I believe most of the kits will reach the moq, with text modifiers leading 2:1 over icon.
Maybe the icon modifiers would have a better chance if they were standing side by side with the text modifiers instead of text first and icon almost at the bottom of the page.
I suggest for the mod sets to be presented in a single entry with the two options. So people who do not know about the two alternatives may be presented with both to choose either one of them, or even the two sets.
That would be great, but require more work on the website. They could just put them side by side in categories: [Text, Icon] [Text pro, Icon pro] [INT Mono, Mono, INTL: NO, INTL: FR, Cyrillic] [7U spacebar, 6.25U spacebar] [Text RGB, ICON RGB] [Base blank, Mods blank, Numpad blank, Ergodox Blank, Windowed, ISO blank, RGB blank]. It doesn't require a lot of work and, IMO, may be a better disposition.