Quick comments ahoy!
- "Short" left Shift for ISO and ISANSI keyboards is 1.25U long, not 1.5U.
- You have an R4 \| key (that's good), but lack an R3 \| key. Note that the latter NEEDS to be present, while the former may be replaced by an R4 <> key if you prefer that one.
- That vertical Enter looks weird.
- I don't think I've ever seen a set where the 1.5U mods (Ctrl and Alt) are all replaced by 1.75U long counterparts. Do molds for those exist? Using those would require an 8U spacebar (WKL-like) or a 6U spacebar with 1U "Win" keys (which I don't see in the set).
- 1.75U Shift key but no accompanying R4 1U Fn key.
- Shouldn't the 1U R1 Delete key be Backspace instead?
- Two R1 1U Alt keys, no 1U Ctrl keys.
- On a strictly subjective note, I find the color assignments for the keys themselves rather weird.