Interesting set. I see that OP is taking legends from mstone 훈민정음 and that he/she has cross checked with some Korean community members. I have been looking for hangul alphas for BoW/WoB since I missed Projectkeyboard GB but this set takes it a step further. I like the idea and development but in its current state, I sadly would not join. The following is just my two cents trying to give constructive feedback, not tryna knock on anyone.
For me personally, the nav cluster+3 above keys translations definitely have an inconsistency. For example, 그림 갈무리[print] meaning "finish off drawing," has become the modern word for print, 인쇄. 지우기[del] has similarly modernized into 삭제. Now, I have no issue with updating translations in and of itself but they do look out of sync with some of the adjacent keys that have not been updated. For example, 끼워넣기[act of inserting] has become 끼워넣다, which merely changes the tense(for lack of a better word) in which [act of inserting] is represented. In my opinion another word such as 삽입 might be more consistent with a more modernized look and sound of the legends. Also another small thing, 종료[end] seems to be a slightly mistranslated. There are other words/phrases I might consider for the other keys as well.