Actually I have no problem with Southpaw! And I also already saw that IC and follow it.
For the keyboards mentioned above, a quick check on Reddit r/mm returns me either no one selling them, or they are selling at $1500+ which is something a I cannot afford 
So yeah, I will definitely follow this Sar. And also Zambumon's Fisterra 
Good to know you like it!
Regarding the boards I first suggested, you won’t find either on r/mm, since they haven’t reached GB yet. The Wyvern is still in IC on Geekhack, as is the Flx Apogee.
As mentioned before, I suggest joining the Discord for the Wyvern, they sound almost ready to start the GB. Apogee is one of my first favourites in the hobby, the curves seem beautiful to me. But it’s been idle for a while, it looks like Flx is quite busy with other things at the moment.
All indications are that the GB will still happen though. all accounts, Flx is an outstanding designer, I hope I have the budget for the Apogee when it happens.
I think the other boards will probably be quite pricey on r/mm, yes.