Author Topic: 2014 Christmas Giveaway #3 "" WINNERS ANNOUNCED ""  (Read 17098 times)

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Offline Mandolin

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #50 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 00:56:27 »
I ate cookies.
I loved em cookies.
Delicious cookies.

**crunch, crunch, crunch**

« Last Edit: Tue, 23 December 2014, 00:59:24 by Mandolin »
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Offline martinyeah

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #51 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 01:16:23 »
Best Christmas memory:

Christmas 2014 -  I won a random Hot Key from Martin.

or... these:

2006 - Fell off the ladder while putting up Christmas lights. Turned out to be worth the sore rear as I got to sit back and sip hot chocolate while everyone else did the hard work.

1998 - Unwrapped a Toys R Us Limited Edition Nintendo 64 with exclusive Gold Controller plus Mario Cart 64.

2011 - Last Christmas spent with my Grandfather before he passed.

two words:

Nintendo Sixty-Four

I do not have Nintendo 64, but you make me remember that I used to have Nintendo Super Famicom, when I received, I was very excited.

Offline Sissy

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #52 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 02:29:34 »
Every year is the best Christmas for me, I get to spend time with all my family that I hardly ever see.
It's all I ever really want for Christmas. Oh and Turkey, I really love Turkey

Offline itsRoyal

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #53 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 02:59:14 »
Hey, I'm new to geekhack, i've been over on r/mechanicalkeyboards for a while though. I'm starting to get into artisan keys and have a couple, and I love yours. Anyways, here goes my story: Its hard to pick one memory but I used to go to MI every Christmas because most of my family was there. The whole family would be there and we would always meet at a local restaurant called antonios and eat once we arrived in the small town. These meals were the most memorable because I'm not going to have them any more, most of the family there moved. It doesn't seem like a lot but a lot of emotions are connected to it, and you don't realize how good those memories are until you look back at them. The entire experience of going up there and going bowling, or even just waking up and going into the kitchen where everyone is gathered around drinking coffee in the mornings talking are honestly the best memory I can think of. Christmas morning at the house was also great times. Always waiting for the family from around the town to get to the house so we could open our presents, having everyone gathered around being happy is a priceless memory. Playing in the snow which I don't get to see in Georgia was always fun. I miss these times and its too bad the house and people are gone. At least I have the memories. Thanks for the opportunity to win!!
« Last Edit: Tue, 23 December 2014, 03:02:57 by itsRoyal »

Offline MR_DUCT

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #54 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 06:16:30 »
This is my first time on geekhack but i guess this is a good thread to start. My favorite Christmas memory is when my brother built me my very first PC. Before this i was gaming on a crappy laptop and i didn`t know what i was missing. If it wasn't for this I probably wouldn't have gotten into mechanical keyboards. That is my favorite memory and have a merry Christmas

Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #55 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 07:34:58 »
Well, Last Christmas I got This derp:

This Christmas (preemptively) I got This other derp :

They are wonderful, and they make it feel like Christmas all year long. Even when they track mud on my carpet. You should see them herd sheep!

Offline PunksDead

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #56 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 08:11:47 »
One of my most memorable Christmas moments, was waking up to over 4 and 1/2 feet of snow in like, 1996, a few days before Christmas.

I friggen love the snow! It never feels like Christmas if there is no snow on the ground...

Thanks for the opportunity to win some caps, Martin! YEAH!

Blizzard of 96! i remember that, i had a tiny pekingese dog and shoveled out a mini maze for him to poop. Complete with igloo and bridges... it was epic!


i remember the year when the SNES came out and my uncle had one. My mom decided to hand me a pile of gifts and every single one contained an SNES game. She would say "Oh no i must have marked them wrong! they were for your uncle" I cried, it was the worst Christmas ever. We finished up the presents, cleaned up and ate breakfast. Afterwards that woman decides to hand me one last present... THE SNES! i ran around the house like a crazed kid it was awesome!

also magic the gathering Onslaught box... i spent that entire Christmas tweaking my decks and playing myself...
don't come to my funeral, there wont be one

Offline WhitexMamba

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #57 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 13:23:03 »
When I was eight or nine, I knocked over the Christmas tree when I was messing around crawling behind it. It toppled and ended up breaking some of my family's favorite ornaments. I blamed it on our cat, and to this day everyone blames Jasmine. Just yesterday my mother asked me if I remember the cat knocking down the tree that one year. Yes mom, yes, I remember.

Offline sethk_

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #58 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 13:33:25 »
She knows, a cat cannot knock down a tree, especially since trees are in a stand.

Offline jdcarpe

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #59 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 13:38:42 »
My most memorable Christmas would have to be the Christmas of 1987. That year I received my first SLR camera, a Pentax K1000.

With an all-manual camera (yes, they had autofocus, auto exposure, and power advance even back then), I learned how to control my exposures to bring out the composition in a photo. Now, I'm no professional photographer, by any means, but I do enjoy photography as a hobby. I still have that K1000, as well as several other film cameras from 35mm rangefinders to medium format "toy" cameras. But these days I never shoot film, sadly. Without living in a major metropolitan center, it's just too inconvenient to have it processed, and I have no space for a darkroom of my own.
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in memoriam

"When I was a kid, I used to take things apart and never put them back together."

Offline drewba

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #60 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 14:33:53 »
It's 1991, days before Christmas. My single mother piled myself, my older brother and younger twin sisters in to the family van for a trek from Chicago to upstate New York to see family. We knew there would be some weather during the drive but being 7 years old at the time, I hadn't experienced a true New York winter yet. Mom announced early on in the drive that we would stop if we had to but she planned on driving straight through, the whole 700 miles...She warned us not to ask her "Are we there yet?"

My siblings and I started out by playing I Spy then followed by the license plate game (find plates from all 50 states). When we got bored of that I pulled out my trusty Game Boy brick and fired up some Super Mario Land. It wasn't long before the sun set and everyone started to get a little sleepy. At the next stop my older brother decided he wanted the back seat to sleep so he (physically) moved me to the front passenger seat. Thanks big bro  :-[

With the lack of light, I had to put the Gameboy away and soon I fell asleep as well. My mom continued driving like a trooper while all of her kids finally shut up & passed out. Little did I now that during my slumber, the snow had picked up. When I say picked up I basically mean a blizzard. My head was facing sideways towards my mom who is white-knuckling the steering wheel and I hear the windshield wipers motoring at full speed. I wipe my eyes and turn my head towards the windshield as I see fist-sized snowballs pelting the van & windshield. Except I didn't realize it was snow and because I'm young, dumb and sleepy I blurt out "MOM IS THIS STAR WARS?!?!?!"

This picture is a representation of exactly how I felt in that moment:

I was the last one to wake up and my siblings burst out laughing at me. After realizing I made a fool out of myself, I came back to reality and snapped out of my Star Wars based fantasy. We made it to the next rest stop, got a hotel room and eventually we had a great Christmas with our family. But to this day, my mother and siblings like to bring up that one time that I truly thought I was sitting next to Han & Chewy (mom) on the Millenium Falcon (Dodge Caravan).

EDIT - I'm reading through these now and most of them involve video games  ;D
« Last Edit: Tue, 23 December 2014, 19:35:36 by drewba »

Offline swill

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #61 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 16:03:27 »
My most memorable Christmas would have to be the Christmas of 1987. That year I received my first SLR camera, a Pentax K1000.

Show Image

With an all-manual camera (yes, they had autofocus, auto exposure, and power advance even back then), I learned how to control my exposures to bring out the composition in a photo. Now, I'm no professional photographer, by any means, but I do enjoy photography as a hobby. I still have that K1000, as well as several other film cameras from 35mm rangefinders to medium format "toy" cameras. But these days I never shoot film, sadly. Without living in a major metropolitan center, it's just too inconvenient to have it processed, and I have no space for a darkroom of my own.
Nice!  I love my Pentax K10D. If you are interested in getting rid of any old k-mount lenses, let me know. I love the old manual lenses. I have lots of old glass for my Pentax, almost no new glass for that camera.

Offline Dongulator

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #62 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 19:24:12 »
I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

I have not made any Christmas moments with the GeekHack community since this will be my first Christmas being apart of the community. However I am very happy and excited to be apart of such a great community, and seem to have found a good place to enjoy my newly found lifestyle.

Offline ZimmunD

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #63 on: Tue, 23 December 2014, 22:24:23 »
For me it was the Christmas of ... 1993? 94? I was no more than five years old, and after a great Christmas dinner with my parents, my aunt and my grandparents. We toasted and shortly after that we started running to a small room on the front of my grandparent's house where their tree was. I heard noises coming from there (it was Santa!) and I knew he didn't want to be seen, so I asked everyone (quite alarmed) to stop and wait. We counted down from ten and ran into the room. I couldn't believe it: the room was full of gifts for everyone. It was great to see everyone had a gift. I remember fondly a small glider with a rubberband connected to the propeller (you had to twist the rubberband to make the propeller spin and the glider would fly).

More recently, four years ago, I got a job and really enjoyed having the chance to give gifts to my parents and siblings.
For me it's not about the tradition, but about the chance to give something back to your family (in the form of time, food, gifts or however you want)

Offline asdfjkl36

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #64 on: Wed, 24 December 2014, 02:34:47 »
So here is my most memorable Christmas. On mobile so I'm sorry if things don't make sense >.>

So this was back in 2000. I was 8 and for Christmas that year, I got my last present (as far as I remember, that was one of the last real gifts I got for Christmas from my parents). They got me a Nintendo 64 console that was bundles with Donkey Kong and came in Jungle Green. I remember being at the store and telling my dad I wanted one for Christmas but didn't think he was actually going to get it because he would say it's "too much money" and "we'll see".

I was SOOOO happy! I was in the middle of opening up the box and I asked my dad

"How much did this cost????" Then my dad said "A lot".
I run to my room and bring in my piggy bank and I smash that sucker in the living room and counted my money and asked my dad again "how much?" And he went, found the receipt and showed me a price.
I believe it was around $164 or something like that.

So I saw whatever the price was, counted the exact amount to the cent, and collected it all. I gave it to my dad and I said "this much?". He said "yes, this much. He then told me "let me take this and I'll keep it safe for you.

I had yet to take my N64 from the box so I handed him the money and went to play with my N64.

I never did get that money back.

I'm pretty sure he tried to pull that again when I got my Game Boy Advance for my birthday years later.

My girlfriend thinks that's so sad, but I find it hilarious  :))

Offline Arizone

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #65 on: Wed, 24 December 2014, 03:31:07 »
The joys of having divorced parents and ending up with both of them getting me the game console I wanted for Christmas.

Offline sethk_

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #66 on: Wed, 24 December 2014, 07:07:45 »
The joys of having divorced parents and ending up with both of them getting me the game console I wanted for Christmas.
That means you can play them at both houses though! I am in the same situation, except I don't think I have ever gotten the same present.

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #67 on: Wed, 24 December 2014, 07:12:52 »
Thanks a lot Martin for this giveaway, I;m not going to submit an entry as I;m not too keen on most artisan caps, but thanks for being a part of the geekhack Christmas spirit.

Offline graefeln

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Re: 2014 Christmas Giveaway
« Reply #68 on: Wed, 24 December 2014, 17:01:03 »
I have only spent one Christmas away from family so that one will always be memorable to me. I was stationed at Yongsan (Korea); while it wasn't anything super special, it was still a nice Christmas. A friend of mine and I got a crappy little fake tree and set it up in my barracks room and hung a strand of light around the window. We bought a turkey from Popeye's Chicken and just kind of hung out all day playing games and doing nothing. It was also the first Christmas I spent with my wife (we had just started dating at the time).
It was just nice to do something even though we were all thousands of miles away from our families and everything... Looking back on it always makes me appreciate the men and women in the military who have to be away from their families during the holidays.