Author Topic: [MechSupply] UKKeycaps Q-Series Skidata Keyset (Produced by Devlin)  (Read 100178 times)

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Offline dante

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Re: [MechSupply] UKKeycaps Q-Series Skidata Keyset (Produced by Devlin)
« Reply #100 on: Fri, 24 March 2017, 10:11:52 »
I see what you guys are saying......

Offline UKKeycaps

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Re: [MechSupply] UKKeycaps Q-Series Skidata Keyset (Produced by Devlin)
« Reply #101 on: Fri, 24 March 2017, 18:36:31 »
Due to the quality issues Skidata will be refunded. Customers who have already had their orders shipped will be emailed and offered a full refund for returning their set or refunded the difference of the price of the set when it is made available on Mechsupply (at least £20 cheaper than GB price)

An email will be sent to all customers tomorrow and the refunds will start being sent out tomorrow.

The most damaging part of the faults of this GB are not the loss I will personally make, but I'm afraid people will not trust Devlin products. I know they're capable, just need more hand holding then I gave them. 
Geekhack exclusive edit: This GB has been a nightmare I admit, coupled with some pretty horrific personal events occurring at the same time. If you guys didn't know already both MechSupply and UKKeycaps are still run exclusively and only by me (Joe) including all email correspondence, forum posts, GB planning, order packing and shipping and logistics of storing and locating hundreds of items of Mech paraphernalia. Don't want this to get into sob-story territory but I'm doing the best I can with what I've got currently! You'll always get the product you paid for or a full refund.

Offline GEIST

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Re: [MechSupply] UKKeycaps Q-Series Skidata Keyset (Produced by Devlin)
« Reply #102 on: Fri, 24 March 2017, 19:48:26 »
I really don't see why the keycap quality issues your fault. I don't know maybe the wrong colors could be better next time, but the inconsistency in their molds, the QS issue and the pad printed caps are nothing which would be easy to fix for future group buys. Or am I wrong?

I'm really sorry for you regarding this personal events (whatever it is). I bet it's nothing small and I really understand that it can be really hard to wrap your head around something stupid and unimportant like a keycap group buy, if you currently have way bigger problems to handle. But the problem persists: Strangers trusted you and gave you their money to buy something with you/from you. And if you completely ignore them, instead of taking the few minutes to answer (how stupid it feels, if you got more important stuff in your head) your credibility will take damage from it.
That said I really take my hat off for the decision to completely refund this group buy (at own expenses) to sell the sets at a lower price. That's really a lot more than fair, especially since it doesn't seem to be your fault.

EDIT: Maybe you should send an email to all group buy members too, since not everyone is reading here or on deskthority.
« Last Edit: Mon, 27 March 2017, 03:03:45 by GEIST »

Offline Moses Williams

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Re: [MechSupply] UKKeycaps Q-Series Skidata Keyset (Produced by Devlin)
« Reply #103 on: Mon, 27 March 2017, 20:00:18 »
I got out of the skidata buy a while ago and received a refund. While communication issues can be very annoying, the proof is in the pudding for me with this guy in that at the end of the day he took the loss instead of passing it on to customers. Not that this should be considered unique behavior, on the contrary I think its the ethical thing to do. But it is easy to imagine situations in which the gb leader just says "sorry guys, this is what we got." Although communication was sparse inbetween, there were in fact updates corresponding with each production issue that included offers for refunds, and he even offered refunds for products already shipped. Sure, you can apply traditional customer service axioms to criticism in this case, but is a keycap group buy really a traditional transaction? At some point we all should know what kinda thing this entails. Like I said, he made the option to get a refund profusely available to anyone and everyone at every point in this buy, which is more valuable to me than constant communication. I by no means am "never doing business" with this guy again. If anything, his customer service has left a positive taste in my mouth because he handled the most important part : making sure we don't get ****ed. And if he can get Devlin making good caps, then more power to him. But I'll sit out the next one and see how it turns out just in case.

Offline BillyBuerger

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Re: [MechSupply] UKKeycaps Q-Series Skidata Keyset (Produced by Devlin)
« Reply #104 on: Mon, 27 March 2017, 20:10:02 »
I was buying on this mostly for the profile.  The quality issues suck but don't really bother me at all.  Since I'm working on ortholinear, I won't be using the Hold or |\ keys.  So I'll be buying it still.  I'm very thankful that you took the chance on another vendor and dealt with the pains of doing so.  I think in the end the community will be better for it.

Offline GEIST

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Re: [MechSupply] UKKeycaps Q-Series Skidata Keyset (Produced by Devlin)
« Reply #105 on: Tue, 28 March 2017, 02:35:45 »
I guess it's a stupid question, but are there TKL sets and num-pad-sets? Cause I've only seen the set on 60% keyboards so far.
And will the people of the group buy be informed if the set is available in the shop?

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Re: [MechSupply] UKKeycaps Q-Series Skidata Keyset (Produced by Devlin)
« Reply #106 on: Tue, 28 March 2017, 10:33:05 »
There are the Num+non-stan sets, they'll be available on UKKeycaps when the keysets are made available there.

There'll be a email sent to all mailing list subscribers when the keysets are available (the standard mailing list available on UKKeycaps and MechSupply).

They won't be put up for sale until all refunds are processed.

EDIT: The Hold and \| legends are engraved and infilled, not pad-printed.
« Last Edit: Tue, 28 March 2017, 12:07:14 by UKKeycaps »

Offline UKKeycaps

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Re: [MechSupply] UKKeycaps Q-Series Skidata Keyset (Produced by Devlin)
« Reply #107 on: Wed, 12 April 2017, 18:07:05 »
Now available on UKKeycaps for £37.00!!!

Offline Mechboards

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Re: [MechSupply] UKKeycaps Q-Series Skidata Keyset (Produced by Devlin)
« Reply #108 on: Wed, 12 April 2017, 18:10:28 »
Now available on UKKeycaps for £37.00!!!

Good price. Sorry about the issues but like you said with a little more guidance they'll get there.