>Interest Check Forrrm<[Vendors]Europe - Delta Key Co (Lead vendor)
US - Divinikey
Asia - Geon
UK - Prototypist
China - ZFrontier
Australia - KeebzNCables
Canada - Minokeys
Get your Grrrrr on![Colorways]●
WoB : CR/WS1 to go with any WoB sets such as Blanc sur Noir
Beige : U9/CR for all your OG sets (and others, 9009...)
[FAQ]What the?At last, a kit where your alt Grrrrr will be truly grrrowling and angrrry.
Sale format: In-stock. Yup!
Some reasons for that:
● Shipping ain't cheap for a small kit.
● Wouldn't you rather be able to throw that in your cart on top of something else? Impulse buy anyone?
● Novelties kits have a history of being sold in stock.
Price goal: ~25€
● We already have a quote from GMK.
● Talks with some vendors have began.
● Final price will depend on which MOQ we can achieve.
When: TBD
We'll update this thread.
Why the IC then? After gauging French community's interest and feedback earlier this year, which went pretty well, a couple of questions remain.
First, we'd like to hear from you if you're interested.
While this IC helps with exposure, any data we can collect might help convince vendors to commit for a few more sets,
hitting a better MOQ threshold, leading to a better price, etc. Also...
R5: Yea or nay?
Some people voiced their interest for some beige R5 keycaps during the initial French IC.
While this adds up to the cost of the kit, it technically allows to cover an extra keyboard.
Let us know what you think in the
IC forrrm!
[Credits]This small child kit is born from a collaboration between me and my friends at Flatbrains!,
Plaketdebeur & Louckousse, as well as kustom3 & Druz, Grrrrr on them <3
Some might say you don't need all these people to create such a small kit, but the more
friends you have supporting your crazy ideas, the louder your Grrrrr will be.
Winner of Blacksimon's keyset battle royal 2024
>Interest Check Forrrm<[Flatbrains! Discord] | [@.bagri on Discord][Perfect match?][UPDATES]20.10.2024 Hey folks,
Here's an update about where the project is, and where it's headed.
We've received a lot of positive feedback as well as constructive criticism through the IC form and
other channels, including some requests for some extra kitting. We've requested new quotes from
GMK to get a sense of how it would impact the overall price to include the most requested features:
- WoB R5
- Dolch
- a separate Evil Dolch kit to go along with the Evil Dolch R2 that ran recently
We have yet to hear back from GMK after several requests for quotes over the past weeks.
We're in touch with vendors from multiple regions to make this happen. As soon as GMK gets back to us,
we'll make a decision on the final kitting, confirm the vendors' commitment, and proceed with the production.
yours grrrly
09.12.2024 Hello everrrrryone,
We have some exciting news to share with you today!
First, thanks to your feedback, and after discussing with vendors, we are excited to announce that
we will be offering 3 different sets for Alt Grrrrr!
• a 12 caps Beige + WoB kit (as per the original IC);
• a 5 caps Dolch kit;
• a 5 caps Evil Dolch kit.
These are 3 different kits that can be purchased separately as per the renders.
Beige/WoB colorways are bundled together, whereas Dolch and Evil Dolch will be sold as 2 distinct sets.
Second, we can now release the vendors list for all regions:
Europe - Delta Key Co (Lead vendor)
US - Loobed Switches
Asia - Geon
UK - Prototypist
China - ZFrontier
Grrrrr to them for agreeing to offer this project as an in-stock sale format! <3
Last but not least, we have now confirmed everything with GMK, meaning that the Alt Grrrrr production is in their pipeline
with an estimated lead time of 12 weeks.
With shipping time to vendors, packaging etc, we aim for a shipping to customer early Q2 2025.
That's all for now !
Yours grrrly <3
30.01.2025 Hi !
Good week ! GMK is ahead of schedule and vendors are starting to receive their kits

Sells will start asap so check your vendors discord/website !
For the US, unfortunately Loobed switch will no longer be selling the kits due to recent events.
However I'm glad to say that Divinikey will be taking the spot as US vendor !
We are also welcoming KeebzNCables as a new vendor for Australia !Looking forward to see pictures from you all !
Cheerrrrrs !
31.01.2025 Hello again !
Small update to say Minokeys is joining the sell as well for Canada !
That is concluding the vendor list

11.02.2025 Hello !
All invoices have been sent by GMK to recently added vendors, including those replacing Loobed.
All vendors advised invoices were paid yesterday or are being settled today.
GMK advised everything should be shipped by the end of the week to all remaining vendors.
