry dyesub' keyboards is PBT. The spacebar on the Desko keyboard is ABS, since is it not a Cherry dyesub keyboard.
Here is a picture of a mounted Cherry dyesub right shift. Note how it matches up perfectly with the right-edges of the enter key and the control key.
Here is a picture of a BSP right shift. Note how it doesn't match up.. That's because it's shorter.
Side on of original vs BSP (BSP one looks like a banana) : of original vs BSP (yes, it's even thinner too!) : BSP right shift is just really weird in a number of ways. The rest of the BSP keys are fine though..
Also, worth noting that BSPs right shift has been like this for some time. The right shift on that Desko keyboard is just the same.