Lately (Read in the last 2 weeks), your donations have been going towards:
I also discovered a machine that will fold paper automatically and thermal label printers. I'm bidding on eBay on both to try and grab them for as cheap as I can. Since the money is *donated* I try and get the best deals I can.
Tonight I learned that is compatible with thermal label printers. I've been exploring options to get away from hand addressing envelops because it takes too long. I'd like to print off stamps and shipping labels through so I'll be signing up for the subscription. Please considering donating as this will become a recurring monthly bill that will directly go into making the zine better. If I don't have to go to the PO or hand address envelopes, I'll be able to turn zines around faster. Don't worry, I'm exploring options to still include something handwritten.
I'm also looking into getting special stickers and having shirts made. I know I've been talking a lot about having stuff for sale and I'm working towards that. I'm trying to build stock and seeing if my work life stabilizes for a good amount of time.