Well, bunbro proposed a keyset some four months back over here:
http://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=46144And it saddens me that the community has failed to get this man his wish granted, after everything he has done for the community and its various members

It was a chance for everyone that is always commending this true bro's generosity, to truly express how much their words meant. Well, we failed.
Now to give everyone some slight incentive, I would like to hold a raffle to complete this objective.
How this works is, as BunnyLake has requested, each member is only allowed to send him one keycap, and respecting his wish, that is what would happen. Anyone who has already sent him or spamray (The American proxy), you already have an automatic entry into the raffle

For those that haven't sent a keycap yet, you can take part by choosing which keycap you would like to send and by sending that keycap, only one please. Once you do that you get an entry in the raffle. The keycaps would be added to a FILCO TKL BunnyLake won from Glissant.
Since I am not as financially endowed as many, my raffle prizes aren't that exotic, however here is what I have up for grabs:
Prize 1: 1x TVS-e Gold
Prize 2: Any acrylic case of your choice, 60%, TKL, ErgoDox, or any other acrylic item I have ever posted on this forum.
Prize 3: 20 switch stickers in any color of your choice (Solid colors and carbon fiber only)
Prize 4 (Sponsored by BunnyLake): "a fully built gh60, in a case and layout of your choice from moz(ill pay for this not making you offer more), ill do my best to include switches of your choice, i have most of the popular options on hand, and a ton of springs as well, and itll come complete with a nostalgia set, so i would recommend a black and orange case, i will have the case engraved saying BLGH60-01" -- BunnyLake
Prize 5: BunnyLake will send a clack to whichever is his favourite keycap once the keyboard is complete
If anyone wants to contribute any more prizes, you are welcome.
I am going to let this run until we have all the keys covered.
SpamRay will be proxying for anyone in US, to collectively save on international shipping, others can send it directly to BunnyLake.
Please only submit DCS/Cherry profile for non function row keys. You can have anything for the function rows.
Because of the nature of the request, a raffle ticket would only be allotted after the key has been sent and proof posted.
Finally, once we have all the tickets, BunnyLake himself will draw the prizes, once a ticket has been drawn it will not be thrown in the basket again.