INDEX1. Introduction
2. Specifications
3. Media
4. Availability
5. Soundtest
6. Status
IntroductionHello Geekhack, this is the interest check for Optica.
With so many boards with intricate weights on the back that end up being under-appreciated, Optica was created from a desire to make something that looked as good as it types and sounds, from the angles that
actually matter.
With design traits inspired from the likes of Geon, Gok and many others, my aim with the case design is to continue pushing the modern keyboard aesthetic in a way that isn't as loud as Matrix/QK, or as predictable as the boxes on wedges(not that there's anything wrong with either).
6.9° Typing Angle
Front Height: 17.9mm/22.0mm EKH
1.54kg Fully Built
Combination of Plate-mount F1-8x O-Ring Style Gasket + Friction-fit O-Ring (Use them both at once)
Internal Ribbing for Acoustics
Angled Screw Assembly

1.6mm FR4 PCB (MX Only)
H60 JST Positioning
H60 O-Ring Mounting Points
Aluminium Plate
Aluminium Top & Bottom Case
Stainless Steel Weight
PicturesCredit: 青空

Credit: Saper, NaoNao

AvailabilityOptica will be sold in the GB format, and manufactured by KEZEWA.
MOQ: 50
GB Period: 3rd Jan - 3rd Feb
Timeline: Q2 2025 - Delivered 3 months after GB ends
Estimated Price: $399USD w/ 2 PCBs and stainless steel weights.Final Price: $349USD w/ 2 PCBs and stainless steel weights
Prices will be adjusted slightly depending on your local vendor.
Kit Contents: 1x Top Case
1x Bottom Case
1x Weight
1x Aluminium Plate
1x Hotswap PCB
1x Solder PCB
1x Carry Case
1x C3 Daughterboard w/ JST Cable
1x Set of 50A Gaskets
1x Set of 70A Gaskets
1x Set of Rubbet Feet
US : ClickClack
EU: EloquentClicks
AU: Toro.Studios
Singapore: ktechs
Malaysia: Mecha
UK: Prototypist
CA: Mech.land
SoundtestGateron Smoothies w/ 70A Gasket
SWK Catmints w/ 70A Gasket
StatusColourways are still being decided on;
but raw and silver are definitely being included.
Prototype Notes:
Notes from V1:
Minor adjustments to internals.
Notes from V1.2
Typing feel and sound are within target.
Removal of eye accent from weight.
Addition of text engraving on weight.
Adjustment of front accent machining plane.
Adjustment of edge breaks around the front accent.
Confirmation of this version to be utilised as Media Units.
Update to V1.3
Adjustment to angled screw mounting
Addition of force break
Increased internal space
Adjusted internal ribbing
Re-addition of eye weight
The low MOQ is a conservative estimate, and the pricing will be changed accordingly to the expected number of units with data from the IC form.
I will bending MYMK 2024 with Optica and my other boards!
Thank you to the
many friends that helped this project take shape for the past year.
Thank you to Kevin and Manu personally for helping elevate the project in ways I could have never alone.
Thank you, for reading all the way to the end!
Don't forget to fill up the form!