I got myself a Rubber Dome Model M, since I wanted one to round out the collection and the price on them is so good. (50 bucks gets you a mint perfect condition one most of the time. and you can spend less if you are willing to clean it.)
I got it for work, and was using it at work before COVID hit, and then I got a soft touch Model M which is miraculously even quieter.
I would say if you ever get the chance Maledicted, you should give a rubber dome Model M a shot. It's the best Rubber dome you'll find. (I don't know Topre, so I'm not counting them here, they may be amazing from what I hear.) Very snappy, very tactile, and pretty quiet. May not change your mind, but it's not your average RD.
That said the soft touch Model M I have is somehow even quieter, and Buckling spring so it's going into the office.
Still, point being, Maybe years from now this sort of price will make sense, but not now. Save your money (Potential reader) and get the same thing for half the cost.