Handled moistgun's O mira yesterday at keycon
hype is renewed
MIRA SE ano finish is different than OMIRA finish right?
Probably depends on which prototype it was / which factory made it. Which case was this one? The cases I've handled for a day when I was taking photos had a very silky / satiny texture; those were made by EVE. Different from the harder rougher texture of my LZ-GH.
Moistgun said it was a GB OMIRA (the one with the weird off-center corners) he got from the Chinese GB. Your best bet is to PM him and ask about it though.
We joked about it being "the skinripper," because when you run your skin along it, it leaves a gross line of dead skin. It felt almost rubberized, I was hoping for a finish closer to LZ/TGR boards.
I'm still hyped either way, I'm just curious.