This Alt controller board replaces stock controller and makes your HHKB full programmable. The controller is fully assembled and you can install it into your HHKB only with screw driver.
For more technical information see also this thread. and USB controller look like these.

Note: In current revision pcb color is
Battery is not included.HHKB Pro1(PD-KB300*), HHKB Pro2(PD-KB400*) and HHKB ProJP(PD-KB420*) including Type-S are supported. Note that HHKB ProBT(PD-KB600/620), HHKB Pro Classic(PD-KB401), HHKB Pro Hybrid(PD-KB800/820) and HKKB Lite(PD-KB200/220) are NOT supported.CONTROLLER VARIANTS:Bluetooth controllers are out of stock due to scarcity of bluetooth module in the market since March 2022. Only USB controllers are available at this time. 2022-09-26
Bluetooth controllers are available. The controller is assembled after your payment and it takes a week or two to be shipped. 2023-05-30
Mini-B USB Controller for Pro1 [42USD]
Mini-B USB Controller for Pro2 [44USD]
Mini-B USB Controller for ProJP [46USD]
Mini-B Bluetooth Controller for Pro2 [
77 81USD]
Mini-B Bluetooth Controller for ProJP [
79 83USD] (
Check CAVEAT below before ordering this variant)
NOTE: Mini-B controllers have reliable
Hirose USB connector as Topre original controller does.
Type-C USB Controller for Pro1 [44USD] New!(2023-11-28)
Type-C USB Controller for Pro2 [46USD]
Type-C USB Controller for ProJP [48USD]
Type-C Bluetooth Controller for Pro2 [
79 83USD]
Type-C Bluetooth Controller for ProJP [
81 85USD] (
Check CAVEAT below before ordering this variant)
NOTE: The Type-C connector comes cheap from obscure Chinese manufacturer, not from established manufacturers like Molex, TE, Hirose or etc. It is unclear about long-time reliablility and durability. But it has worked as expected and got no serious trouble report from users so far. I mean, you can take Type-C controller if you prefer. It doesn't seem to be too risky now.
Pro1 controller supports all
PD-KB300* modles.
Pro2 controller supports all
PD-KB400* models including Type-S.
ProJP controller supports all
PD-KB420* models including Type-S.
Note that HHKB ProBT(PD-KB600/620), HHKB Pro Classic(PD-KB401), HHKB Pro Hybrid(PD-KB800/820) and HKKB Lite(PD-KB200/220) are NOT supported.NOTE: Bluetooth controller has all functions of USB controller including USB connection.
Bluetooth controller doesn't include battery. See 'Bluetooth Battery' in 'MANUAL' section below for suitable Lipo battery spec.
CAVEAT for Bluetooth Controller for ProJP More
1. Case problem with Bluetooth Controller for ProJPSee this photo, black one is ProJP model and white is Pro2. As you can see ProJP bottom case has no hole for switch and LEDs.

To install Bluetooth controller into HHKB ProJP:1) you need to drill bottom case to make holes or
2) you can use Pro2 bottom half with ProJP top half as the photo indicates.
2. Japanese specific keys cannot be sent via Bluetooth. You can remap them to other normal keys. This won't be critical to other language users. See also LIMITATION section below.
STATUS & STOCK:All variants of the controller are
virtually always in stock. (2023-11-28)
Lead time: Can be shipped usually in a few bussiness days for express shipping or a week for usual postal shipping.
ORDERCheck this notes for current shipping situation and cost under COVID-2019 pandemic before placing an order. 2022-04-12
0. Read this post carefully and feel free to ask me if you have any question before placing an order.
1. Email me with subject "HHKB Alt" and let me
variant of controller and
your location in mail body. My email is:
hasu@tmk-kbd.com2. PayPal Invoice will be emailed to you usually in a day.
3. Make sure you supply
correct shipping address and recipient name(in English form) on PayPal when its payment. Email me your shipping info if not possible.
4. You will receive an email with tracking number from Japan Post or me after shipping. Let me know if you don't get tracking number in a week after payment.
Payment: With PayPal Invoice you can make a payment with credit card even if you don't have PayPal account.
Shipping: Check
this notes for
current shipping situation and cost You can trace postal packet here or your country's postal service like USPS. (Japan Post) (USPS)
AFTER RECEIVING YOUR CONTROLLERPLEASE TEST IT BEFORE FLASHING YOUR OWN FIRMWARE.Just install it and check if you can type on your keyboad normally.
(For Bluetooth controller user, you can check both USB and Bluetooth function safely even without battery.)
WARN: PLEASE MAKE SURE BATTERY POLARITY BEFORE CONNECTING. Some batteries in the market has reverse polarity at connector and it will fry and break battery charger chip. With the broken charger chip you cannot charge battery fully anymore or controller may stop working completely.
I can offer free repair service for faulty charger chip but you have to pay postage for both ways. No RMA service is provided for this, sorry.
Positive(+) side or red wire should be on left as the pic shows.
See "Bluetooth Battery" section below for more info. Get battery from reliable srouces like sparkfun or adafruit if you are not sure.
KEYMAP EDITOR:You can remap keys and download firmwre using TMK keymap editor on web browser. Please use Chrome if you have any problem on other browser. See 'MANUAL' section below for how to flash firmware onto controller.
NOTE: Use proper link to download firmware for your controller. There are four diffrent variants and they are incompatible each other.USB for Pro1/Pro2 |
Bluetooth for Pro2 |
USB for ProJP |
Bluetooth for ProJPFIRMWARE SOURCE CODE:Use KEYMAP EDITOR to download compiled firmware unless you have specific need.Firmware source code is available under GNU General Public License. To build firmware from source code consult documentation there. Fully Prorammable keyboard functions(USB and Bluetooth)
TMK firmware offers various features including key mapping, mouse keys and USB NKRO.
See Switching between USB and Bluetooth(Bluetooth)
You can switch the two connections with slide switch or key combination.
- RN42 config mode(Bluetooth)
You can change power/connection configuration of the module if needed.
- Low battery alert(Bluetooth)
Red LED turns on when low voltage.
- RN42 status indicator(Bluetooth)
LED indicates status of Bluetooth connection.
- Pairing(Bluetooth)
The module stores up to 8 connections.
- Auto connect(Bluetooth)
The module connects the last connected device automatically.
- iOS support(USB and Bluetooth)
works as keyboard with iPhone5. No tested completely. Note that iOS doesn't accept mouse device.
- Android support(USB and Bluetooth)
works as keyboard and mouse with Nexus5. No tested completely.
- Battery charging(Bluetooth)
You can charge from USB port or power adapter which has USB outlet.
Class 2 Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR(Bluetooth controller only) Bluetooth module which Bluetooth controller uses is RN42 of Mcirochip:
Bluetooth module RN42 limitations(Bluetooth controller only) See this for detail. =
Japanese and Korean specific keys are not supported Bluetooth module RN42 cannot send HID keyboard usage more than 0x65. This won't affect most of latin language users. On USB connection all keyboard usages can be sent.
Mouse button 4,5(BTN4, BTN5) and horizontal wheel not supported Mouse button1,2,3(left, right, middle) and vertical wheel are supported. =
NKRO does not work on Bluetooth Bluetooth is 6KRO like normal keyboards. =
System control is not supported It can't send Power, Wake and Sleep keys.
No USB Hub(USB and Bluetooth controller) Controller has no USB Hub fucntion, you lose two USB downstream ports and they turn into just two empty holes on HHKB Pro2.
Short battery life(Bluetooth controller only) Around 12 hours with 850mAh. Around 30 hours with 2600mAh. BT Controller needs to use battery power to scan HHKB key matrix and get minimum latency on Bluetooth. If you don't mind slow scan rate and latency you can make battery life a little longer but not so much, HHKB and the module is power hog in the end.
Lipo Battery is not included(Bluetooth controller only) Lipo battery is not included. And it cannot be shipped from Japan due to regulations.
You have to purchase battery for BT controller, see
Bluetooth Battery section below for the detail.
Karabiner doen't recognize Bluetooth inputs on Mac(Bluetooth controller only) Key strokes from Bluetooth are ignored by default. To make Karabiner recognize them enable option 'Allow devices which Vendor ID and Product ID are zero.'.
See this issue. AT YOUR OWN RISK. I can not be liable for any damage.
NO FRIENDLY CUSTOMER SUPPORT. You are required to teach yourself first.
NOT PROFESSIONAL JOB. I'm not a professional.
NOT LEAD FREE. I use leaded solder to assemble.
how to change Bluetooth name More name 'TmkBT-XXXX' is stored actually in Bluetooth module RN42 and you can change 'TmkBT' part while '-XXXX' part is not configurable and it is last 4digits of bluetooth address.
You can change this line, build and upload firmware.
You can change the name by editing this line then build and upload firmware. you have to initialize RN42 module with LShift+RShift+ScrollLock(Fn+O). The intialization is nedeed just once after firmware is updated. Refer to 'MANUAL of Bluetooth Controller' below.
Rev.B: 2014/03
Rev.C: 2014/08
Rev.D: 2014/10 Fix for Bluetooth 2014/11 Fix for Bluetooth ERRATA found for following revisionsRev.F: 2014/12
Rev.F(batch2): 2015/01
Rev.G: 2015/03 2015/07 Fix thermal releif spokes for reset/program button
Rev.I: 2015/12 Changed USB mini-B connector SMT to TH
Rev.J 2016/01 Removed C13 and added logo on silk layer
Rev.Ucm 2021-2024 USB Type-C receptacle support
RESOURCES:TMK firmware supports the controller and provides various features for the keyboard. You can use the features fully by building your own firmware from source codes. See following links for the detail.
Design files, source codes and the detail of the controller are available.
OTHER INFO:Old GB thread: for USB Hub hole by alienman82: for USB Hub hole and Qi charger by manisteinn: by RavenIl: reddit postTROUBLESHOOT:First of all, Use default firmware to test your hardware.Note that
there are four variants of controller fimware. Dowload
proper firmware from Keymap Editor without editing keymap and flash it when you are in trouble.
USB for Pro1/Pro2 |
Bluetooth for Pro2 |
USB for ProJP |
Bluetooth for ProJPBluetooth:Check 'Bluetooth controller' of MANUAL section below, first.Flash default firmware if you have problem after flashed firmware yourself.Download firmware from Keymap Editor without editing keymap:
Bluetooth for Pro2 |
Bluetooth for ProJPController can connect but doesn't register at all on Bluetooth while does on USB?You are using firmware for *USB* controller(not Bluetooth) perhaps. With the wrong firmware Bluetooth controller works completely on USB while it doesn't register any keys on Bluetooth but it can still connect with computer.
Use proper Bluetooth firmware for your controller, download from Keymap Editor you can find above.How to connectTry following steps when you are in trouble.
1. Turn on blueooth on keyboard by slide switch on controller.
2. Turn on blueooth on your computer, and remove/disconnect keyboard if it is already paired/connected.
3. Press
Left Shift, Right Shift and P on keyboard to remove pairing infos. You should see red BT LED blinking at this time and it indicates that your keyboard is discoverable from computer now.
4. Add keyboard on computer. These may help: Computer cannot find/connect bluetooth controller?Try 'How to connect' above.
Have repeated or random key intput?Try 'How to connect' above.
If you are using developer preview vesion of Windows or MacOS you may have weird problem on bleutooth. Some people had to update drivers, fix/remove OS configuration files or etc. Stay on stable realse or you will have to search solution yourself on the net.
Have bluetooth trouble in MacOS?First, make sure you have correct firmware for Bluetooth controller, see entry above. Try removing '~/Library/Preferences/', '/Library/Preferences/' or both then reboot your Mac. You will have to do pairing process with all your devices again after this. This seems to be common solution for bluetooth trouble on MacOS. Refer to following links as well. have problem and heed help?Post your problem on this thread to share with the community!MANUAL:Firmware/KeymapMore
Keymap EditorYou can try HHKB keymap editor first. You can download pre-build firmware after editing your keymap. Some features are not available but it is easy to use.
Build firmwareIf Keymap Editor is not enough it is time to edit source codes and build firmware yourself. short,
$ cd keyboard/hhkb
make -f Makefile
for USB controller
$ make -f Makefile.rn42
for Bluetooth controller
Flash FirmwareMore
You can use
dfu-programmer or
Atmel FLIP to program microcontroller on the board. To get controller into bootloader(program) mode you can push red button on back or press key combo "LShift+RShift+Fn+P(Pause)" with default keymap. Microcontroller of board is Atmel
ATMega32u4. InstallationMore
1. Unscrew three bolts on bottom and open case carefully not to damage cables.

2. Unscrew bolt at top right on board first and then unmate connector to remove original board.
Note that you don't need any tool to unmate. See this.
3. Mate with connector of Alt board firmly and screw.
For Bluetooth: Also connect Lipo battery to board. Battery should be fixed with double sided adhesive tape or something but
too strong stickyness may deform and damage battery when you remove it.

4. Close case and scew bolts.
Make sure ferrite core on cables are placed right position like pic above beore screwing, otherwise It won't close decently.
Bluetooth ControllerMore
BT SwitchThis turn on Bluetooth function of controller and switch keyboard into Bluetooth mode. When this switch is off keyboard works in USB mode.
BT LED It lights
red when Bluetooth is connected to host,
blinks red(once per second) when waiting for connection and
blinks red(10 times per second) when Bluetooth module is config mode.
BAT LEDWhen keyboard are powered with USB it lights
green if battery is fully charged or ligths
red if charging. And it lights
red to alarm for low battery when not powered with USB.
Charging with USBLipo battery can be charged when keyboard is powered with USB cable. You can power it with USB port on PC and 5V USB power adapter. Charging battery with low voltage takes long time or can't charge full. Note that cheap or unpowered USB hub may not be able to supply enough power.
PairingYou can connect keyboard with OS specific method during red BT LED is blinking. You can make up to eight pairing with different hosts, according to manual of RN42. cannot pair with new host during keyboard is connected to a host. To pair with new host you have to disconnect by turning off the host's Bluetooth radio, removing pairing info from the host, keeping away enough to make its radio unreachable or use magic command 'p' to remove pairing info from keyboard.
Auto ConnectKeyboard is automatically connected to host once pairing process is done.
Keyboard is always connected host to which keyboard connected last time.This means you can't connect keyboad to other hosts when the last host are in reachable range. In this case you will have to make keyboard into pairing mode forcibly using magic command 'p' and redo pairing process.
Also see
this post.
Magic commandsPrefix of magic command are
LShift + RShift.
i displays Bluetooth information on
hid_listen console.
b displays battery voltage on console.
Delete enter/exits Bluetoot module RN42
config mode on console. See RN42 manual.
Scroll Lock initializes module with TMK default configuration.
p put keyboard into pairing mode focibly. Note that this removes all pairing infos.
u switches between USB and Bluetooth mode.
RN42 initializeThis is not needed in most cases. You can initialize module as a last resort when you are in trouble and any other method doesn't help. You should follow steps below with special care to prevent the module from being cofigured incompletely or wrongly.
0. Turn BT swich off and unplug USB cable.
1. open
hid_listen. You can do without it but I recommend strongly.
2. Plug USB cable and wait for keyboard to startup for 5 seconds.
3. Press key combo of LShift+RShift+ScrollLock(Fn+O).
4. Turn BT switch on. You will see output below on hid_listen.
5. Do not touch keyobard until the command completes or for 20 seconds.
Now module is configured with default setting and in pairing mode. You may need extra power cycle for pairing, try BT switch off and on.
Output on hid_listen from initialize command.
Entering config mode ...
Ver 6.15 04/26/2013
(c) Roving Networks
Exiting config mode ...
RN42 config modeYou need
hid_listen to access this mode. You can change configuration of Bluetooth module with this.
Don't change baud rate! Never! Firmware will lose access to the modlue and you need to communicate to the module with 3.3V UART adapter hardware to fix this problem.
This may brick your Bluetooth module. Read all documents of RN42 before do this. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE NOT SURE.See this for configuration commands. for other documents. Factory ResetWhen you make a mess of the module configuration you can do Factory Reset. This resets the module factory default settings.
Quote from manual.
To reset the module to the factory defaults, GPIO4 should be high on
power-up and then toggle low, high, low, high with a 1 second wait between the transitions.
You can toggle GPIO4 with two pads labeled as "F.RST" in pic below. You can turn it high(ON) by closing the pads with tweezer, paper clip, or screwdriver and low(OFF) by keeping open. reset you have to initialize the module to use it as Bluetooth keyboard.
Bluetooth BatteryMore
UPDATE:2014/05/01 GB was closed and moved to artisan service.
2015/08/22 components for next batch were ordered, it will take a few weeks to be delivered.
2015/09/10 waiting for PCB 7-10days
2015/10/07 All components are stocked for all variants now.
2015/11/09 Keymap editor was updated
2016/01/11 Updated keymap editor
2016/04/16 Revised price of USB controller
2016/08/31 New keymap editor: also finally available for ProJP
2016/10/01 out of stock
2016/10/07 back in stock
2017/04/28 All variants are virtually always in stock.
2017/06/06 Added note for shipping to Canada.
2018/09/08 Shipping to Canada is no problem now. Removed caveat.
2019/11/21 Type-C controller is tetatively available.
2021/03/29 Revised shipping rate
2021/04/12 Revised price of controller
2022/01/01 Bluetooth controller is available again.
2022/03/09 Revised price of controller
2022/04/12 Change ORDER instruction